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Everything posted by rbrophy2

  1. Sadly true> And some go out of their way to do so. Doesn't speak to greatly for the highest form off animal on the planet does it! Yes it does to intimidate the weak is to be strong didnt you read what i said?
  2. then you couldnt afford it if i met bob marley...
  3. ban me for not banning you so you should all be banned because i didnt ban you!
  4. Busch gardens in williamsburg, Va
  5. dat aint a picture of i mon it a picture of i greatist ero mon Bob marley the iron lion from zion mon i hate math mon it left mon i still do mon but i took it down mon den mon i put up i's ozzy christmas one mon i took it down when i's inner rastafri was invoked within i soul mon you understand mon?
  6. Not saying you're like this exactly, but it's people who act/think like this that disgusts me about the whole issue. Animals are living, breathing beings that feel and have emotions (maybe to a lesser extent than we do, but it's still there) just like we humans do. Have you guys ever noticed that when something is going wrong in the household, your pet dog/cat will join the rest of the family and carry an expression to emphasize the situation? Someone just died in the family and everyone is mourning. The dog/cat joins the family and carries a sad expression themself... The only real difference between them and us is a slightly smaller brain and about 20% difference in genes. Otherwise, they're all just like we are, and deserve the same treatments as we deserve. Before hand saying now if you are offended i am sorry it was not my intent to offend you Humans are not animals we may be related but we are not animals the real difference between us and them is emotion we have no clue if they have or ever will have emotions because they are not intelligent some people say thats a lie animals are intelligent well if thats true what have they done for them selves hm? nothing i dont see them bettering thems selves making things evrything that makes them intelligent is what we taught them humans are superior we are the top of the food chain and we earned that title because we are smart we sought to better ourselves animals dont and that is why we use them because an animals life doesnt come close to being half of a human life due to the fact that they are animals it is the place of the weak to die for the strong only the strong can survive poeple say no thats not true it is true and it always has been the day our Cro-Magnon ancesters wiped out the neanderthals from exsistence we killed the weaker ones because they were not fit to live they were weak and had no right to exist among us the same goes for animals thogh they have a place among human society I will say it agian if you were offended by this i am sorry it is and never was my intent to offend you in any way
  7. ban ya mon for tinkin i no be knowin dat' mon :biggrin:
  8. Wish granted i know, tes as of tesnexus get it. i wish i could transform into anyone and anything i like. granted you truly become it and lose who you really are i wish bob marley was here now and he wasnt a zombie :biggrin:
  9. did you read the fine print, thor wins. still didn't get it did you :verymad: Ride the train from babylon to jamaica and feel alright mon :biggrin:
  10. Then there would be millions of me if i was 18 :thumbsup:
  11. Marley rose above mon ozzy had to be a steppen down mon
  12. Mega ban all ya' mons playin because i can
  13. rbrophy2


    Bob marley would have wanted pot to be legal one love one heart lets get together and feel alright
  14. Ban you all because bob marley is dead :(
  15. Im sure thats not how interesting you are
  16. Fma is good but bleach is the best and uryu is cool
  17. Uh, waiting until the economy improves to pursue gene therapy/genetic engineering instead of continuing the existing research (if that's what you're saying) won't really make a difference... besides, as Vagrant said, you can't just set some geneticists on this and expect results yesterday. And guys... genetic engineering is not some miracle medicine that you can administer to anyone and everyone. It has its ramifications, and those ramifications are more complicated than you think... The economys fine the fact that is like this THE GOVERNMENT they did this to make an excuse for bribing the banks not to kill them JFK threatend themwe all know what that got him a bullet just in case they have billions of dollars the us government is evil but we need them... anyway you cant give it to everyone just people with cancer and aids hopfully it will eradicate those problems in a couple generations (sorry about the rant got carried away)
  18. Granted you cant afford them I wish people would come to fableworld
  19. then tomorrow would be christmas If people joined fableworld
  20. Malachi is right
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