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Everything posted by DOVAHKI1N

  1. Doesn't AFT (Amazing Follower Tweaks) have an option to disable follower fighting? It's also a feature in Follower Live Package, I think
  2. I agree 100% Ghosts have always bugged me in that respect- they're ghosts, why can I even loot them in the first place? And weapons, "real" ones? Come on. That said, maybe instead of only having them use bound weapons, I'd prefer their weapons to simply vanish on defeat, but while fighting, they should be the weapon the ghost would have had in real life, only with a visual ghost effect. I am very interested in this edit- have you posted it?
  3. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18480 Here you go ;-)
  4. OMG yes, I want this! It would be awesome if whoever does this gets permission from the author of "Hall of the Beginnings"...
  5. I'm being a bit nitpicky here, I know, but please bear with me. I can't be the only one annoyed by this...at least I hope I'm not. Is there a mod that makes a bit of in-game time pass until people fawn all over you for saving them? It kind of gets me out of the game when I've just, say, cleared a mine of thugs/spiders/whatever and everyone just KNOWS about it the second I leave the place. Now, in some small settlement like Darkwarter Crossing it might make sense- if the people all got together mourning that poor fool who went off into the spider-infested mine and expect said fool to die (though maybe you should still have to fend off one or two comments like "Scary huh? Don't blame you for running." or "You know, people don't like 'heroes' who run"...something besides instant belief and knowledge I've actually done it). But when it's a bigger place? Let some time pass to simulate gossip spreading. Maybe be required to give some sort of proof. On a related note, if you've already made a name for yourself, have people actually come to you/or sent you a letter to request your help "I've heard rumors about you and I got a problem I need help with. If you're interested, let's meet up [here]. This is a small overview of what I'd like you to do... . You will be rewarded for your efforts..." Something like that. With guys like Dragonborn DLCs Mogrul, you should be able to convince them to let the matter drop, especially when they've sent thugs after you that obviously failed. One should be able to confront the sender and intimidate them into backing off ("I am killing dragons for breakfast...what makes you think you can intimidate me/are more than some pesky bug to me, if even that?"; "How many thugs will have to die for you to get the memo that my answer is going to remain NO?"; "You know, I don't like having to kill wimps because some coward got it into his head that I owe him") or, in the case of Mogrul, get them arrested by collecting evidence against them. (For guys like Nazeem, you could PLANT evidence). Or have some friends decide to help you with your problem, or even some bigshot political figure that you've helped.
  6. Well, I like the idea. It would be awesome if you could sort of become close with the Dragonborn, your actions eventually leading to him/her asking for your help. Of course, only if it makes sense. If you haven't made some sort of name for yourself as someone who helps others, the Dragonborn won't be interested in you. But if he/she is and you agree to travel with/help him/her, you'll slowly gain fame as the friend of the Dragonborn. Perhaps, for those who end up wishing at some point that they could use shouts after all, a possibility for the Dragonborn to teach the voice to you, although it'll take much longer as you're NOT dragonborn. But neither was Ulfric- yet he could shout.
  7. I would love an ingame list of all enchantments, spells and books (ideally including the mod added ones) that updates each time I learn an enchantment or put a book in my inventory. Just an one time thing. If I sell, or loose the book, it won't be reflected in the list. What I want to do with these lists? Cross-check when I pick up an enchanted weapon or a book whether I've got the enchantment or book. It would be even better if I get an automatic first person message along the lines of "Ah, that one. I picked that enchantment/book up already." or just the message you get on trying to learn a spell you already know: "I already know that spell." Of course, only when you put it into your inventory.
  8. Awesome ideas! Maybe, to make it a bit less OP, require them to be charged regularly? Also, they definitely should be a set.
  9. Hi all, I have a sort of soft spot for the Rieklings and I would love a Riekling follower, BUT I do not want to kill a bunch of Nords for them, especially considering that they were the ones being driven from their home by the Rieklings in the first place. Is there a mod that allows the player to solve this dilemma by brokering a peace between both parties? Rieklings (not just the Thirsk Hall branch) and Nord could work together- hunting and fighting...so why don't they? 1) The Rieklings get a new place to stay (side quest to hunt for a place and make it habitable, maybe with the Nords) 2) The Nords get to go back to Thirsk Mead Hall OR Rieklings and Nord live together at Thirsk Mead Hall, with the Player helping them to build a few more buildings to house everyone Would someone be willing to do that?
  10. Ah, I had feared as much. :-( Thank you very much for the advice and the recommendations.
  11. Hello everyone! I am searching for a Laptop that allows me to play games like Skyrim with many Mods, including ENBs and such stuff. Also, I was thinking off installing my games on an external drive and sort of...take that drive to a friend, pug in and play. Is such a thing possible? I mean, as long as the PC/Laptop meets the system requirements, I can just connect the external drive and play, even if the PC/Laptop does not by itself have a Steam/Skyrim install. Or Assassins Creed, or Guild Wars or Gothic. Any recs?
  12. Yeah, I still play it, even. Not all the time (there are pauses in between that can take years), but I still love it. However, while I love the original, I also love the Remake with a bit of changes- Leafgreen and Firered. All other Gen's after that were just not for me. Well, except for Emerald, Rubin and Sapphire.
  13. Hi all, I would love a small mod (SKSE plugin?) that allows you to toggle the intruductions off that you get starting a new game. I mean the "Use Tab to..." and "Use E to activate" type of instructions. I've found they're actually bothering me more than the vanilla start ever could (then again, I am using an Alternate Start Mod). Ideally, on starting a new game, you get asked one question ONCE, whether you would like a reminder for the key mapping- ie Use "E" for Activation, "Q" for favorites. If you choose "No", then you won't get those notices, even when you play through the vanilla intro sequence. Of course, when you start a new game, then you'll get the question again. An MCM menu that displays all current key mappings that you have set - including those of mods would be great too, but is not necessary. Just displaying, though. No changing- for that you'll have to go to game settings- controls or the mcm menu of the mod you want to change the key mappings of. This would help immensely if you reload an old save where you have modded things or even just a save where you didn't change any key mappings at all but after playing another game for a while.
  14. Solo Leveling has another fan now. ;-) What do you mean by same system though? You mean the rewards thing on Level up? Or the fact that no one else can level up? Or both?
  15. For me, it's Gothic. I still play it from time to time. It will always have a special place in my heart. I was cautiously optimistic about the remake... so far it's just not Gothic for me. The player monologue...ugh. (The graphics are fine as far as I've seen- and I didn't even get to Diego, just couldn't take anymore, getting to that point was torture). :-(
  16. Hi all! I've just returned to Oblivion and for the first time, added mods to it. When I wanted to start up the game via the vortex OBSE-tool, I got the message that I should launch it through steam rather than obse as it's a steam installation. I do have the disc version too, though. Is there a method to delete the steam version or replace it with the disk version of the game WITHOUT having to deinstall every of my 89 mods?
  17. There's Acquisitive Soul Gems Multithreaded. It gives you the type of soul absorbed and ensures that it fills the correct Soul Gem- the smallest possible for the type of soul you absorbed. Providing, of course, that you have the correct Gem. Oldrim (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65975) Special Edition (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1469) I'm sure there are others, but that's the one I know.
  18. Hi all! I know there are quite a few Unleveled Skyrim mods, but so far, I haven't quite found the one I want. Either I don't like the other adjustments (for example, I don't like the Heavy Armor makes magic more difficult thing or arrows that don't pierce armor) or the world is divided into encounter zones. What I REALLY REALLY want is this: random enemy levels across the board, with obvious fighter types (ie enemies that obviously fight often/are trained) falling into the stronger range- I WANT to feel unsave, no more low level character pampering. The world has to be dangerous. I want to be forced to train, use sneak and avoid enemies; likewise, if I'm obviously strong, low level enemies should try to avoid me I want no low level encounter zones- it should be as likely to run into wimps as into powerful enemies everywhere, although weaklings should generally stick to city areas or streets (makes no sense for low levels to brave the dangerous wilds alone) Bandit leaders or other boss enemies should ALWAYS be stronger than their underlings. They can be weaker than the player, though. Should be random. not all potential enemies should attack at once...some should generally warn you Bandits/thieves should only attack if you're too close or seem loaded with (valuable) stuff REALISTIC DAMAGE VALUES BLUNT weapons don't cut, but break bones and basically create mush out of you, they cause contusions, swords and daggers are SHARP and can (potentially) penetrate armor, they cut and you BLEED, arrows and bolts penetrate armor and are frigging DANGEROUS, though the strenght/accuracy is tied to the skill of the shooter and the type of bow there should be enchanted items that create a sort of arrow/bolt/blunt/sharp weapon protection shield that has to be broken through first (shield(s) can be repaired at an enchanting table)- if ones shield is broken, a good archer can oneshot that person (NPC or otherwise) through the head and a strong warrior can one-hit kill the poor soul if he hits the right place (if one get bludgeoned over the head or someone takes a dagger/sword to one's throat or heart and the hit connects, one doesn't just walk away from it) DRAGONS are DANGEROUS and SMART!!! No more DRAGON kills through Giants or Mammoths and only the dragonborn (whether its the player or a NPC) can kill them for real- unless the soul has been absorbed, they will just respawn. Also, dragons should fight from the air, unless their health is below 50%. Why give up the advantage of being in the air, unreachable by most (with the exceptions of shouts, spells or arrows). The DRAGONBORN should truly be needed. It's no fun and kind of immersion breaking, actually, to have "normal" NPCs be able to kill a dragon- because if they can, why the need for a dragonborn? Also, dragons should become a progressively worse nuisance after Unbound so that you - providing you are playing as the dragonborn, otherwise, there should be a dragonborn NPC - cannot avoid the main quest for long: it should be a real dragon crisis with people dying/places getting ruined like Helgen (maybe a side magic event/quest where magicians/the dragonborn are/is sent out to visit every city and village to activate some magic ritual that makes the settlement buildings into dragonproof structures- afterwards, the settlements cannot be burned down or iced by dragon fire/ice). Also, if the player is dragonborn and happens (good look with THAT) to defeat a dragon before Whiterun, then he/she should aready have found out about the dragon soul absorb (different dialogue, maybe you can ask the Jarl why power seems to just flow into you when you kill a dragon and the Jarl could be like- wait, you could be the dragonborn the greybeards have called for, you should go to high hrothgar in response). Dragons should also mainly target the dragonborm- after all, the dragonborn is a real threat to their continued existence Magic and shout scaling Is there any such MOD or mods that do this? Or: which values should I change through the CK- especially to delevel every enemy everywhere?
  19. That would be great, although I'd want every Werewolf that is killed in Werewolf form (and only then) to drop a werewolf pelt that looks like it came from the werewolf it...well, did come from (I mean the markings and such).
  20. I think there definitely should be locations a courier or hired thugs/assassins can't find you- or access. I recently watched a video, where hired thugs accosted the player on top of the throat of the world. I do not think that makes any sense. The Greybeards would stop them, surely? I would love a mod that blocks locations like the top of the Throat of the World, The Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, The Thieves Guild and maybe sparsely populated areas from being accessible by Hired Thugs, Assassins and Couriers. Well, a few less safe locations from Assassins, maybe, since they're supposedly more dangerous and intelligent. (Speaking of, maybe make assassins more bothersome than a fly you bat away?) Instead, why not let them wait in locations the player frequents, cities, I mean. The outskirts. OR: Player Homes. Loitering outside.(At least the Hired Thugs. A professional assassin should be able to disguise him/herself as normal folk or break into a home easy. They should also use more stealth. And Couriers are not bad people either way, so no reason for them to avoid cities/hide). Also, it would be great, if random NPCs sometimes come up to you to warn you that people are looking for you, much like you do with Saadia in "My Time of Need". In conjuction with that, they should lug a picture of the PC's face around, which they show people to ask them where their target is. A picture of the PCs face as the one who hired them has last seen them...so if you changed your face in the intervening time, you could end up being asked where this person (you) is. Unless there is additional info about you, ie you're more known and already were known enough when the contract was made. Absolutely amazing would be if NPCs end up getting chased by Hired Thugs/Assassins too. There could be random events where you can help such an NPC, ask the Hired Thugs why they are searching for this person. Also, I want to be able to CONFRONT the person who sent the Hired Thugs/Assassins after me. As for the courier...why not make post offices in the Major Holds? They could drop messages off there or go to the Player's House. I don't think it makes sense that he would find you just everywhere. He could look at the Jarl's Place, as the player is usually very often there, but else...just player homes and, if the player doesn't have one or is not known enough, then drop the message off at the office.
  21. I'd love that, but I think it should be in a way that requires a specific action by the player to get free sooner.
  22. That would be awesome. I have stopped counting the amount of times I rage-quit because some spell had caused my portable "container" (usually an enemy I had already dealt with and then stuffed everything in) to vanish into nowwhere...
  23. Oh man, this would be absolutely awesome. I'd love to have a litter of cats in my home and/or bunnies hopping around in a reinforced enclosure in my gardens (that enclosure would need to be added and dragon breath proofed). Also, if we're talking animals, there really need to be way more possibilities to interact with them. Kneeling down and petting them. A cat going through your feet (possibly tripping you), meowing and demanding food, rubbing up against your leg or jumping into your lap or sleeping on the bed together with you... dogs too. There are so many things that would be awesome to have. (For the cats, if you're a Khajiit, they can talk to you).
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