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Everything posted by Deleted1558078User

  1. My problem has been resolved, I had to copy the ''BSLightingShaderProperty'' from an original skyrim mesh, and assign the textures properly
  2. thanks ghastley, inverted faces can't be the problem, when i switch them in nifskope, the mesh gets weird and you can see through the front, to the back so to say. the textures might be a problem if you say it like that, i have an alpha channel, for tranparency because i pasted my armor over the roughspun tunic, and the roughspun tunic uses transparency for small parts, i copied that alpha channel, and pasted it into the alpha channel in my diffuse texture. is this wrong? the vertex weights can cause the problem too, but i did it the way like the tutorial, and how someone (with working custom armor) did it.. so i think the vertex weights are alright.
  3. Hello, first, This was the first time i'm using nifskope. i followed a lot of tutorials, even got people to explain it to me via screensharing. I did everything how it's supposed to be... at least i think, probably not because the armor is invisable :') I'ts really frustrating, i double, triple checked everything, switched out the DismemberInstance things maybe 20 times... said yes to ''has vertex colors'' in NifSkope.... While I exported it from 3Ds max without checking vertex colers. Í hope it's just something really small and stupid that i missed... but still, i've been at it for 4 hours now and i kinda get really frustrated haha xD I hope somebody can help and tell me what i did wrong. thanks in advance! here's a screenshot and the files i'm using. it's a start on the Uruk-Hai armor, i wanted to test if i could get it in-game.. so i made it to replace the PrisonerClothes or Roughspun Tunic Files: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/41702024/files.rar SCreenshot: http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm12/hexecc/2012-01-05_00002.jpg it's for skyrim.. just be be clear :')
  4. Hey, I was hoping someone was taking requests. well I have a small request, (i don't know if it really is small) maybe you or somebody else would like to do this. But I would like to top half of the ancient nord armor, combined with the lower half of the scaled armor. and with the nord armor upper arm braces removed. I don't really like the lower half of the ancient nord armor because.. it's just a little cloth, you know what i mean.. and the scaled armor has long and thick fur cloths around the legs in case my explenation is vague, I photoshoped something to show what i mean. here's the link to the picture. http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm12/hexecc/idea.jpg Many thanks in advance!
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