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Everything posted by LegoManIAm94

  1. The map in Skyrim sucks. I did get the World Map - Skyrim Hold Borders which adds roads and hold borders and helps a lot but in the map mod you can turn and look left and right and I always takes me off course. If there is a mod that can disable it so you can only look strait north, look up-down then navigation will be at its best.
  2. I had the same problem as you a few years ago when I switch from Xbox to PC. I did find a solution and modified it. You can get it here.
  3. There are a lot of LPs on Youtube and the best one I have seen was made my jpgamer so far. But a HUGE tip is to do the Tribunal Temple before the Main Quest since you cannot complete the temple once you have gotten so far in the main quest. I made that mistake once.
  4. This link is a good examples for people who are new to another Elder Scroll game. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Differences_Between_Morrowind,_Oblivion,_and_Skyrim
  5. I will like it to be in Hammerfell or somewhere were lots of sailing can be done and ony a few years after Skyrim just like Oblivion was like to Morrowind only 6 years difference. And since Hammerfell is a sailing type place have it so you can control your own boat. But have the cities bigger than Skyrim since the sizes were brutal compared to Oblivion where not one city was as big as the Imperial City and only haf as big as the adverage city in Oblivion. Have the old map like in Oblivion. No werewolves or atleast choose to be or not to be one anc continue through the questline.
  6. I know Morrowind combat sucks since you swing a sword and always miss and the person who your fighting always hits you and you just end up dying or take five minutes fighting one person. Use the Better Gameplay mod. It makes combat more like Oblivion. And for graphics just download many texture packs and see what you like best. I liked some textures from some mods and some from other packs so I merge a few together to makes the best graphics to my taste. MGE does give distant land but can be tough on your computer and if so just decrease the distance. My is probably half of what it is in Oblivion but still is far enough to look real. I know going backward from Oblivion is tougher. I started from Morrowind and worked up to Skyrim. And Vivec is confusing but I got used to it just like when I first play Oblivion and got lost in the Imperial City but now know my way around. Vivec has the Foreign Quarter tower which is the tallest tower in Vivec to the north. Then south is four towers from east west Telvanni, Arena, Redoran, Hlaalu. South of that is from east to west St. Olms and St. Delyn. Then south is the Temple andsouth of that is the Palace which you will rarely go to. The poor live in the lower levels and the rich live in the upper like a ship.
  7. I know that MGE 3.8.2 is incomplete but 3.8.0 is stable. If you have not tried 3.8.0 and feel like giving it a try just add the program and then open the GUI and check off "Disable MGE In game". This will not disable MWSE.
  8. I thing MGE has MWSE built in and I use it and it never crashes. And you don't need to add the distant land features if your PC cannot handle it.
  9. So your saying they should remake Morrowind with a new engine like the Skyrim engine or edit the Morrowind Engine and models so it is like Skyrim gameplay. Either way it would be nice but I like each game engine since they each have a feel to them. Using the same on for all three or so I would not really like. But thats just me.
  10. Are you having trouble with the models? I know the boat model could be hard to make.
  11. It is what I said above what you wanted well this is the script Change the (ScriptName) to the name of what you want the Script Make sure it is an Object script (By Default It Will Be) And it will require OBSE.
  12. So the sword can be used to swing and damage people (Default Mouse Click) but cannot be used to block (Defaul Alt). I can make it but it will require OBSE.
  13. The tanning rack can look a lot like the images from Skyrim. (There are two images on the page) The Rowboat will equip as a hand piece of armor and in the script the player cannot cast or use a weapon and 3rd person is disabled. The reason it is the hand since in 1st person that is the only thing showing that is your body. I tried to add the effect but as you can see the lines coming from the boat did not work. When it is in gamemode I want to to be equipped and in first person it looks like your sitting in a boat. No animation on both models Tell me if you need more.
  14. Here is the model. I do not care how it looks on the player in 3rd person but along it looks good on 1st person that all that matters.
  15. what do you mean by ignore armor. And can you make models?
  16. I need help with a few models since my skills in modeling suck. I have aready made the mod itself in the CS and is is mostly ready once the model is done. I have this boat model and I want it to be made so it can be worn as Gauntlets. Sounds wierd but its a boat mod were you can use a rowboat instead of a horse and you equipped it as a piece of armor. I will upload the boat model if someone can agree to help. A tanning rack just like in Skyrim. Pictures can be found here if you do not have skyrim. Try to use vanilla textures like the vanilla wood and bear skin texture but that can be hard so if you cannot find a hide texture just leave it blank but make it so I can add a texture in Nifskope. LegoManIAm94
  17. Did you add the script to an item or make it a startscript?
  18. It is a pain and the Creation Kit is so buggy. I don't know how the people who made the game were able to finish it. They redone the scriping codes so it is like learning a foreign language which I was very comfortable with Oblivion or Morrowind codes. And I add vanilla statics in the CK and in game they only show up half the time. There are quite a few mods I want to make for Skyrim but it won't work with me. Oblivion was a bit of a pain when I started but not even close to Skyrim. I will just love someone to make a conversion of Oblivion to Skyrim scripting codes like GetStage, Begin Gamemode, etc.
  19. Skyrim is a new engine and new feel. With Morrowind and Oblivion you can tell they feel simular. Oblivion is easier to understand but Skyrim is toughter to understand. There both good games just can you handle all the things Skyrim offers because I cannot even keep track of it all.
  20. I tried that but it stills does not show up half the time.
  21. I added a building (WHmarket04) in WindhelmWorld and added a door (WHDoor01) and a sign post (SignWHPost01) and in the CK the items are always there but in the game the building only shows up half the time. If I exit and reenter the WindHelmWorld cell it appears or disappears. I don't see any traits in the reference that will cause this.
  22. It works fine. I just had to retexture it which was no problem!
  23. I am impressed. Can you also try and export it from Blender so it works with Morrowind. I can always texture it through nifskope.
  24. No the vanilla textures are fine. I am very impressed man. You did a awesome job!
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