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Everything posted by riker148

  1. Well Fallout: Who Vegas is currently in development to complement that sonic screwdriver with a ram packed featured TARDIS. :thumbsup:
  2. For all of you who are interested! The offical Fallout Who forums are now up. All information and updates will be posted there....so get your self signed up a posting :thumbsup: http://falloutwho.proboards.com/
  3. Well......It's been sometime since i've posted on the good ol nexus anyway let me get straight to it. You guys are in for a treat....you though The Last Child Of Gallifrey was awesome, wait till you see this baby. It's a completely different breed. From what i've been testing you all won't be dissapointed. :thumbsup:
  4. Well....what can i say which will sum up of what i've tested so far. Basically ITS AWESOME!!! :thumbsup: These releases are like nothing ever modded before which will defintley add a more exciting and fun experience to what is already a great game. Damn...its soo hard to say without giving the mod away but just remember how brilliant The Last Child Of Gallifrey was but 12x better. :thumbsup:
  5. New Fallout Who Vegas Moddb page up for anyone who is interested :thumbsup: http://www.moddb.com/mods/fallout-who-vegas-doctor-who
  6. riker148


    Hello, how are you? Hope to see you on the nexus again sometime :thumbsup:
  7. And the constant stream of already answered questions has kept everybody busy.
  8. Just Playing mods
  9. That would be brilliant if Demeggy will allow it :thumbsup:
  10. It could possibly be that like i told someone else earlier
  11. Well this video will be up tonight and thanks guys those comments go along way and Krudd i'll make Demmeggy more aware of that problem :thumbsup: Also Krudd i love the screwdriver i'm spoilt for which one to use. Endorsing now :thumbsup:
  12. Also i will be uploading a video guide tomorrow detailng the many aspects of the TARDIS.
  13. oh that could explain your problems you skipped some of the quest going that way, i would reccomend reloading to the save before you started the mod then open you pip then look on the world map at the top right and fast travel to the UNIT base. Enter through the storm gate.
  14. to get out of UNIT you go out the same way you came in.
  15. Well for the sake of just completing the quest use the console command tcl
  16. I have no problem with the critical engine phase
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