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Everything posted by Xeivous

  1. @ Kieran They're not gonna stab themselves are they? wait.... *goes to level speechcraft, illusion and personality*
  2. And blood, they need blood. For when you stab them... multiple times... with their right femur... that is still attached to the rest of their body....
  3. Np, also the modeler will need to know the body types you use, if any. And kudos would be nice... ;)
  4. I was just showing for proof of concept. But pretty much you'll need a modeler to make the different variations, depending on what how many states of damage you want, then a scripter to set up the script for the armor to change as durability changes.
  5. Hmm Kinetic magic? Like force push sort of thing?
  6. Ahhh, well that is a lot more complicated.... So I'm as clueless as everyone else so far...
  7. The guard overhaul I used doesn't play nice with deadly reflex for some reason... soooo I'm with physic guards right now...
  8. This system will be not be much different from vanilla one. My request is delete all the other versions and keep just one with dynamic stats and enchantments. The script I described will do that. You have sword a, you are at level b, you cast the spell, sword a gets removed, you get sword b. That's as simple as I can describe it to you.
  9. http://img441.imageshack.us/g/ryill000.jpg/ this should work
  10. There is some stuff, there's a script here http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=29751 for it. there's like one mod still up here http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=31329 though the second link's modeler went with skimpy choices the models could easily be changed to what you want.
  11. First off, my eyes. Secondly, do you have permissions?
  12. Hmmm for the second you could make several versions of the weapon then attach a spell that removes the weapon, checks player level then adds the appropriate weapon. So for sake of explanation, at level 1 you have an iron equivalent sword, you level to 5 and cast the spell, the spell checks your level, now five, and gives you a silver equivalent sword (or something to that extent)
  13. ... Where in my sig do I say that I will make it?
  14. The main problem with some of the warhammer mods is the giant shoulders of maybe compensating for something
  15. http://yfrog.com/j6instructionsfp better link http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=18352 The clothing replacer for the body I use. should be helpful...
  16. Honestly, I'm not too hot on modeling, I'm unable to find a resource for HGEC. Could you base it off vanilla clothes? Because I know a replacer for vanilla clothes that uses the body size I use. Also, to get a full 3d look at it, on the little bar there will be an upside-down triangle, left click that then click view in 3d. http://a.imageshack.us/img690/809 I drew a picture for you
  17. I don't have the items personally... D: but the view in 3d button is your friend. lemme see if I can find the meshes... http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17924 this should be it...
  18. This should be simple (I hope) http://www.wowhead.com/compare?items=38160:38162:38161:38163:38286:38285 Use view in 3d for reference, you can also click on the items to view them individually (takes you to another page). I highly recommend doing so for the head-band. Keep everything as separate pieces if you can. Body: HGEC D-cup, M lowerbody. A batch of fresh baked kudos for helpers ...so delicious and moist..
  19. You could dump the place at that old burn down "All things alchemical" not much use of a place, not really an easter egg... Think that there's enough room... I don't know of any mods that mess with the area... edit: Also, parodying some of monty-pythons stuff could be fun... hehe and now for something completely different! *explodes*
  20. Maybe some quests to join the theater, based off personality, speech-craft, and mercantile skills.
  21. http://my.imageshack.us/v_images.php this should get you to the screens I've taken...
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