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Everything posted by MrHermeteeowish

  1. One of my favourite Sole Survivors to play as is Boston's star pitcher, Matt "The Missile" Murtagh. Running around the Commonwealth like the Baseball Furies on Buffout is the best way to play Fallout 4 in my opinion. Such a famous athlete deserves a distinctive uniform, so I ask for a Baseball Uniform featuring Murtagh's name and number, 111 (By 2077, I'm sure enough numbers were retired to allow player numbers in the hundreds). If it's possible to also remove the patches on the uniform's shoulder and legs without too much mesh trouble, it would be appreciated. This is genuine sports memorabilia here! Item stats could remain the same, or include a small Strength bonus, along with a reasonable increase in value. Please allow it to be upgraded with ballistic weave, like the standard Baseball Uniform. Murtagh's Uniform can be sold by Moe Cronin, or taken (not stolen, please) from a display case Moe's house in Diamond City.
  2. Here are two spells that I've been wanting fa a while! The first is an Expert-level Destruction spell called Annihilate. It's a continuous stream of energy (Like Flames or Sparks) that will cause flesh to burn off the victim, leaving them as a skeleton or a pile of red bones on death. Should be as gruesome and painful as possible. The other is a tad friendlier. It's an Adept-level Illusion spell named Enthrall. It's simple, really. Casting Enthrall on an enemy will put them into a trance, causing them to follow and fight for you until you cast Enthrall on them again. Depending on the enemy, they could be frenzied when no longer enthralled. It works like Dead Thrall, except your minion isn't dead. Yet. I figure if NPC vampires have thralls, why not me? Thanks for reading! Hopefully one of you talented modders can bring this to life!
  3. @Heyy_Adrian I was having the same problem, and disabling Unique Region Names fixed it! I never would have guessed it was the issue. Thanks for your help!
  4. There is a hoodless version of the Thalmor robes in the game already. There are two copies that I know of. Ancano wears one, and there's a full set of hoodless Thalmor clothing in their Embassy (in the room to the left of the gossiping guards). Hope this helps!
  5. It should work just like the Dead Thrall spell, but doesn't require Master-level Conjuration. I think they could be added to the vendor list, or craftable at the Atronach Forge!
  6. What I'd like is a dynamic mod that automatically adjusts this distance whenever you equip a new armor.
  7. Hi! I was hoping someone could edit the Thieves Guild Armor (and, by extension, the Guild Master and Linwe Armor) to remove the belt bag on the back left side. The bag clips with every greatsword I use and it's rather annoying. If you'd like I could also post a picture of exactly which bag I mean. Thanks!
  8. It's happened again! This time while being inducted into the Thieves Guild. Help, anyone?
  9. Now this one's annoying. In my current game, I'll be watching a conversation where one of the NPCs should talk to me, but they don't. Activating them results in a "this person is busy" glitch, where they just stand there without responding as they would during the conversation. First, it was in the Underforge talking to Skjor. Instead of asking me if I want to join in the beast blood, he stands there like an idiot. I hit him with an Unrelenting Force, and that fixed it. Next was at Kodlak's funeral. Eorland wouldn't ask me to get Kodlak's fragment of Wuuthrad, but and enable/disable fixed that. Now I'm on First Lessons at the College, and Tolfdir wouldn't ask me about safety. I used setstage to advance to Under Saarthal. Is there a way to fix this once and for all? These glitches are very annoying and a complete immersion breaker. EDIT: Clarity
  10. The moment I started playing as a Nord, I knew the Battlecry should be replaced with the distinctive yell from the Immigrant Song. LINK I'm sure this is a copyright nightmare, so maybe a modder's resource would work?
  11. Apparently it was pretty buggy in New Vegas. The only way they got away with putting it in was that you're probably a very low level at Goodsprings, so not a lot of variables would be changed. Skyrim, on the other hand, I imagine as incredibly complex next to New Vegas, and changing anything about your character, anytime, would break the game. At least that's my theory. Maybe if you got to a really high level in Goodsprings and then messed with your character when prompted, you'd break New Vegas.
  12. Well I'll be damned. It works! Thanks, buddy! showracemenu is still far too buggy for my liking, though. Maybe someone will make a mod that lets you change your hairstyle or your eye colour without breaking the damn game. We could visit a cranky old mage named Pinkerton in the Midden who fixes you up with Illusion magic. If you can fight your way past angry Mudcrabs and gas traps, that is.
  13. I did some reading at UESP, and the FormID for Nord Blood is 000aa020. What command should I use to apply this to my Active Effects? Source: UESP, Skyrim:Nord
  14. The biggest problem showracemenu seems to have is the loss of your race's abilities. My character has lost his Nord Blood frost resistance, and now he's a disgrace to his people, apparently. Is there a console command to restore this effect, or a mod that lets you change your appearance without ruining your character?
  15. Y'know what bugs me about Steel Plate/Dwarven/Daedric/Ebony armour? Your face somehow becomes a void from which no light can escape. Now this makes sense for the Daedric Helmet, but not the others. Would one of you talented modders mind adding a bit of transparency? I didn't spend 40 minutes crafting my face and adding wicked scars only to have my head become invisible.
  16. Hey, I'd just be happy to have a wedding that isn't ruined by Lydia's corpse.
  17. I'm having the same problem, and I'm running a pretty powerful machine here. Not a laptop, either.
  18. I seem to have broken cells that cause CTD whenever I enter them (unless I'm lucky), So far I have 2: Goodsprings, and near Field's Shack.
  19. Here's an idea: Change the eject device (taking out a flash drive or turning off a printer) sound to "See you around!" or "I'll miss you!" or something to that effect. And if there's an error, Yes Man could say, "The (platinum) chip's a proprietary format! You'll need special hardware to read it." Also, I'm not hearing nearly enough Yes Man. Maybe he could say a random phrase every now and then?
  20. I'm having a similar problem when I change cells. Annoying as hell. I find if I close other applications (especially Firefox), that helps. I still get CTDs, but not as often. Then again, it might be random, and I'm finding patterns where they don't exist. I'm running about 130 mods, and I also have FNV4GB and a fresh merged patch.
  21. I'm having a rather frequent glitch where custom textures don't load when I enter a new cell. Sometimes it only affects one or two textures (like a building or a shelf), and sometimes entire rooms are black. So far, the only way to fix it is to quit the game and launch it again. It's pretty darn annoying. Does anyone else have this problem, or, even better, a solution?
  22. No idea why, but the radio signal that triggers Trouble on the Homefront never happened. I tried the resetquest function to no avail. Is there a different command I can use to start the quest?
  23. The theme needs a quick, generic 'asterisk' sound that won't become incredible annoying with Yes Man's voice. What the name of the 'Activate' click sound from the game, so I can extract it?
  24. I extracted and renamed a bunch of great Yes Man quotes in .ogg format. Windows Themes uses .WAV, so they need to be converted to that. PM me you email and I'll send you the files!
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