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Everything posted by LegoManIAm94

  1. I have added the changes both of you told me to add but I get the following errors 01.txt c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\WEATHERCONTROLQSCRIPT.psc(9,16): cannot compare a globalvariable to a int (cast missing or types unrelated)c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\WEATHERCONTROLQSCRIPT.psc(10,6): variable Player is undefinedc:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\WEATHERCONTROLQSCRIPT.psc(10,13): none is not a known user-defined typec:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\WEATHERCONTROLQSCRIPT.psc(10,32): variable MarkarthWorld is undefinedc:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\WEATHERCONTROLQSCRIPT.psc(17,16): cannot compare a globalvariable to a int (cast missing or types unrelated)c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\WEATHERCONTROLQSCRIPT.psc(18,34): cannot compare a weather to a int (cast missing or types unrelated)c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\WEATHERCONTROLQSCRIPT.psc(19,7): variable Player is undefinedc:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\WEATHERCONTROLQSCRIPT.psc(19,14): none is not a known user-defined typec:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\WEATHERCONTROLQSCRIPT.psc(19,33): variable MarkarthWorld is undefined 02.txt c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\WEATHERCONTROLSCRIPT.psc(18,5): missing FUNCTION at 'ibutton'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\WEATHERCONTROLSCRIPT.psc(18,13): mismatched input '=' expecting LPARENc:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\WEATHERCONTROLSCRIPT.psc(0,0): error while attempting to read script WEATHERCONTROLSCRIPT: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
  2. I have done fine so far but I expanded my scripts and they just wont compile beyond this point. I cannot fix it. I copied the texts into notepad text files to easily read and put them in the zip below. 01.txt - Line 7 I want it to see if WEATHERVAR is NOT EQUAL to WEATHERVARNEW global variable. I made the variables in the creation kit. If it was Oblivion I would go "if ( WEATHERVAR != WEATHERVARNEW)" 02.txt - Line 17 It is to open the WEATHERMENUChanging message menu which I made in the creation kit under messages.
  3. I have a mod and I want to convert it to Skyrim, I just dont understand the scripting. If someone who knows scripting in Skryim and could help me make a mod that can change the weather to what you please. Here is a link to the Oblivion version. The mod is 95% scripting in Oblivion and I will do as much as I can.
  4. I have this static and I want it to be a piece of clothing/armor that acts as a pair of gauntlets. (Hands) The model is a rowboat. I know it sounds weird but when it equip on the player it should make him look like he is in a boat when in 1st person. I have done it for Morrowind but cannot get it to work for Oblivion. If someone can merge the two models into one and it works in the game I will credit them when my mod is done.
  5. I am wanting a fishing pole which will be use as a BluntTwoHand weapon in the Construction Set. I would like it to use Vanilla textures and make it look like a fishing pole from hundred or years ago and not a modern one. Here is a picture of one leaning on the chair in Morrowind. Something like that will work fine. http://images.uesp.net/3/3a/MW-npc-M%27Aiq_the_Liar.jpg
  6. cookingpot3 works! Thank you so much. I also made it a second model which is a static (Red collision) of it. Just need to finish up the mod now.
  7. I would like to try that model. Could you please send me a link.
  8. I did find the model but the two back pillars are not apart of it. And in Nifskope the model is on a 45 degree angle I can always fix that. Is the back half of the model a separate model?
  9. I did try that in Nifskope and done it before on models but It doesn't work. I almost need the collision to connect to the model which so far it hasn't.
  10. I am not a good at working with nif files and have been working on this model. Its all done except when I convert it to be a misc item with collision it doesn't work in-game. You can walk through it and can't pick it up. If someone could please make it so it can be dragged and picked up like any misc item and also as a static that cannot be dragged.
  11. It seems at bit too big but I would try that model out. I uploaded a image in the zip of a tanning rack from Morrowind. That model will work too.
  12. I have been working on a mod and I still need a tanning rack model just like the one in Skyrim (Pictures are below). If possible I would like it to use vanilla texures such as vanilla wood texture and a skin from a bear or wolf texture. http://images.uesp.net/d/da/SR-activity-Tanning_Rack.jpg http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120612192049/elderscrolls/images/f/f0/TanningRack.png
  13. I am a modder for Morrowind and Oblivion but Skyrim is just a pain and I hate the new scripting and I can go on forever but I always wanted to control the weather in Skyrim & Solstheim to my likings whenever I want. I have made these mods for Morrowind and Oblivion and I hope if you like to help you do have a understanding in Oblivion or Morrowind modding or even both. Each mod I put 100% into and I can only do what the game engine allows me to. I made serperate mods per expansion and the expansion mods do not require the other weather mods to run (Ex: Shivering Isles Weather Control does not require Oblivion Weather Control). What I want is two weather mods for TES V. One that is for Skyrim and only requires Skyrim.esm. And the other for Dragonborn (Solstiem) and only requires Skyrim.esm, Dragonborn.esm. And you can use the Update.esm but I never understood how it works but try to not use if you can. And the weather control spell will be added onto the player by a script. Morrowind versions where perfect because the weather was linked to the regions so when you go from region A to B and it only rains in region A and only Ashstorms in region B it will switch over. I made it so it can always be clear, cloudy, foggy, overcast. It does not edit Red Mountain since the weather is controlled by the Main Quest which means you cannot choose to have Blight storms. In you can choose Rain/Ash & Thunderstorm/Ash. Rain/Ash will make it rain in regions that rain occurs and ashstorms in regions that ashstorms occurs. Thunderstorm/Ash will make it thunderstorm in regions that thunderstorms occurs and ashstorms in regions that ashstorms occurs. For Tribunal it has clear, cloudy, foggy, overcast, rain, thunderstorm. And weather control does not work during the ashstorms in Mournhold which is triggered during the main quest and will work again when you complete the main quest. Bloodmoon has clear, cloudy, foggy, overcast, and blizzards and snow is only occurs in northern climates. And in each mod you can choose to reset to default and then the weather is random like it was before you controlled it, The ring will be added onto the player by a startscript and once and end the script. Oblivion was not fully perfect and I think Skyrim will be the best example to follow than Morrowind. When your outside of all city worldspaces and in Tamriel worldspace any weather can happen. It can be clear, cloudy, foggy, overcast, rain, thunderstorm, or even snow. There is now way in the Oblivion engine to detect if the player is in the Jerall or Valus Mountain region so with this mod you can make it snow in Blackwood or rain in the Jerall Mounatins unless your inside a city worldspace. Bruma is in the mountains so if you selected rain or thunder it will snow anyways. Leyawiin is in a warmer climate and it you select snow it will rain instead. Also if the weather is currently changing when you choose to change it you can choose to cancel changing the weather or change it instantly to what you want it. You can choose to reset to default and then the weather is random like it was before you controlled it, The weather control item will be added into the player by a quest script and then the quest script will stop the current quest so it cannot be repeated again. For the Skyrim there a lot more weather options such as light snowfall and heavy snowfall and I would like these to all be seperate options. If you wish to help make this mod happen just PM or post here any questions, I will prefer only one modder who knows Skyrim well and has all Skyrim DLC. Two modders will be too many since this mod is not like making a big city or new landscape. Its mostly just scripting, Morrowind-(Vvardenfell)=http://morrowind.nexusmods.com/mods/28892 Tribunal-(Mournhold)=http://morrowind.nexusmods.com/mods/30766 Bloodmoon-(Solstheim)=http://morrowind.nexusmods.com/mods/30763 Oblivion-(Cyrodiil)=http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/28951 Shivering Isles=http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/30762
  14. I have been working on the mod but its been slow. Does anyone understand how to make a Quest Objective say "Report to <?>" and there will be two target refs and only one will show depending on certain conditions? Also I am having issues with some packages since Rikke and Galmar will leave the camp before you can get back to report the victory at the fort you just took over. I will upload the mod at what it is so far and some saved game fles that start off during certain quest to reduce testing time.
  15. The civil war quests are fun but the thing that makes them so annoying is that everytime you take a hold you have to travel back to Windhelm/Solitude and report back to Ulfric Stormcloak/General Tullius telling him you took the hold and get promoted and what is next. I like to be treated more like a soldier not some messager boy. I wish a mod could change the quest objectives and dialogue to report back to Galmar Stone-Fist/Legate Rikke back at the camps after you take Whiterun or a fort in the hold and Galmar Stone-Fist/Legate Rikke can promote you and tell you where to go next. I tried to make the mod work but the CK is a pain to use. I am only good a modding Oblivion and Morrowind.
  16. I will start over again then. Such a hard achievement to get and the only one left I need before Dragonborn comes out.
  17. I have Skyrim on PC which is though steam and I have done the following Daedric Quests and gotten the following artifacts Quest Name - Artifact The Black Star - Azura's Star Boethiah's Calling - Ebony Mail A Daedra's Best Friend - The Rueful Axe Discerning the Transmundane - Oghma Infinium (Have Not Read & Chose a Spell) Ill Met By Moonlight - Savior's Hide (Sold The Ring of Hircine) The Cursed Tribe - Volendrung Pieces of the Past - Mehrunes' Razor (Did Kill Silus Vesuius) The Whispering Door - Ebony Blade The Break of Dawn - Dawnbreaker The House of Horrors - Mace of Molag Bal The Taste of Death - Ring of Namira A Night To Remember - Sanguine Rose The Mind of Madness – Wabbajack Waking Nightmare - Skull of Corruption And Finally the next quest I just saved before I return to Peryite Shrine for my reward incase something happens. And Once I do this I would have 15 quests & artifacts in my inventory and no achievement unlocks. The Only Cure - Spellbreaker
  18. They aready made a game called Redguard and if there next dic was called Redguard it does not make sense why they will make two things named Redguard. It is like naming the TES V expansion Dragonborn to Bloodmoon instead which will cause confusion since it was used as TES III Bloodmoon. And I doubt it will be all of Hammerfell since most expansion will not add the landmass as big or bigger than the main game landmass itself which is Skyrim. It would be nice to have all of Hammefell for the next dlc. Or even better this is the next elder scrolls game. I can see it being Stros M'Kai only as the dlc since they did Solstheim twice. I do hope i get all of Hammerfell dlc or new game and rebels againts the Thalmor will be awesome.
  19. I did not edit the factions itself. Just added them to the NPCs under faction.
  20. Did you also cross reference your new race with the Bruma Guards faction? If you add A to faction B, you also have to set B's relationship to A -- it's a two-way thing. Were do you edit this, Race menu, faction menu.
  21. I did add them to th BrumaFaction & the BrolusFamilyFaction which is a family faction in Bruma which was the husband and wife share the same house.
  22. I believe if you use MGE 3.8.2 it can accept those numbers but 3.8.0 it will not.
  23. I have made a mod that add new non-playable races into Oblivion but when you assault one of them in a city (Bruma to be specific) they will just flee but it will add onto your bounty and no guards come for you even if the assault right infront of a guard. How do you fix this?
  24. The shields in Morrowind were more visible first person that in Oblivion. I will like a mod that will make them more visible bu just changing the arm. In the picture that I photoshoped that arm in the vanilla and the new position. This will help me in a mod that is all ready except this one arm animation I cannot do.
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