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Posts posted by Dimmu666

  1. Wow this topic seems to be forgotten :blink: but anyway like some people I'm not using CM partners anymore just because of lots of eps's, but when I had some CM partners my favorites were Jack Sparrow and Altair. Also I really like Ruined-Tail. The story was very interesting and he was good at fighting, too bad he died... >:( now I'm using Stoker Wolff because he's just simply amazing :) thank you very much Sultericdrums! I wish someone would create my Shadow like that *hint hint* lol :D anyway I don't understand why someone had some problems with Stoker. If you don't like it then don't download and btw we girls need some nice looking male companions too! And why do not romance him as well if we have that possibility. :yes:
  2. Hello. :) I was just wondering can someone create Legolas (from Lord Of The Rings) companion that wouldn't be a CM one (I mean that it would be like Red Sonia, Neeshka or companions by SultericDrums) I have nothing against CM partners but I just have problems with it and can't use them. So please can someone create him? I would try to create him myself but I have no idea where to get the same engine as Red Sonia or Sultericdrums companions are using also I tried to edit one of them ( I tried like twenty times for about two weeks :ermm: ) but I had no luck. So that's why I'm asking for someone to create him since I lack of experience working with CS and can't create him myself.I know I'm asking a lot and that it's very difficult but please if someone knows how to do it and has time please help me... :sad: thank you. And sorry for my bad English.
  3. I used some CM companions now I'm using Sultericdrums companions.

    1. About valuable items sorry, but I don't know. I never put valuable items in my companions inventory only stuff for them.

    2. CM companions usually stay where you told them to. Sometimes they wander off, but not too far.

    3. They don't conflict with other companions.

    4. Unfortunately they don't have horses though I've heard about a mod that allows you to buy horses for your companions or something like that. :)

    5. Some companions has that feature like Lucien Lachance by star-mystyk.

    6. I never had any issues with that.

    7. I think that you can have as many companions as you want. :D I used seven once and I had no problems.


    And about the sleeping. If you tell your companion to wait and there's a bed nearby they'll go to sleep in that bed. I can't remember if you can tell them to go to bed though, but they sleep.


    But be careful some companions are cranky. :D

  4. Well I like armor, weapon, clothing and quest mods. I already have one house mod that I'm really happy about and one house is enough for me so I don't need to download that and I also have one companion which is perfect in my opinion and I don't want to have a gang of twenty people following me. :biggrin:
  5. If someone still wants to help the idea was that people who has mystic elf character would send me video with their dancing character. The whole idea is kind of strange I know, but I thought it might be original as well. I thought about using mystic elf companions, but there are not too many of them and showracemenu just seems too lame. So if someone is actually interesting pm me. :)



    I never even had the idea of stole someones character and claim him/her as my own. I'm satisfied with my own character.


    And yes I'm Nightshade715 on youtube and if it would help to decide whether help or not here you can find my other videos. Three of them are dance videos.



  6. Hello :smile: I'm a huge fan of Sweeney Todd movie and I have a request for a new companion, Sweeney Todd companion :smile: I know that to create him would be hard with his hairstyle and all, but I hope I'm not the only one who thought that it would be cool to have him as a companion. :smile: so anyway thank you. :happy:
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