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Posts posted by Dimmu666

  1. Lol I never gave him all of the statues. Just gave him like three or four.


    He dies anyway so what's the point? I better decorate my house with those nice looking statues. :teehee:

  2. Haha I still remember this quest. :biggrin: once when I cast that spell on party guests and cast invisibility spell on myself and while those people were running around only in their underwears the guard who let me in was just standing in the dining room and watched everyone. After some Argonian ran past him he just turned around and walked away like nothing happened. :teehee:
  3. There is one thing that doesn't go well with Thieves and Mages guild.


    When you're doind a quest for the Gray Fox where you have to steal some arrow from Fathis Uren's (probably spelled his name wrong) tower. The Gray Fox allows you to kill him but not in the castle. Though if you are a member of the Mages Guild and if you would kill Fathis you would be banished from the Mages Guild because Fathis is a mage and sometimes hangs out in Bravil Mages Guild. But of course you can sneak past him and steal the arrow. :sweat:

  4. Yeah lol. That's indeed strange. :biggrin: they say the same thing about that Dark Elf alchemist in Skingrad: "Maybe it's just me, but I find Falanu Hlaalu really odd. And I've seen him hanging around the graveyard with a strange smile on his face." though it's clearly visible that is a she. :teehee:
  5. Well I think that The Champion Of Cyrodiil should be the next emperor/empress. I mean the character does everything all by himself/herself risked his/her own lives (well not really :D ) but still the player does everything and the only thing he gets is some armor. I find more expensive stuff in caves and ruins than that Dragon armor.
  6. I don't know if it's a glitch or something but one time when I still played Oblivion without mods I decided to go on a killing spree. My acrobatics and athletics were really high so I was able to jump on the roofs and once I was on one roof shooting fireballs at guards on the ground one of them somehow appeared right next to me and tried to arrest me. I have no idea how he got there. :blink:
  7. Wow what an interesting topic. :thumbsup:

    Well my character is a Mystic Elf female Silence. And her story is kind of crappy. But oh well. She was living with her family in a kingdom called Inferno (copied from my friends nickname) one day her twin brother Shadow (my former character) was been kidnaped but soon Silence managed to find out that the person who kidnaped her brother is hiding somewhere in Cyrodiil. And with the help of one mage she teleported to Cyrodiil in hopes to kill the kidnaper and find her twin brother.


    I see people tries to explain why are their characters in prison. For some I reson I never tried that. :teehee:

  8. *SPOILER*

    Yes you can get the key once you bring an Ayleid Statue to Umbacano. And when he will ask you to talk to some woman about an Ayleid crown that woman will give you the key. I like those crowns so I'm doing this way. I talk to the woman she gives me a key but I still steal a crown from her house and give it to Umbacano once he turns evil I kill him loot his body and take a crown which isn't broken and then go to Lindai and take the other crown. :happy:

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