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About blacksmithkazuma

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  1. These components were hard to come by. Pacrooti defeated a wily Breton for them in a game of cups. This one watched him swindle the dozens of people with his agility, and decided to play. Like the others Pacrooti lifted a cup, but unlike them, he smashed it on the Breton's face. In his unconsciousness, Pacrooti took his gold and bought you your wood.
  2. I think it works well so far, only thing I see wrong with it is it crashes on large mod installations and the the Automatic Server Picking is, well not all that smart lol.
  3. Well I'll give it a try, tried the ENBoost and was getting a lot of Screen tearing. Never used a ENB anything so wasn't going to mess with it. Removed it and did this. Only running 60+ mods but was getting some CTD's. Hoping this will fix it, thanks.
  4. Thanks for the quick reply, thought is was something new to modding in general not just the body mod lol personal fan of CBBE though. never really tired Dimonized expect for Fallout I think.
  5. OK So it's been about a year since I've warmed up the Skyrim for PC. Coming back I can see a lot of great, new mods have been added and many of those already good mods have been Improved. But recently I have notice something new, UNP... I have tried to google it and have not found much information so I am hoping the community could shed some light on this new feature I am seeing in all these mods now days. Thanks ahead of time for your answers and I know it going to be something rather simple watch lol.
  6. I was feeling alone there for awhile. I thought I was the only one that really enjoyed that mod. I have been working through the tutorials in the CK wiki, but I have a long ways to go until I get to the scripting part. I have Contacted the original author of the Oblivion mod and have asked if I could get some information about it. How it was created and such, to see if I could use that as a base for one in Skyrim but I have yet to hear back from them. I will try to keep this thread posted if anything changes.
  7. Working on a few AMV's lately and was thinking about making one for Skyrim, thing is besides the Dovhakin (wrong?) Relaxes mod there is nothing else really out there that can give a true personality to the character. So just throwing this one out there and see if it might be a possibility. Things like anger, sadness, smiling, confused, those sort of things. Like those you would find in some of the MMO's out there.
  8. I am taking this venture on myself but would love some help and knowledge on where to start. I had requested a Journal mod, like that of Kyoma's Journal Mod for Oblivion. It doesn't have to be that intricate just be able to have a personal in game journal. It is the very last thing I wish to have in my game to make it perfect for me. Cliched maybe lol. Sorry I tend to ramble, uh I have minor, very minor knowledge of working with the CS from Morrowind and Oblivion, but mainly player homes. I have never done any scripting. I am in the process of learning the CK and am comfortable with the controls and running through the menus, but I have no idea where to start creating this mod at. Quest Scripting would seem logical but i am uncertain that will teach me what I need to know about scripting a personal journal my character can use. Do you think you could help me find the information I might need to start me off.
  9. While I find the idea very interesting, i would be tons of work to do, and not fun work. It would be mostly writting and recording. May I ask what you mean by Writing and Recording? Scripting?
  10. 61 views, 20 days, no replies. New record for me I think. I know I am 10 days shy of the month waiting period to re post or bump the thread. But I am hoping some one might be able to help me with this. In honesty this is the very last mod I personally need to complete everything I really wanted to have for my experience in Skyrim. I am looking for something similar to Kyoma's Journal Mod for Oblivion but in honesty it does not have to be as intricate as that mod, just something I would be able to add Skyrims Date and personal notes in a book. Also for extra if possible make it where the journal it'self can be crafted? I hope some one might be able to accept this request and complete my Final Request?
  11. Using Blender ATM, going to have to check into the software your using. Looks good and promising.
  12. Been working hard, thanks for the links. I am finally able to get back into modding. (been building a new room for my little girl) :)
  13. You should maybe ask Malukah ;) Google her if you do not know who she is.
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