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Posts posted by riker148

  1. riker i can say yours is actually very good, way better than mine.... i like the fact that you added the two doctors in it and the way you brightend up the lighting. very good riker you should be proud of it.....=)

    but apart from that BRING IT ON!!!!......jokes ;)


    Thanks, that means a lot to me and yours is still a worthy entry :thumbsup:

    Also Demeggy is the TARDIS console going to be more cluttered than the first version we saw?

  2. I originanlly thought that the quest would have been something like that you have to hunt around the wasteland and find the parts then take them back to the TARDIS and then place them on the console and wait a day and then you collect the screwdriver like the Doctor did in The Eleventh Hour.


    P.S K9 still making an apperance?

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