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Everything posted by Dimmu666

  1. -_-" the author of that article disgusts me. Since when elves are demons? O.o and where was something about not mentioning Jesus well that's not the real world so bible, christians and all biblical characters doesn't exist in Oblivion. That guy is crazy and after reading some comments it seems that he brainwashed those people! :ohmy:
  2. Pretty much the same thing happened to me when I disabled a mod A Better Rosethorn Hall. I couldn't swing my weapon nor use my spells. Loading the previous save helped though I lost like ten hours of gameplay. :dry:
  3. Well I really like creating videos and put them on youtube and I use full version of fraps. You can get it here. http://www.filefront.com/15698513/Fraps.exe/
  4. What kind of weapon you're using? If you're using two handed weapon like claymore or warhammer shields doesn't show up.
  5. Well I turned off music in Oblivion and just listen to bands I like. Metal and rock mostly. :)
  6. Unfortunately I never even finished Morrowind because the only version of it I could find was in Russian and my Russian is terrible so my favorite is The Shivering Isles. :)
  7. My favorite class is Assassin and birthsing Shadow (you forgot to mention it. :) ). :teehee:
  8. Lol the last one is hilarious when two bears attacked that poor elf. :D
  9. Sometimes I use god mode when I take too much stuff and can't carry them and that's about it. :)
  10. I have both male and female characters. I use them both equally. :) at first I was playing only as a female because I'm a female myself but when decided to create a male character and I'm very satisfied with it. :) both of them reflects my personality and they're both dear to me so I can't and won't chose. :)
  11. In Cyrodiil I love Blackwood because the forest is dark and it rains a lot there. :wub: and in SI Dementia. :)
  12. Yes this community is indeed very nice and friendly. :) no one complains about about my bad English or even my username. :biggrin:
  13. I use HGEC underwear edition because it has really nice clothes and armor mods and I also use Robert's male body v4 because I have a male companion and I want him to look good as well. :)
  14. Lmao this is hilarious. I never saw anything like that in TS hotel. :D
  15. I would love to have a sword that look like this one http://www.sessionmagazine.com/img/digital-arts/epic-and-fantasy-swords-in-digital-arts/epic-and-fantasy-swords-in-digital-arts08.jpg
  16. Even though the player deserves to be a new ruler because he saved Cyrodiil all by himself/herself I think that Ocato should be an emperor because Cyrodill is a big place and has a lot of caves, mines and ruins so the main character is suppose to be an adventurer not a ruler of the empire. Some people might like it to be the new emperor or empress but I prefer dungeon crawling.
  17. I hate all quests where I have to follow someone. Those Npc's walks like snails and most of time I run not walk so those quests are torture to me. :dry:
  18. My favorite is Sithis. And the most hated... well I never thought about it. All my characters worships Sithis and other Gods doesn't exists to them and me. :)
  19. Well in my opinion if you're playing Oblivion for the first time ever you shouldn't use any mods so you could see and feel how Oblivion really is without any mods or even official plugins. :happy:
  20. Really you have problems with Opera? :blink: that's strange I'm using Opera now and I download all mods including the big ones and I never had any problems like crashing.
  21. Lol all comments are just hilarious. :D most of the time I ignore Npc's and their comments but when some guards says "you have my ear citizen" I reply "Your ear? What will you give me next time?" :teehee:
  22. Wow thank you. :) and you could you please stop calling me God? I'm blushing every time you call me that! :D and thank you, yes Legolas indeed is hottie! :) and I love your picture. Bloody tear that's so pretty. :)and you should really visit Nexus more often. :) the community is great. :)and also fill your image share as well? *hint hint* :)
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