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Everything posted by 363rdChemicalCompany

  1. Seems like a safe option I will try it right now ( though I admit feel it may not right whatever I messed up but ti costs nothing to try
  2. The insitutute is dislike the most. Though some individuals are not as evil I felt really bad blowing them up because so many of them were sohappy about me being there, whereas all other factions take you for granted. Danse calling me civilian I would have gone like this: "You are YOU calling a civilian? I get it the BOS derives its linage from an Infantry regiment (this may not be canon) . Even if I wasnt a genuoine war hero (and I am ) but I was an ACTUAL member of the ACTUAL US Army. It's is YOU who is the civilian, and the BOS have a lot to learn from someone like me, you'd do well to listen."
  3. This is just for post-apoc FO4 beasts only. So wild dogs and he like are not in the running IMO: For the most noble beast of the wasteland I go with Deathclaw. For the most disgusting one Its probably a tie between Bloatfly and radroach. Thoughts?
  4. PS, I just decided to unistall and reinstall as the CBBE body option doesnt show up in the group filter tab anymore (which the instructional video shows it should be in there) There is clearly something missing from the program But the computer doesnt see it as a uninstallable app. Can I just safely delete the folder in tools and then reinstall? or what is the best way to uninstall and the reinsatall.
  5. You can just stop doing their quests and join another faction. there is no punishment in the game for that other than less of a feeling of accomplishment. But there are some mods that help you limit the constant barrage of quests: This here works real well to get a breather and spend some time exploring while still supporting the most moral group in the comonwealth. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/39575
  6. Folks, I have a problem with my Body slide being "locked" into an old preset. I cannot identify which preset that is for sure,.. I thnk maybe, just maybe, its slider preset "selena" from Nexus. I did not know what I was doing when I installed it to a bunch of outfits. I like that preset but the game does not respond properly to morphs anymore since then and all NPCs body's and the female character are "locked in". Its a very good look for both, but its getting old. During looksmenu the slidirs do nothing (though the triangle, muscular/ thin/ etc still works) Again i like this preset a lot but the biggest problem I have is, if I play a male character and get the NPCs pregnant via a mod, they dont morph anymore to show they are knocked up ( they did before). When I use a female character she does not morph anymore either when pregnant (she did before). I dont mind if I add a new bodyslide and am missing some assigned outfit , I'll just wear the ones that work, but as a minimumI need the female NPCs and the female character to morph from pregnancy as applicable for immersion. So basically I dont know what I am doing, messed something up and am looking for a poweruser to pay real $$ via paypal for a phone consult. Even if the problem turns out to be trivial operator error on my part, I will still pay if you ID the issue and show me how to fix it. I am fully computer literate but very very new to modding. Any bites?
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