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Everything posted by zilav

  1. Those failing _d textures are of DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_UNORM_SRGB format while BAE (and archive2 too?) supports only DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_UNORM Do they work fine in the game? This is strange that the game supports this format but official archiving tool does not.
  2. There are only 2 rules: 1) Textures must always be packed into BA2 DX10 textures format archive for proper mipmaps streaming. If not, they will still work fine but the game won't be able to stream them optimally. 2) BA2 archive for sounds and voices must not be compressed (disable compression in Archive2.exe options) otherwise they won't work in the game.
  3. Restore backup and remove unused masters using "Clean masters" menu option only instead of editing them in TES4 header. You simply broke your plugin.
  4. You are trying to copy a value inside of a struct, this is not supported. Can only copy the entire "Property" struct, but it will create a copy of it in destination records. In this particular case you simply need to drag&drop "Value" field between records using mouse.
  5. You need to copy generated LOD textures into the proper location yourself. You are modding a Bethesda game where official tools are full of bugs, don't work correctly and there are no simple solutions for anything. Results here are achieved with blood and sweat only.
  6. Do you actually have a landscape is this cell? CK showing you something doesn't mean it is there. You can check that in FO4Edit, look for the LAND record inside your cell(s). Do you use any custom meshes apart from vanilla ones?
  7. First create a border region to limit the playable area. Also the game loads 5x5 cells area around the player, everything else is LOD. if you didn't generate LODs for your worldspace, there will be nothing.
  8. Interior cells aren't linked to anything. They "contact" with other interior and exterior cells via doors, and even doors are optional since player can be teleported by a script in and out.
  9. Here you go { Copy material swap from the base object to the reference itself } unit FO4ApplyMaterialSwapsToReferences; function Process(e: IInterface): Integer; var mswp: string; begin if Signature(e) <> 'REFR' then Exit; // skip reference if it already has material swap applied if ElementExists(e, 'XMSP') then Exit; // get material swap from the base object mswp := GetElementEditValues(WinningOverride(BaseRecord(e)), 'Model\MODS'); // apply swap to the reference if mswp <> '' then SetElementEditValues(e, 'XMSP', mswp); end; end.
  10. You can't convert mods to ESL in ongoing game because it is the same as removing the plugin and installing a completely different one. Radio mods work because they are bound by a radio frequency value which doesn't depend on plugin name and FormIDs. Anyway you can always check in FO4Edit what has happened in ESL and fix if needed.
  11. CK will tell you. Scrips are irrelevant, they are external assets and don't affect the number of records. Almost all CC mods are scripted for example.
  12. ESL can't contain FormID raw numbers over 00000FFF, that's 4096 records. But considering that numbers below 00000800 are reserved which is 2048, the available number of usable records for ESL plugin is 2048. So the good candidates to be ESLized are plugins with less than 2048 records that don't serve as masters to other plugins, and which have only ESM files as their masters due to load order issues. So patches that have ESP masters are not suited for ESL format. This means a typical small plugin that adds a new armor, weapon, house, etc and relies only on vanilla ESMs is the right one to be ESL (like Creation Club mods). A mod that relies on other 3rd party mods or patches them is not.
  13. What is 'e'? Can't edit error occures when trying to edit the game master file which is protected from any modifications.
  14. NAVI is merged at runtime, it never conflicts. CK saves it when you finalize any navmesh. It is not required when you navmesh objects and can be removed. But required when you navmesh real cells.
  15. CK generated files are larger because they are different, you can read more here https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/7jwk6e/project_optimization_for_skyrim_special_edition/dra4oz7/ I don't have FO4 installed to test, but I suppose you can exclude some objects from precombines generation by installing a temp package that will replace some base object nifs with empty ones. Or a temp esm plugin which will redirect base object model paths to nonexistent models, or delete particular references in cells to be even more precise. Though this will probably add it as a master to your plugin after generation, so you'll need to "Clean masters" in FO4Edit afterwards.
  16. Yep setting disabled only is not enough, you need to delete the ref in CK and then undelete refs in FO4Edit (clean plugin) which will convert it to initially disabled and move under the ground so FO4LODGen won't pick it up. Or disable and move under the ground yourself. Setting scale also works but it is not the best approach because mesh data wlll remain in LOD files for this ref.
  17. I just did, the LOD definitely changed, but not the water tower. How did you remove it in your plugin? Deleted, disabled, moved under the ground? Show screenshot of watertower ref from FO4Edit.
  18. Read about using command line in Windows, it is not hard. You need to regenerate LOD with your plugin being active so FO4LODGen can pick up the changes.
  19. How do I activate the LOD changes after FO4LODGen.exe does its thing? All I got is a txt file named LODGen All generated LOD files are put in the right location if you didn't provide any command line options to redirect the output, you don't have to activate anything. LODGen.txt file is a temporary service file created in Edit Scripts folder outside of Data.
  20. LODs are separate from precombined meshes, you need to regenerate LOD to see any changes in the distance. They must be made in CK as a plugin, console commands don't count. http://forum.step-project.com/topic/12466-fo4lodgen/
  21. You can reuse vanilla scripts though, there are quite a lot of them providing basic functionality like do something on trigger, add/remove to faction, etc. If you can limit the mod to use only them, then you can upload for PS4.
  22. You'd better join the NifTools Discord server to get help with such stuff, Nexus is the wrong place.
  23. There are no LOD files for quads outside of +/-32 cells range, seems to be a bug on OScape. When you run it, on the Preview tab it shows you the extracted heightmap cells size, right now it shows -32; -32; 28; 28 for ValeIsland despite worldspace being larger in esp. So you don't even need to generate LOD and test in game until these numbers are correct, it won't work. Try to generate terrain LOD with CK instead. Or maybe trick OScape into picking up the real worldspace bounds, for example by adding some flat landscape under the water using CK in boundary cells (-32, -32) and (31, 31).
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