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Everything posted by Dimmu666

  1. Wow. I've read so many interesting posts here. :) well usually when I create a new character I just create it so I could play from the beginning again. Only three of my characters had a backstory. Most of the time my characters are assassins and they all are/ were born under the Shadow birthsign. Only one and my very first character was a Nightblade but still the birthsign was the same. :)
  2. I finished the main quest with all of my characters since the day I began to play Oblivion. I usually try to finish all quests. :)
  3. I have three favorites: Cheydinhal, Chorrol and Anvil. Though I can't say which one is the least favorite because all cities in Cyrodiil are unique and beautiful in their own ways.
  4. I just watched some video on youtube how to take screenshots in Oblivion. Though it took me like forever to figure out that I changed the number in the wrong ini. file so I just took screenshots with Fraps. Now I take screenshots with both. :D
  5. I think his name was Shadow not Midnight. If we're talking about the same black wolf. You could find him in IC Arboretum, right? I was looking for him as well and also couldn't find it. The author probably deleted him... :unsure:
  6. Yes I did checkmarked Beautiful People. Try ESMIfying Beautiful People, then. The easy way to do this is to open up Wrye Bash, right-click on the Beautiful People ESP, and choose the ESMify option. Then close it, open the CS, make your mod the active plugin, and load in Beautiful People. See if that works. This will turn Beautiful People into a master for your companion. Remember to reopen Wrye later and ESPify Beautiful People. (Same procedure as before.) You only need to have Beautiful People as an ESM during the process of establishing that dependency. Okay I'll try, thanks! :happy:
  7. But still I would be very thankful if someone would direct me to the tutorial on how to edit already existing companion successfully (so I wouldn't have to reinstall Oblivion after that) how to delete the old ID. (tried to edit Red Sonia but then I had two ID's one was Sonia's and other Legolas) and how to change his voice (it would be strange to run around with male companion which has female voice. :biggrin: ) I'm a noob I know but I really REALLY want to have him as a companion. :unsure: Heh I will better look for tutorials at first or maybe something else that would help me to finally start working on him. Like I said I'm a noob at modding. Anyway I will be very grateful for any help. :happy:
  8. If no one wants can atleast someone tell me if there's a tutorial on how to create companions with Red Sonia or Neeshka engines? :ermm: I'm getting really tired of reinstalling Oblivion every time I try to create Legolas. :mad:
  9. Hello. :biggrin: I have decided to try again and create companion that I want myself but I have a problem. I can't use duplicated hair and eyes. I'm using Beautiful People mod and I'm creating companion that would be Mystic Elf (duplicated race successfully) I can also duplicate hair and eyes (Ren Hair 2 and Sapphire eyes) but both copies never show up in the face creation window. And I have no idea why. Thank you and sorry for my bad English. :blush:
  10. I already tried it but ended up with reinstalling Oblivion lol. I always imagined him as a Mystic Elf because he looks more feminine in the movie. :) and thank you, yes that would be really cool but I have no idea how to edit already existing companion. There are tutorials only for CM partners and I can't use them. :wacko:
  11. The only one I can think of is Bast. Yes that's it, thank you! :happy:
  12. Hello everyone. :happy: I hope someone could help me out. I'm looking for one armor for female characters. It looks like retextured dark seducers armor (the color is black) and it has some chains and I think it was for Exnem body. Thank you. :blush:
  13. How? :confused: well in character creation menu and via console.
  14. Wow so much interesting and unique names. :smile:
  15. First of all sorry for my bad English. :teehee: Anyway I was just wondering what names people chose for their characters. Did you named your character after yourselves or favorite celebrity, movie/game/book character, tried to create original name or just looked for cool sounding name in various websites? Also I've found this cool site where you can create an Elven name. So if someone wants to check it out here's the link. http://www.angelfire.com/rpg2/vortexshadow/names.html Also sorry if topic like this already exists. There's 261 (If I remember correctly) pages of topics and I'm too lazy at the moment to look for it. :sweat: I to be honest used only four names for my female characters: Lilith, Hecate, Nightshade and Silence and two for male characters Shadow and Lucifer. :happy: now when I found this site the name of my character is Lanae (La means Night, Nae and also ae means Whisper.) :biggrin:
  16. Hi. :blush: I've noticed that someone is looking for the 1st Alchemy Companion Julienne. I found this link. http://www.playground.ru/files/17524/ the site as you can see is Russian. For downloading click that white arrow below this text. " Зеркала для скачивания: (скачан 153 раз) " hope that helps. :happy:
  17. Adoring Fan that keeps coming back to life. :biggrin:
  18. Tmm ruins athletics training quest. The trainer wants you to find some new locations but with tmm all map markers are revealed and places found is 0... just wanted to warn you. :smile:
  19. 255 eh? :biggrin: I thought that the highest level you can reach is 254. In the CS I saw that Sheogorath is level 254 and all of his atributes were 100. :teehee:
  20. I just brought the Draconian Madstone from Pale Pass to countess, finished the quest then I joined Thieves Guild stole the amulet and sold it to a fence then I bought the amulet from him. Yeah I've spent some money (almos 4000 septims :biggrin: ) but atleast I've got cool ring and amulet. :happy:
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