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About satanslilhelper

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  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Currently Playing
    Neverwinter ... on the Xbox! *gasp*
  • Favourite Game
    Hard to decide, maybe Phantasy Star Online, but that's more for the people than the game. I love all the Final Fantasy games I've played (7 to 12, excluding 11), Borderlands, Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim and the Fable series

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  1. Vagrant0, I hereby nominate you for the position of Übermensch! Well said.
  2. Very well said, echoed in it's entirety. Enjoy the extra shut-eye, Robin, and thank you all.
  3. Both links work for me. Something to do with Premium or Mod Author group membership?
  4. They are aware; see this post (and the couple above it). :smile:
  5. To echo Octopuss' point - whilst browsing my own mod pages I found the following weirdness: The links all lead to my mod (the Bittercup one). Peculiar. None of the older (pre-reminder) endorsement links are wrong. Using Firefox 30.0, if it makes any difference. ETA: Upon closer inspection, I noticed that the mod actually called "Bound Weapon Redux" is actually the Skyrim file with the same ID number: 13643. I checked, and Wrye Bash (on Oblivion Nexus) and Liliths Sickle (on Skyrim Nexus) also share an ID number, FYI.
  6. There are actually two "gender" boxes available to edit, if you go to edit your profile page. One for PMs, one for everything else, it seems. Why, I don't know. Been like it for a few months now.
  7. Fake moustache tattoos. Ok, technically they were given to my man, but since he has his own real facial hair I pinched them. Awesome.
  8. The thumb means you haven't endorsed the file. It changes to a green tick if you have endorsed the file. You can actually click on that thumb in the list to endorse the file, if you want.
  9. Is it? D'oh! Can you tell I have only explored about a quarter of the map so far? lol (Damn work. Taking up all my gaming time... *grumbles*)
  10. Only 64 spells? I did not know that. Poot. A big "Yes, please." to Lock/Unlock. And Feather. And Waterbreathing. And how about a bound pick axe? Or some kind of "extract ore using magic" spell. If one can transmute, surely one can extract? That'd save having to carry that heavy old axe everywhere. That'd be nice. *waits impatiently for CS*
  11. I have the same thing - any custom race I make doesn't pick up on the mouth textures in the BSA. Dunno why, used to be fine before I installed TKs Eyelashes, but even though I've since re-installed the entire game, I still get this. I fixed it by extracting the relevant files from the BSA (I extracted everything in textures/characters/mouth, into the same folder structure), and directing the GECK at the extracted files instead. Works fine for me, though is a little annoying. Wish I knew why it doesn't pick them up itself! Hope that helps!
  12. OK, I could be wrong here, but this may have something to do with your graphics settings. IIRC, it's something about having two partially transparent textures overlapping each other (in this case the glasses and the fringe of the hair). Try making sure you have Anti-Aliasing and Transparency Multisampling on. Depending on your rig, this may cause a drop in FPS, though. At that point another option would be to simply use a different hairstyle. Hope this helps!
  13. Oh, I just noticed this myself. The thread in the forums is showing up mixed in with all the regular Imageshare Image threads, instead of in the sub-forum. That's not how it used to be. The last images showing in the sub-forum are all ones posted before the site update. Still, I signed out and was unable to view the image, so I assume that means we're still ok to post NSFW pics?
  14. The saves will be in a folder named after your gamer tag. All you need to do is move them out of that folder, and you'll be able to access them. The files path for my game saves is C:\Users\"USERNAME"\Documents\My Games\Fallout3\Saves. This is where you will find the folder called after your gamertag, and where you want to move the saves to. I had to do the same thing when I installed FOSE!
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