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Everything posted by Wolfbane771

  1. Seriously Nexus, due to your messed up rules essentially claiming control and ownership over mod authors' mods, you are driving extremely talented people away. This used to be a good place where people proudly shared their creations. Now it's going down the tubes. Go back to the way it was. Dear Nexus, please stop ruining modding.
  2. Ah, okay, thank you. It had just occurred to me moments before reading this that a lot of mod authors are leaving the nexus due to the new rules. And I'm aware that asking for deleted mods to be shared is against the rules, but thank you for reiterating. I guess I'll just have to search and hope they uploaded it somewhere else, like GUN.
  3. I've noticed that the MW Sentry Turret mod by Icestormng has been deleted, and they no longer seem to have any mods associated with their account. I assume this is due to copyright issues with the creators/license holders of Modern Warfare. Does anyone have a manually downloaded file that they would be willing to share? I really enjoyed that mod and would like to keep using it, if at all possible.
  4. The title says it all. I'd really love it if someone who is able to create really good looking presets using the character creator and looksmenu could create a relatively accurate version of Anna from Metro Exodus. Even if the hairstyle isn't perfect, there are plenty of hairstyle mods out there, so I'm sure anyone who would use the preset could find a hairstyle that works for them. I'm more concerned about the face, particularly the structure and shape.
  5. As the title states, the Russian Special Forces weapon mod has either been deleted or set to hidden by the author. I'm just curious if anyone knows why this is the case. Also would anyone be able to tell me who the author is? I can't remember and would like to make sure I'm following them here on the nexus in case they make the mod available again, or release any new mods.
  6. I've tried downloading multiple different save games that give many or all legendary items. I can load the saves and play them fine, but aside from the items that are currently equipped, they lack the other items they are supposed to have. I also check the stash in my apartment, but either find it empty, or containing the starter clothing items and sometimes the bonus items like the Black Unicorn Katana. I don't understand why this happens, but I would like to fix whatever the problem is. Any help or advice is appreciated.
  7. I would love to see mods that add pistol caliber carbines to Fallout 4. Specifically, I would like to see real-world firearms added. Some examples being the Kel-Tec SUB-2000 and the CZ Scorpion Evo 3. I would also be interested in seeing PDW style firearms, whether purpose built or converted, as well as AR-15's chambered for pistol calibers.
  8. The title is pretty self explanatory. I realize that it would take some time, as the game has just been released, and is still receiving updates and patches, but I would really appreciate it if someone made an item spawner or save editor. Basically, I want to be able to spawn my favorite weapons and armor with stats that are to my liking. Hope it's possible to make such a thing for this great game. Thanks for reading, Cheers!
  9. The title says it all, I'd love it if someone made a mod that allows you to choose and/or change the color of your backpack. I'm currently using all black military gear with a tricked-out SMG, and would love it if my backpack matched my aesthetic. Thanks for reading, Cheers!
  10. I would really love to see a mod adding the Hellcat Micro-Compact pistol from Springfield Armory. Here is the link to an image of the weapon, which was unfortunately to large to attach as a file. Thanks for looking! https://d7g7q7y3.stackpathcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/optics-ready-2.png Edit: Here is the link to the webpage the image is from, in case anyone interested would like to see it from different angles. https://www.springfield-armory.com/hellcat-series-handguns/hellcat-3-micro-compact-handguns/hellcat-3-micro-compact-osp-9mm-handgun-smsc/
  11. I think it would be really cool to be able to have KL-E-0 as a companion, and then also have a mission to turn her into a Synth like Curie. Having KL-E-0 as a romance option after turning her into a synth would also be nice.
  12. The title says it all. I seem to remember there being a mod for Fallout 4 that allowed one to walk around in an environment resembling the original DOOM game, and shoot enemies with a blocky pixelated shotgun. Does anyone else remember this? If so, could you please point me in the direction of the mod?
  13. I think a great idea for a mod is one that makes it more fun to just roam around, hunting animals and exploring locations (preferably while in survival mode) and ignoring the main questline completely. Maybe the ability to fish, or a more complex hunting system. If I were to do such a playthrough, I would also generally avoid civilization and urban areas. I realize I can already do this, but I'd like there to be a mod that adds things to make it more worthwhile to do so. I mainly picture myself wandering around, picking wild harvestables, hunting wildlife, and at night, setting up camp. I'd likely be using TU3SD4Y'S Fallout 76 Survival Tent, in combination with Campsite - Simple Wasteland Camping, for the fire/cooking station. Please feel free to share any ideas regarding what could be added to the game to make such a playstyle more interesting. Perhaps new locations with interesting stories to be investigated. Anyway, thanks for looking, any (not intentionally rude) feedback is welcome and appreciated. Cheers!
  14. This combined with the Sim Settlements Conqueror Gunner faction pack is likely the closest I'm going to get, so thanks for the tip. :thumbsup:
  15. I would love a mod that makes it possible to join the gunners, but also adds the ability to progress within the gunner hierarchy, i.e. rank up. Unique quests, gear, npcs, and dialogue would be nice too. Please let me know if a similar mod already exists, as I think I remember seeing something similar at one point (specifically the ability to become the leader of the gunner faction), but don't remember for sure, and can't find it anymore. I am aware of the possibility of siding with the gunners via the Sim Settlements Conqueror mod, so please do not point me in that direction. Thanks for looking, and any advice/help is appreciated. Cheers! :thumbsup:
  16. I personally wouldn't use such a mod, but I know there are people out there who would. As such, I wholeheartedly support the idea. Hope something like this gets made, or already exists. Cheers! :thumbsup:
  17. I think this is a great idea! There's already a mod that adds an alien space suit, but a an alien-styled power armor would be really nice! Here's the link to the alien space suit, in case anyone's interested: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/42121
  18. I agree with the concept, and I'm glad to hear it's already possible simply by changing some settings. Thanks for the tip! :thumbsup:
  19. I kind of like Codsworth the way he is, especially with there being mods available to turn him back into his shiny, pre-war self. However, I do think this is an interesting prospect, and thus endorse it. I hope something comes of this.
  20. No idea how to do it, but I like the idea! Even just a mod that allows you to play as a ghoul from the start, but the real trick would be to get npcs to recognize you as a ghoul and respond accordingly. I wish you luck in this endeavor!
  21. I would love to see Chinese survivors represented, and without being viewed as enemies of America. I think they could be seen by the native residents of the Commonwealth as other people just trying to survive in the world.
  22. This isn't exactly what you're asking for, but maybe it'll work for you in the meantime? It's a mod called Servitron, and it allows you to create assaultrons with human hands that are able to wield weapons like a companion (and can follow you as a companion), and can also be assigned to guard posts at settlements. It can be tricky to get it to work right, so be sure to read the instructions carefully. Here's the link, hope this helps! https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/32801
  23. I think it would be great if someone made a mod that adds a built-in laser sight to the standard 10mm pistol, because it looks like it might have one on the existing model, and I think it should have one anyway. I think the following image is especially good for seeing where the laser sight is located. Also, the weapon looks fantastic with the mod used in the image. The mod is 10mm HD by dpillari, in case anyone's interested. Thanks for looking, cheers! https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1151/images/33107/33107-1531096033-1749469693.jpeg
  24. Thank you all for your input! I think I might give this MO2 a try, once I'm done my current modded BOS playthrough. If that doesn't quite do it for me, or ends up being to complicated, I can always try going back to NMM. Or maybe I'll just install everything manually from then on. I have high hopes for MO2, but I guess I'll see what happens. Thank you again to everyone who shared advice, or even just their experiences with various methods of installing mods. Cheers!
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