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Posts posted by Sabatasso

  1. Indeed, Cao. I am very interested in seeing what kinds of DLC and add-ons we get officially, though. But a true Morrowind remake would make me cry tears of joy.
  2. @DarkGenius: I appreciate what you're saying but for the record I was just trying to exchange views and explain why I quoted the post in the first place. Never thought this would earn me so much hostility. Never thought that being a Premium Member or a long time poster was such a bad thing either.


    It's not a bad thing, it's whatever you make it.


    Anyone who gets offended and all riled up by what I've posted in this thread is clearly overcompensating or having a really bad day.


    No, I just don't appreciate being the target of a self proclaimed anthropologist.


    Truth is I meant no harm to anyone and I do apologize if I did offend anyone, chill out people, it's just a game.


    You didn't harm anyone, I just spoke back. You are forgiven, ofcourse.


    I expect I am too, or am I assuming too much? :P


    Seriously giants are scarier than dragons. The games difficulty system needs to be revamped.


    Bears are scarier than Dragons... regular bears, and even Sabercats because they don't make so much sound before attacking. A dragon always makes it perfectly clear that he is around, and once he lands, he's sitting duck.

  3. If you don't want people to make wrong assumptions about what you've posted then you should try to be clear about what you're saying. You've criticized Skyrim for having these markers as if they were specific to this game and given that this feature can be found in most games this doesn't prove that Skyrim is dumbed down. You could only expect people to stress this point.


    No, I was simply saying what these kinds of games are for me. Having the Compass saying "here is a secret hideout, check it out" hardly makes it a secret hideout anymore. Those who want to know exactly where everything is can use youtube or walkthroughs. The way it is now it's like putting a warning before the creepy sound effects that makes you jump in scary movies. You can not possibly think such a feature is good? Does not matter if every other game on the planet has this feature, it's still a huge dumb-down, and if you have lived a few years you should already know that "everyone else does it" is not a good punchline. I don't like it in any games, and I don't like it in Skyrim.


    Can't believe I actually bothered explaining this again, despite saying I wouldn't.... oh well I'm getting old...


    I find ironic that you're offended that I brought up other games when you indeed brought up "TES and Fallout" first. If you can bring most Bethesda titles into the discussion I don't think that bringing up other games is in any way inappropriate.


    I was offended by your casual belittling way of speaking, and your quick assumptions and faulty conclusions about my views.

    When I read unclear posts, I try not to automatically think the poster had the worst intentions in mind when posting, and if I'm still confused I try to enquire to get some clarification before I start jumping to conclusions. I say "try", because I am only human. You should also "try" a little harder, being a "premium member" with 3k posts hardly makes you an all-knowing oracle with a perfect view on how things should be.


    Going back over my post you may notice that there is absolutely no personal attack whereas you my friend are on the verge of resorting to namecalling -the "sir" doesn't make your post respectful. There is no need for such unwarranted hostility.


    You're assuming again, you're not as smart as you think you are.


    On topic:

    There is a difference between simplifying and dumbing down. Skyrim have a bit of both, where simplifying is mainly positive because the old (Oblivion, Morrowind) solutions were simply too much. There is also a lack of depth in this game, like its predecessors, where becoming a Guild Master hardly gets you any recognition at all. Being a Werewolf or Vampire is pretty much dull when it easily could have added a lot of depth. I assume I don't have to explain all of this in detail, because readers either have played it and seen it for themselves in game or if they haven't wouldn't want too much spoilers.


    Are you denying all of this, Shantih?


    And again, I like Skyrim, I just think it could easily been made so much better.

  4. I play both, depending on the look I want. I would never dream of playing a female char in a game until I played Dark Age of Camelot and made a Shadowblade. An assassin class, obviously, and Norse men was big and burly, while I wanted a smaller frame for my character but still be a human.


    In Skyrim I have three characters so far, a female Breton Nightblade-ish character, an Imperial male Thief, and a male Norse Warrior type. I never, ever download nude patches or prostitute armor mods though. Tight fit leather on the other hand can be appreciated, but I am satisfied with the ones already in the game. My first character was a female Orc rogue type, but there was simply too many issues with that race, and they walked too burly and looks like men with hernia when standing still, so I simply had to reconsider my choice... I've usually played Dunmer in the TES series, but their eyes was annoyingly ugly, and I haven't bothered to find a mod for it yet.


    So to answer you in short, I enjoy playing different types on characters, and I roleplay even on singleplayer games. Looking forward to a "total immersion" mod that adds the need for food, water and sleep and more.

  5. Direct X 11 with 256x256 and 512x512 normal maps?


    Good stuff Bethesda....


    I hate console and everything related to it. Games have never been in a worse state since those atrocious pseudo computers entered the mass market!!!!!!

  6. The compass leads you directly to points of interest, if that isn't "dumbing down" then I don't know what is. And another note, what is the point of a spell called "Clairvoiance" when the compass does the exact same thing 24/7 if you just mark the quest you want in your log?


    And that wasn't the case in Oblivion and other games by Bethesda? Or Fable? Or Dragon Age? Markers and minimaps have been used in numerous games before so criticizing Skyrim for this is at the very least disingenuous.


    By the way Clairvoyance is the perfect spell for people who don't like quest markers since it provides a way to make use of these markers while being in character. So you don't like the fact that there is a magic compass pointing in the direction where your character has to go because it seems fake, I get that, using this spell means that your character is compensating for this in game.


    TES and Fallout have always been about character customization and a big sandbox to play in for me.


    You mean Fallout 3? Because I would definitely say that Fallout 3 is a dumbed down version of the SPECIAL system from the original Fallout (Traits are gone, Tags don't really matter, damage is only affected by DR, I could go on all day) but I wouldn't say that Skyrim is dumbed down in comparison to Oblivion.


    Sure you've got less numbers to crunch but you don't have the hassle of having to powergame to be able to enjoy the game. There is nothing intuitive in selecting skills that you're not going to use as your class skills so you can control when and where you're getting a level in order to make sure that you will get +5 in three stats. Not to mention of course that in order to get as many hit points as possible you have to make sure that you increase Endurance first...


    Going out of your way to build a character around arbitrary rules is not what roleplaying is about.


    Skyrim may not be perfect but it allows you to develop your character according to your playing style and that's definitely an improvement as far as I'm concerned.


    Well, I said I didn't like to be pointed directly at all the points of interest in the game. I didn't say I disliked it in Skyrim alone, it goes for all games as far as I'm concerned. And the quest markers are hardly the only "point of interest" shown on the compass in Skyrim. Also, this is a Skyrim discussion, so I assumed that I did not have to write my thoughts on every damn game released the last ten years, just to please you. I also mentioned that I was positive towards some of the stats removals, as I prefer Athletics and Acrobatics removed rather than having them in at the state it was in Oblivion. But if it was up to me, they could be there but revised. So I really don't see the point of attacking me for being generally positive, but mildly skeptic at the same time when there are outright trolls harassing every removal of skill in the game that you can freely attack without getting a sane answer in return from.


    I also never said anything about loving nubercrunching or powergaming, that was your mistaken assumtions, and quite frankly such assumptions provoke me and make you look like an ass to be honest.


    And I oppose your claim that it isn't intuitive to choose your characters style by choosing some skills, because if everyone was equally good at everything it isn't no longer a roleplaying game. You can play a role, but everyone would have the play more or less the same role and it would be Superheroman-of-all-Trades the Dragonslayer. With choices we can at least have some variation, like we do in Vanilla now, but with a little personal molding before the adventure starts.


    I don't think our views are so different in the end, but you seem like the type of guy that see only extremes, you view or the wrong view, and I don't really have any interest in discussing more with you at all. All your accusations about my views falls for it's own sensibility because you use partly what I said and assume the rest before you conclusion. You, sir, fail.


    PS. For the record, the quest marker does not really bother me at all, it saves me a whole lot of reading if I failed to pay attention in a conversation. Not that the conversations ever holds enough information in the first place... I only mentioned the quest marker since we have the "allmighty" Clairvoyance spell present in the game, very usefull since we have quest markers don't you think?

    It's all the other "points of interests that bother me, but not the Cities and known keeps, hidden places and bandit camps on the other hand should not be visible on compass unless you can see it from where you're standing.

  7. Sneak should rely on shadows, running silent when no one is looking and being generally silent at daytime, and under cover of night everything would be much better due to darkness of course. Vanilla skyrim sneak seems a bit like a "cloaking" feature, because when I invest enough points into it, I can sneak past, from a little distance, NPC's in broad daylight while they are basically looking straight at me, which I personally find utterly ridiculous.


    Stealth is underpowered at the start, where you can't even hide in darkness behind a barrel without moving... guards will still see you in many cases. And there should be a detection zone around NPC's that makes them notice you if you linger in that zone long enough even with 100 and all perks. Give let's say a 4-5 second window to sneak in and stab before the auto-detection kicks in.

  8. I think dumbing down the combat system to include only one handed and two handed was a bit much, but I actually prefer the dumbed down one over the older system where each weapon type had its own skill. I do think it's all bad that Athletics and Acrobatics are gone though, but I would prefer a better implementation rather than removal. Having 100 acrobatics should not make you able to leap over castle walls, or having 100 athletics should not make you run twice as fast as one having 50. Having 20 in both should equal what the game starts with now, and 100 should be around 20-30% better and add perks to climb walls and lower stamina use for sprint for example.


    But the ones explained above are not game breaking for me personally. Character customization like height, and individual skill advantages from the start (class?) are more damaging for me. TES and Fallout have always been about character customization and a big sandbox to play in for me. The Character customization part is crippled in Skyrim, and the "point of interest" marks in the compass is a game killer for me. Luckily I can easily mod some of it to suit my needs, so I can still enjoy the game. But I feel somewhat the same about this game as I did with Mafia 2, it's a great start, but why didn't they finish it?


    A tag skill system would probably be even better than classes, being able to tag two-three skills for a small bonus and a special perk in the tagged skills.

  9. Skyrim is not dumbed down. It doesn't have pointless stats. Or pointless numbers. It has a lot more depth than Morrowind or Obliion combined, but for the misguided fool it may seem that fewer pointless numbers or stats mean the game is dumbed down. It's actually much deeper and more time can be spent ENJOYING the game, not the most pointless thing and something that I simply couldn't give a sh it about: the levels. I don't know what level I am. I just immerse into the world and if you'd stop trying to play it like dungeons and dragons or world of warnerd you'd be able to play 100hrs and have just breached the surface of things to do. Not levels to complete, but adventures.


    Classes are pointless too.

    All it is is purist fever: the core fans hate change and if it ain't a reskin of the favorite it's not a true sequel or is "dumbed down" as many purists are saying about Skyrim.


    Same problem in any game community. I played morrowind lots too...great...in that level never cared about my level, and there was so mug less depth than oblivion. If you stop caring about the useless: levels and numbers and text, you'll see Skyrim kicks the sh it out of morrowind.


    You miss the mark completely here. But nice for you that you're completely and utterly satisfied with the game in its current vanilla state. The compass leads you directly to points of interest, if that isn't "dumbing down" then I don't know what is. And another note, what is the point of a spell called "Clairvoiance" when the compass does the exact same thing 24/7 if you just mark the quest you want in your log?

  10. Let me just make it clear that I like Skyrim. But, I miss the beginner class system. Some say you're a jack of all trades stretched too far at the start, I would go as far as saying you're jack-sh*t at the start.


    Warrior, Mage and Rogue are all that's needed to fix this.


    Giving each class a choice to increase four class abilities by respectively 20, 15, 10 and 5 points, and make "Muffle" for example a Rogue only perk and a different perk for the other classes making them marginally "better" at their choice profession. Nightblade builds that use Mage as a starting base can still get muffle through spell or equipment enchants, or simply by using clothes or robes, so the impact of such a change would be a matter of convenience rather than balance.


    I have already made a mod for this, unreleased, as it involves a crapload of txt files, one for each race/class comination and the use of console. (bat breton_rogue and so on) I intended to include most classes from Oblivion, but abandoned that project and focused on just three as soon as I realized that I had to make one class file per race. I also use a "slower levelling mod" to counter the fact that you start off quite decent at your choice of trade. But then you get very few perks, and I am not adding perks at the start to avoid upsetting balance or "premaking" the characters too much.


    I am not going further into that complaint - solution, I am sure some modders will do a much better job if it's even possible to do any other way.


    Footprints, I have seen screenshots with them, but I can't for the life of me get them in my own game... a small detail, but I'd like it very much.


    Darker nights, so far I've not seen any point with Khajiit night eye, or torches at all. I can see clearly at all times, and sometimes wonder if it's night or just cloudy weather.


    A dedicated visible model for offhand weapon while sheathed, and a visible bow even when it's not selected as main weapon. VERY important to me, and it really provokes me that Bethesda was too lazy to include this.


    Main faction quests seems short, somewhat shallow and quite uninteresting so far. But I have not yet played them all as I just travel around watching the world until enough mods are released to truly enjoy the game and its story.


    Horses canter too slow, sprint way too slow and has stamina as a full time smoker... seriously?!?


    Walk speed should be set to the same as NPC's, having to run in bursts to keep up with other walking NPC's during quests kind of ruin the moment for a "roleplayer"


    Changing height should be included in the Character Creator, luckily I've found the console command to "fix" this issue for me, but i had to make a txt file to run every time I load a game to remain my desired size. (player.setscale 0.92 seems a good standard for female characters)

    Different sizes of NPC's of the same race would also add immersion to the game, and I can't imagine that it would be a huge performance burden even on console.


    Archery is completely ridicolous, way too much trajectory on short shots, auto aim is just silly, and sohhting distance is pathetic. This one needs a proper fix, as the mods are not working properly (at least not yet).


    Stealth should be more focused on environmental advantages than actual perks, but in the game it feels that it's purely perks that matter and shadows or darkness matter little or nothing.


    Animations and combat, seriously they are all below par and hardly any better than Oblivion, and Oblivion unmodded is abysmal. Female Orcs are an atrocity towards the race, bot animations and stance. I'm not asking for bimbo orcs, I just want them to stand "normal" and not seem like they have a back strain, or look like a man who just got kicked in the nuts.


    Still, I like the game even though it may seem like I have many complaints. I have faith that the community will mod the hell out of this game once the official kits are released, but some of the hardcoded issues needs an official touch too in my opinion.


    Thank you for reading.

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