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Everything posted by rbrophy2

  1. I was thinking of joining when i turned 18 what branch should i join
  2. Me he also drinks to stay warm thats why he has red cheeks
  3. Granted it will never snow again i wish i had the 20 55 gallon water drums for my nuclear fallout shelter
  4. Yeah but whos is the coolest?
  5. Dont disrespect the criminals! and for the record the human animal thing technicly we are animals but when was the last time a bear said hi to you and the poor defenseless thing i think that bears can handle themselves dont mean to disrespect just stating the obvious
  6. yes i agree i win but if that was true than how come i win?
  7. Wish i could get rid of this peice 'o' sh!^ computer and get a new one
  8. nope i think this post is evidence that i win
  9. You like mine? ozzy looks messed up in a santa hat
  10. granted you get 1/1000 of a piece i wish i could find sheds when i go shed hunting
  11. Welcome to the world of tomorrow
  12. Welcome

    by the way i dont say this to every one just mostly everyone(igotta sleep to you know) anyway

  13. i got the red ring on the day my mom died aint that a bi!ch$ i just found out wanted to kill something boom :wallbash:
  14. i know this contradicts what i said above but i want to live in svalbard(small islands northwest of russia owned by norway) near the sea and trees and live the way my norse ancesters did or brazil
  15. good idea i contacted an admin dont know if they were logged on but dont know if you can
  16. (i think you were talking to me) i did to see if it was what i thought it was and it was i mean thats not cool man there are kids on this sight why do you think i said dont click it? youre right about the not wanted or welcome thing :verymad: but im gonna drop it here due to the fact that that isnt my job those who persecute are persecuted
  17. i need constant 80- 110 degree weather with humidity so brazil ecudor somewhere 'round there (I live in virginia and its 60 out you know how cold that is?)(Fareinheit by the way)
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