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About Kastrenzo

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    ur mom's fidget spinner
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    Half Life, Mass Effect, Fallout

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  1. In response to post #67020241. #67021001, #67065011, #67150896, #67359291, #67361516, #67418816 are all replies on the same post. the voiceovers are original, the capital wasteland mod shut down because of legal threats for using FO3's audio lines (although I heard they recentley re-opened, which makes me happy, if not hopeful)
  2. Its hard to answer your question because just saying "My game is Laggy" doesn't provide a lot of info in itself, It also helps to know what mods you are running. Here's something from left field, I never would have thought of it either but I was getting constant frame freezes and lag the last time I played after not touching the game for several months. Go into your IN GAME Settings and check controls, make sure controller support and vibration is both turned OFF. When I turned mine off It was fixed, and I'd only get the occasional temporary freeze when I moved into a large area after that. who knows, that might fix your issue
  3. In response to post #46364080. #46364325, #46367235, #46368205, #46369815, #46369930, #46370390, #46374095, #46374390, #46374475, #46374920, #46376420, #46377285, #46378940, #46379215, #46386540, #46389205, #46389595 are all replies on the same post. @Kevin Careful now, you're speaking a lot of truth. wouldn't want the law to take notice. @Dark0ne and moderation in general - I think you really just need to acknowledge, whether to yourself, or to the public, that you decided to feature a very controversial author. That's really all that this is.
  4. In response to post #46364080. #46364325, #46367235, #46368205, #46369815, #46369930, #46370390, #46374095, #46374390, #46374475, #46374920, #46376420, #46377285, #46378940, #46379215, #46386540, #46389205 are all replies on the same post. Yeah no, I'm not going to accept that authors can have free reign to be rude and obnoxious where users have to kiss their feet and that we should feel thankful for their mods when it comes at the cost of them throwing fits and getting away with it. @ Dark0ne The analogy to a seller/buyer, still applies. just with author/end user Also, she banned me from her page after I looked at one of her compliation mods and made a comment on her attitide. AFTER that, I couldnt care less about her content. So I insist, I don't really care. I had forgotten she existed until this came up, and when I saw others complaining that she's a toxic individual. I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon too. All in all, I saw a comment someone made about thinking most people should just treat Nexus as a "pick up and go", get your mods and get out, because the community here is surprising toxic. I'm still laughing at that guy who shut down all of his mods to Protest Donald Trump during the US election on the Skyrim Nexus
  5. In response to post #46364080. #46364325, #46367235, #46368205, #46369815, #46369930 are all replies on the same post. In most other mediums on the internet, like a store front for example, like ebay. when the customers or consumers are being harrassed and insulted, the seller, provider, creator, whatever, normally gets punished. Thats what's always kind of astonished me about Elinora, first off was how completely hostile she is to the slightest bit of criticism, and how she takes advantage of The Nexus' complete lack of involvement and interference with individual bans from an authors content, in other words. An author can choose to ban individuals from their stuff. and Nexus won't do anything about it, and they say you have to sort it out with them. She takes full advantage of that and bounces anyone who even so much as breathes funny on her it seems. And, I'm not grumbling about getting my ban, I really could care less. There's never been anything she's made that ever remotely interested me, and I'll gladly take a personal ban if it means higlighting some extremley cancerous behaivor from a "top modder" I'm just really surprised to see that she is STILL doing it.
  6. In response to post #46355360. #46355735, #46357775, #46358530, #46359735, #46362070, #46363695 are all replies on the same post. Or you can just, not reply to stupid questions. Rather than being a spiteful and bitter ****
  7. In response to post #46364080. #46364325, #46367235 are all replies on the same post. Nah, that's no excuse to be arrogant with everyone, Make mention of her attitude and she presses the safe space button and bans you from her content. I guess it's too bad for her that you can only do it to someone once, Someone's on a power trip. It's refreshing to see that so many others, whether just snide comments or genuine distaste for the person, acknowledge what she is.
  8. Hi, I'd like to make a few modifications to some of the pre-existing power armor skins *seems to be the only way people are able to make custom skins right now anyway* I need some help getting the texture files, I looked at that B.A.E, but I seriously don't know what I'm doing. or if that's even what you're supposed to use to get them.
  9. are you using the WME or WMX Pack? I encountered this bug with WMX, The only way to avoid it was to not modify backpack/handle weapons altogether, Being Miniguns, Flamethrowers, Incinerators, etc.
  10. I had a feeling it was an object Mass issue but I couldnt find where to change it, thank you.
  11. I wanted to be able to put the gold bars on a desk, shelf, whatever, "Pose" my possessions in a house, etc. But I'm not able to pick up the gold bars from dead money, (Pick up as in Manipulate it with the Z key), I can grab it and put it in my inventory, but not move it around like I would a gun, dead body, etc. I thought at first it might be because of the object's weight, a whopping 35 pounds, I lowered it to 2 pounds in geck but it hasnt changed anything. is there anything to change in geck or anything like that to make the object moveable? or am I SOL?
  12. Yes I had the problem on Fallout 3 aswell, although it wasnt restricted to regulators. I just found it strange since I played Fallout 3 for a long time before I even installed the first mod. And to the comment before that, I'll try that. changing the load order lowered the frequencey of screwed up NPCs, but it was still around in others
  13. My FOMM Was also telling me I had a geforce 7900, I didnt get any crashes but I worried at first since I'm using a GTX 285 2GB. WIndows of course. I'm not an advocate of macintosh or apple, but that's a pretty douchebag answer from bethesdta.
  14. I've had this odd issue on Fallout 3 aswell, It seems to be triggered by mods that add more NPCs to spawn in certain areas, Populated wasteland, Marcs Mutant Mod, Warzone. Etc. It seems to be mostly on the raider types. and only seems to be affected by certain Outfits, mostly the Raider and Merc outfits. Some NPCs will have 2 different skin colors, for example they will have a Hispanic tan on their head, but a African American body. Here's a screenshot I took from Vegas off a dead Viper. http://i375.photobucket.com/albums/oo196/Kastrenzo74/viperskin.jpg Aside from doing a sweep of mods, are there any suggestions how to fix this? I find that the whole thing is hit and miss, sometimes the NPCs are fine, other times they're messed up. I did have a skin improvement mod enabled, Turning it off didnt fix anything on future NPCs. And as I mentioned this bug was present on Fallout 3 aswell, and there were no skin mods on FO3, Nor was there any mod on Vegas that was also on FO3. My first guess is to just wait a few days but it's kind of annoying. When facing NPCs wearing armor that covers up their whole body like an NCR uniform it doesnt matter, but outfits that have less covered up, it's quite obvious. Most of my Mods are only things that are re-importing Fallout 3 content, like the R91 rifle, outcast armor, enclave armor etc. or mods that utilize only vanilla content,
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