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Everything posted by Xeivous

  1. @48: sadly I'm not skilled enough to do such a thing
  2. hmm... I see what you're getting at... I could see this being used very well.... It's gonna be a scripted spell for sure, may require OBSE.... As I see it To Ghost: Attach a ghost body-suit to player (or apply the ghost visual) Create a dead clone of the player To Body: Remove the body-suit Delete the clone.
  3. @ OP: I think you want to have madness armor have the same model as amber. So go in the cs, load shivering isles with it NOT being the active file. Find the madness armor and and amber armor and open everything up. There will be some biped model stuff, just set the paths of madness to the same as amber. Or are you not already using custom models for amber/madness? Then you'd have to extract files from the shivering isles...
  4. Hmm you could alter the actual level lists, changing what items you want on it... Not sure how to make things be rarer...
  5. Someone did a flowing cape by attaching it to the tail.. so the cape would prop require a special skeleton...
  6. @Rhina, no prob, just following the little voice in my head that tells me to be anal about these things...
  7. I've yet to see a piece of armor that lags my system.... Anyways cool armor....
  8. @ Kieran: Head Jars, especially those that contain people who you don't like looking at, make great door-stops. More-so than some silly tome made of the skins of infants that is large enough to kill infants if dropped from chest-height.
  9. Hmmm what one could do is base the hammer off the amazon link, as that is a slightly more fancy hammer then what a foot-soldier would use...
  10. I feel sorry for whoever has to mesh those belts.... Also body preferences?
  11. Also as a lore nerd. Dagon isn't dead, just banished.
  12. The jeans from Slof's mod would work well for the pants. Not sure how to search for the shoes, the coat would have to be worn normally though.
  13. What ever happened to the Cthulu-mytho loving Kieran I've come to adore?
  14. I would download this and the whole 9 yards.
  15. You could do a parodying voice over...
  16. I think L33 did the scythe before.... yup http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=29795
  17. Hooo boy. This is... huge to say the least... using 2 weapons as actual weapons isn't possible with oblivion's engine. You'd need a massive team to do this and it would take ages...
  18. I think its an engine thing.... so it might not be possible...
  19. profile should say I'm male... just set it now... Anyways I plead the Laura Croft effect.
  20. I always play female toons... >.>
  21. I've used roberts, not too fond of it... use the male replacer tho...
  22. I'd use uff if people made stuff for it... unfortunately nobody really does....
  23. I'm not sure how you could make this into a nude version...
  24. This ought to be much simpler then my other failed requests... The Discarded Bag of Entrails http://www.wowhead.com/item=51013 Refer to the view in 3d button and screenshots tab on the page for modeling, I believe using the vanilla hood as a base would work out well... edit: grabbed wrong image... just go to wowhead.... second edit: Copying off Kieran, if you like the idea post Xen is watching....
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