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Everything posted by num1sailingnut

  1. OK, I've done more digging and found a "solution" to revive a missing NPC. It involves the following: prid <referenceID> kill resurrect disable enable However I can't get past the 1st command. I read that you have to prefix the referenceID with the "mod index" that you can find in FOMM. I have done that in many different forms and still always get the error: "SCRIPTS: Script 'SysWindowCompileAndRun' line 1: Item 'xxxxxx' not found for parameter where xxxxxx is whatever I type for referenceID. I did find that Fallout3.esm was not the 1st in mu load order so I changed it, but that did not fix my problem nor change the "mod index" of Point Lookout. One thing I just thought of is this, does the load order of mods remain constant or do you have to launch fallout 3 from FOMM to get the order to "stick" as you have it defined? This is really annoying me! If anyone can suggest ANYTHING I'd be very appreciative!
  2. Hi all, I've got this problem where Haley has disappeared from the store in Point Lookout. I have tons of loot to sell him and could use some repair services. Any ideas how I can get him back? I have tried player.moveto with both his base id (x00ea7d) and his ref id (x00ea80) Any other console commands that might work? TIA!
  3. Hopefully what I found will help others. It was actually quite simple. I was using GameSave Manager to backup and restore game saves. Well it turns out that it was copying over my oblivion.ini and the old version for some reason was not compatible with my current system. So, make sure you get Oblivion running and then save a copy of the ini files created in the root of the Oblivion game save folder, restore your game saves, then copy the ini files back and voila, things should work!
  4. Never thought to look in the event viewer for the app crash report, here's mine if it helps out at all: Log Name: Application Source: Windows Error Reporting Date: 9/7/2010 4:20:16 PM Event ID: 1001 Task Category: None Level: Information Keywords: Classic User: N/A Computer: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Description: Fault bucket 415048749, type 1 Event Name: APPCRASH Response: Not available Cab Id: 0 Problem signature: P1: Oblivion.exe P2: P3: 462392c7 P4: Oblivion.exe P5: P6: 462392c7 P7: c0000005 P8: 00175ba9 P9: P10: Attached files: C:\Users\xxxxxxxxxxx\AppData\Local\Temp\WER7038.tmp.WERInternalMetadata.xml These files may be available here: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive\AppCrash_Oblivion.exe_e27490f392263d4ef12ac7140c7192a60d9227_026ca571 Analysis symbol: Rechecking for solution: 0 Report Id: 4a711738-babd-11df-bc31-00508d952e5f Report Status: 0 Event Xml: <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event"> <System> <Provider Name="Windows Error Reporting" /> <EventID Qualifiers="0">1001</EventID> <Level>4</Level> <Task>0</Task> <Keywords>0x80000000000000</Keywords> <TimeCreated SystemTime="2010-09-07T20:20:16.000000000Z" /> <EventRecordID>2866</EventRecordID> <Channel>Application</Channel> <Computer>xxxxxxxxxxx</Computer> <Security /> </System> <EventData> <Data>415048749</Data> <Data>1</Data> <Data>APPCRASH</Data> <Data>Not available</Data> <Data>0</Data> <Data>Oblivion.exe</Data> <Data></Data> <Data>462392c7</Data> <Data>Oblivion.exe</Data> <Data></Data> <Data>462392c7</Data> <Data>c0000005</Data> <Data>00175ba9</Data> <Data> </Data> <Data> </Data> <Data> C:\Users\xxxxxxxxx\AppData\Local\Temp\WER7038.tmp.WERInternalMetadata.xml</Data> <Data>C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive\AppCrash_Oblivion.exe_e27490f392263d4ef12ac7140c7192a60d9227_026ca571</Data> <Data> </Data> <Data>0</Data> <Data>4a711738-babd-11df-bc31-00508d952e5f</Data> <Data>0</Data> </EventData> </Event>
  5. Can I simply "move" the game directory, or do I have to uninstall/reinstall? Would be great if it was as simple as a move, but certain I won't get that lucky! :laugh:
  6. I installed the game in the default directory. (I had OBMM move things back into the proper directory instead of the virtual store.) I did not remove my old game saves. (Didn't realize I would have to do that.) I'm actually trying to resume playing where I "left off" when my HD crashed. I used OBMM to load all of the same mods that I had when playing before to make the saves compatible. Thanks!
  7. I've just done a fresh install of Oblibion (Just had to re-load Win7 because of a HD crash) and whenever I run oblivion it crashes part was through the Bethesda splash screen with a dialog saying "Oblivion has stopped working" I have installed a few mods. At the suggestion of another thread on here, I used OBMM to disable all of my mods, but it still crashes. Any ideas? Thanks in advance! (Can't wait to get Oblivion running on my shiny new GTX 460! :D )
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