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  1. Also would like to know this!
  2. As the title says, it'd be cool to have a mod that pauses the world during conversations similar to how it does during pickpocketing.
  3. I'm not sure if this is helpful or not Draco but here's what I do... help perkname 0 That will give me the hex ID of the perk and then I just use the add perk command. player.addperk ### It's not as fast as giving yourself 10 extra points and then going to play around with them in the skill-up screen, but it is useful in that you can give yourself a perk higher up a skill branch without bothering with the earlier (normally) required perks. My personal example is that I added just the perk that stops from breaking lockpicks because that drives me nuts. :D That way I get the perk I feel I need while still being able to earn the skill points and earlier perks on my own. Hope that's helpful to someone!
  4. Have not tried this yet but I saw the Mod posted so I figured I'd offer it up to your thread. Skyrim Respawn by lordsoultrike
  5. I use this (to give me old school unlimited inventory ;) I just keep pumping it up. I'm at like 5K now!) Open the Console with the ~ key (This does NOT stop you from getting Steam Achievements, well it did not stop me anyway, heh) then type in the command. This command *adds* to your current max carry weight. player.modav carryweight # # = the amount of max carry weight you want to add to your character. In most cases I prefer Mods over console commands but in this case it's much more of an elegant solution to just add to your carry weight stat.
  6. Agreed. My *real* problem is a little different though... I use the XBox Gamepad to play and I am constantly hitting the wrong buttons in the Stash menu because you use the (A) button to Sell (and in Fallout you just use (A) to move things between containers I think so I've got muscle memory there) but you use the (X) button to Stash. Which results in a minor but frustrating problem of equipping things that not only did I not want to wear, but I didn't even want to carry with me at the time ;) hehe. So I have to then go back to Stash that item, remember what I had equipped and re-equip. Like I said, minor but pesky.
  7. There's a mental break I have that when I see something in an NPCs inventory that I want I won't stop until I get it. Which means... save... reload... fail... reload... fail... reload... and on and on. Which can go on forever on something especially valuable. In Fallout: New Vegas I used a simple community Mod called "Guaranteed Pick Pocket.esp" (Can't remember if I just used a FO3 Mod or if it was FO:NV specific actually). You still have to be hidden from view so there's at least still *some* amount of RPG feel to being a pickpocketing Thief ;) Of course, in FO:NV you also had Karma Loss even though the pickpocket wouldn't fail, I don't know if Skyrim has any equivalent to Karma. I don't want to just pump up my Sneak Skill from the Console or deal with Console-ing the items around, etc. (Blast Bethesda and their mixing their Pickpocketing Skill into my Sneak Skill!) A simple No Fail Pickpocket Mod would rock. :D
  8. Just wanted to add in case someone found this thread through Search or whatever... A very helpful (now pinnned) Thread about Console Commands for Skyrim.
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