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Everything posted by AWarGuy

  1. Caesar's Legion Have guns, a lot of soldiers and are fierce fighters
  2. I loved Borderlands GOTY, got it cheap at the steam sale and a good game, Fingers crossed Borderlands 2 will be good
  3. I like SSD's but they are way too expensive and offer little hard drive space, maybe in the next few years prices will go down and (hopefully) larger space will be offered.
  4. Go to the middle of Australia and bring lots of supplies for building shelter and food (middle of Australia is barren with little if no human population)
  5. Battlefield Bad Company 2 & STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl with complete mod.
  6. I like the PC version better, Borderlands is rather dodgey on the 360.
  7. He is a Right-wing Christian extremeist who was anti-Islam and wanted to get rid of Muslim Immigration, that is why he did it (I assume he belived Norway was a pro-Islam immigration country which is why he did it.) I can't believe this would happen to such a peaceful and an awesome country.
  8. Agreed, her music is pretty awful but she doesn't deserve to die young.
  9. Medic as I'm a good support person. I like using teamwork a lot on BC2.
  10. Forza Motosport 2 is also great on Xbox 360.
  11. MW2 & Black Ops A disgrace to the series, 1, 2 & 4 were amazing.
  12. I've only played Megaman once or twice before, should give it another go.
  13. I feel bad that I only paid $1 :sad:
  14. Is it bad that I've never played a Pokemon game before?
  15. Either BF2 or BC2 BF2 has Project Reality mod which is awesome. BC2 has great graphics and awesome mulitplayer. Don't make me decide!
  16. Command & Conquer Red Alert Truely my favourite RTS of all time (just beats Dawn of War, just) RIP Westwood Studios, gone but not forgotten.
  17. Born Adelaide, Australia but I live in Sunbury, Victoria, Australia.
  18. Saints Row 2 & Grand Theft Auto IV is good on 360.
  19. Get out of here Stalker.

    Get out of here Stalker

    Get out of here Stalker

    Get out of here Stalker

    Get out of here Stalker

  20. Oh god Jack Thompson going to love this. Norway is such an awesome Country, can't belive people would do these acts.
  21. I like how on Australian servers, people use teamwork and there is even the odd persons using Voice chat!
  22. A gaming laptop defeats the purpose of a laptop as they are designed to be mobile, gaming laptops become bricks as they need to stay in charge. Always go for a desktop!
  23. You can always buy Fallout 1 from Good Old Games. :thumbsup: If you don't trust online services, it's still being sold on CD, often bundled with Fallout 2 and Tactics. GoG are awesome, they even have some free games you can have a go at (freeware) , great website!
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