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  1. This might have been asked before, but could the following functionality be added to the website? Add a page (or filter) similar to Mod Download History, that only shows Mods Downloaded that have "Update Available" status.
  2. That was close, but this one just got posted and is even simpler (although it uses a Power/Shout instead of casting a spell.) Pocket Chest: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/67312/? I'll look into changing is to suit my needs from here.
  3. I know this has been done in several other places, but always it was part of a bigger mod or it added features that made it more than a simple summon spell (auto-sort, included with a bunch of other things, etc...) I unfortunately do not have a good simple example to work off of, I'm new to modding and don't know what goes into something like this. I've looked into the ESPs for Leveler's Tower (which has this very spell) but it is such an enormous mod in and of itself I can't make out what is absolutely mandatory for just this one thing: Summon Container. I also am completely inexperienced in using CK to added things to the world. I am very confident in using TES5Edit to make modifications, but actually placing new physical objects into the world, I'm lost. Could someone make a simple mod that adds: 1. Summon Container Spell (scriptless, or uses vanilla script assets only) 2. Summon Container Spell Book 3. Summonable Container 4. Place a container for the Summon Container Spell Book in a safe place in either Riverwood or Whiterun, keeping in mind ETAC, DoS, JK, etc... Non-respawnable, player belonging safe preferrably. I would say Breezehome would be perfect, except there are so many Breezehome mods this would be a nightmare to ensure that the container would be there the next time a person adds a new overhaul. Add nothing else, just these 4 things, so that the ESP will have exactly the minimum required for the spell, and a place to put the spellbook for the spell. The reasons for each item are as follows: 1, 2, and 3 are obvious. 4. As I said above, I really don't know all the ins and outs of placing new objects into the world or what would constitute a safe location to place a container. By adding this container I'll have a place that I can added things to using TES5Edit and I would know that it With this simple baseline it would be simple to added more Summonable Containers using TES5Edit, so that if someone wanted specific summonable containers. That is, Summon Dagger Container, Summon Ore Container, etc... All of this would be very easy to add later, by copy as new asset, rename the Summon Spell, Container, and Book for each container the person wanted in TES5Edit, and since the container is placed just added the new spellbooks to this already placed container.
  4. Is there a way to automatically generate facegen files for NPCs that doesn't involve individually opening every ESP that brings in an NPC into Skyrim in CreationKit? I just dread having to open and close 30-40 seperate ESPs in Creationkit (and hope the buggy piece of crap doesn't bomb out on me mid-load) and go NPC by NPC to generate Facegen data files. It seems error prone and laborious. Any help would be appreciated, if there is a solution available that is.
  5. No, my gpu is *NOT* overheating. Like I said, I've seen this error in a specific werewolf mod (just as an example), it has the same exact error mode (the rays that span out from where the werewolf is, using the same colors as the werewolf's skin) and they go away when I remove THAT mod. But I got the same exact error from some item (one was a set of gauntlets, that I foolishly did not write down the name of, so no I don't know which Armor/Weapons mod I got them from), but when I enabled/re-enabled them, the error went away. Which is why I'm asking, what causes this particular peculiar graphics error? I'm asking this, not so I can just remove the mod that is causing it, I'm asking so I know in the future when I see this whether I have any options to fix it, like say, replace that particular file. But at the moment I don't know what kind of file or configuration issue causes these errors.
  6. What I'm really asking, is what causes that specific graphics aberation. Like I said, I've seen this problem in two separate mods now, and I want to know what causes it *in general*, not what specifically is wrong in these mods. The one mod I know had a problem was a werewolf mod (from another site) which had I known what files cause this kind of error, I likely could have pulled a previous version of it to replace that *one* file, as a troubleshooting technique, to see if that would have been sufficient to fix it and continue using the rest of the newest version of the mod. If I know the answer to this, I can then usually quickly figure out what is causing the problem (some mod overwrites the wrong component of the Items graphics, etc... But if its something else (no overwriting, so no load order issue at all) but is due to a corrupted file during a mod upgrade (by the mod packager), then I can go about searching for a previous version and replacing that ONE file. See what I'm getting at? So, again, what causes graphics errors where the item blows up into a prismatic spray of rays spreading out from one central point (centered on the object) and fan out into infinity? What files usualy are the source of this kind of graphics error in game? Textures? Meshes? Skeletons? Etc...
  7. I have an in game graphics bug/error that I am unsure that the source is. I'm brand new to Skyrim (just bought the game a month ago), but I am definitely beyond a total neophyte thanks to the excellent YouTube tutorial videos. So, using Mod Organizer, everything is up to date and current. My issue (and I've seen this graphics error in other mods), it's where an item or monster from a mod is visually/geometrically exploded and sending out a star-burst of irregular rays centering on the item and blotting out the entire player field of view if that Item or Monster is within the Player's field of view, as long as the Player is not looking at the item AT ALL, no graphical aberrations are evident. What is the source of these errors? I figure it's some sort of texture/mesh mismatch, but it could be ESP problem and my Google-Fu is failing me as I can't find ANYTHING on the web that describes what I'm seeing in game. Currently, I *THINK* I'm getting these errors from Immersive Armors (just recently started using it) but it could be Cloaks of Skyrim/Winter is Coming (both mods, with Crafting Overhaul Compatitibilty patches added), as I can't see what the item is causing the problem (due to the exploded graphics) I'm not sure which is the source of the problem. Is this something I can "fix"? Maybe pull a previous version of the mesh/texture from an older version (if it's one of those files that's causing the problem) Or is this a deeper plugin bug that is going to have to wait for the Modder to update the mod? Any help or guidance would be appreciated. Thanks!
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