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Everything posted by AWarGuy

  1. Always go for a high end GPU, SSD are still expensive and it's going to take some time for the SSD's with lower storage space to drop prices.
  2. AWarGuy

    Dead Island

    I'm really enjoying this game, it's fun, gory and there are many things to do. I dislike the whole "revive in 7 seconds", there should have been manual save. autiosaves etc options (you die go to the previous save) and bugs.
  3. I would suggest a PSU Watt range between 600W-650W for future upgrades.
  4. That sucks, both the game and the book is brilliant.
  5. I do, not that often though and mostly online.
  6. At least DICE are now thinking about putting mod tools in BF3. http://www.cinemablend.com/games/DICE-Reconsiders-Adding-Mod-Tools-Battlefield-3-34733.html
  7. Interesting read, not quite sure how to react to it though.
  8. Finished Reading Metro 2033 by Dmitry Glukhovsky and reading the latest edition of PC Powerplay
  9. RAGE looks great, probably going to get it if I have some spare money (which I don't :tongue: )
  10. http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=Property&Subcategory=48&Description=&Type=&N=100007709&IsNodeId=1&srchInDesc=&MinPrice=&MaxPrice=&PropertyCodeValue=679%3A79235&PropertyCodeValue=679%3A79234&PropertyCodeValue=679%3A90543&PropertyCodeValue=679%3A90544 Damn I need to get a better PSU before I even think of upgrading.
  11. I have an Radeon 4870 1GB GDDR5 and it run games like Crysis & Metro 2033 on max settings with a good framerate so I'm fine, don't worry the 6870 is a good video card and you'll will be sure as hell fine with running new games! (I wouldn't mind an video card upgrade though :tongue: )
  12. Greetings, I've got an old PC lying around and I've decided to fix it and get up and running. I got an Ati Radeon 9250 video card for it (very old but hey spare parts are spare parts). Problem is that after 30 minutes the PC crashes, obivous that the video card is overheating So I cleaned out the PC Nope doesn't work Got a 400W PSU Nope still crashes. I'm getting fed up as this is the only decent spare video card I got lying around as the old PC has a Matrox Video Card that doesn't even have Direct 3D! Help? Cheers
  13. Gabriel Angelos from Dawn of War or Kane from the Command & Conquer series.
  14. I support this. Mass Effect 1 was amazing and Mass Effect 2 is my favourite game of all time.
  15. Command & Conquer Red Alert (PS1 and PC) Warzone 2011 (PS1)
  16. Caesar's Legion Have guns, a lot of soldiers and are fierce fighters
  17. Caesar's Legion Have guns, a lot of soldiers and are fierce fighters
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