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Everything posted by Sader325

  1. Haha he wasnt so lucky during the vast majority (read: Every fight but one). The reason I panned the camera to the right after beating him was because I wasn't sure if he was actually alive. I was actually really surprised to find him alive. Especially because he took a glancing hit from Alduin's modified flame/ice breath @ 1:46 That normally always one shots him, and that horse is modded to be just as strong as shadowmere.
  2. It's amusing that you failed to realize the above poster and the mod you linked are one and the same =)
  3. Re-Hosted the video with a new link and changed the intro music. Maybe it'll be a little less banned now on youtube.
  4. 3 wins. 200+ losses. Is the fact that nearly everything that he does can one shot me not balanced by my ability to shout more? Not to mention its not just shout spamming. You have to use the right shouts at the right time. Imho they balanced shouts incorrectly in this game. They're way too boring most of the time, except the ridiculously overpowered ones like Elemental Fury.
  5. Added a vimeo link, hopefully that'll work, apparently vimeo messes with the aspect ratio though...
  6. Yea I'm looking into it. It seems it got blocked in a ton of European countries. U.S. is fine apparently though.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORs52KcP0wA&feature=youtu.beDivine Aegis in action. Vimeo Link: This is a short video of a deadly dragons boss fight using my special items I made for my Divine Aegis mod. Hope you enjoy it. Mods used are listed in the video. Music Credits (Opening Credits) Jonathan Beaudette - The Chosen Ones (Fight Music) Jonathen Beadutte - Immortalis (End Credits) Prodigy - Voodoo People (Pendelum Remix) (Radio Edit) -------------------- This video has been re-hosted with slightly changed music in an attempt to be a little less banned.
  8. Yes, i do. I dont think that it could get better with mods though. "Writing Overhaul Mod" is kida a stretch. More and more I am seeing this same sentiment. I fail to understand many of the decisions Bethesda makes in terms of writing. Inane NPC comments. Assanine NPC attitudes. Annoying, player-skill-based snide remarks. Out and out insults directed at the player. Why? Why, game after game, do they continue to design these intolerable NPC's? There is no good, justifiable reason for this. The only reason I can come up with is the "Jar Jar Binks Clause." This clause dictates that, by intentionally giving fans something to annoy them, they will direct their ire at this and fail to notice all the other annoyances you mistakenly include in your product. Bethesda probably figures we will be so occupied with their annoying NPC's that we fail to notice their repetitive combat, terrible magic, horrendous leveling system, wooden dialogue, lack of options, overly plentiful loot and complete lack of either immersion or challenge. Sadly, I can honestly say this is my last Bethesda-developed game. Its been a hard lesson painfully learned. I have enjoyed my time with these games, don't get me wrong. The sheer scope and freedom are appreciated. But Bethesda is designing console games now, for console gamers - overly simplistic loot fests with no decisions or consequences. I don't when or if anyone will come along and fill the PC-gaming void with a real RPG. I hope someone does, and soon. CDProjekt could likely do it, if they take a step back from consoles themselves, rid themselves of the premade Witcher character and the heavily scripted, god-of-war boss fights. I hope someone fills that void. I hope someone gives us back choices and consequences. I hope someone does this in a world a little less cartoonish than Amalur offered. I hope. I call so much bulls*** on that statement. Yea when TES 6 comes out you're not gonna get it? HORSESHIT SIR. LARGE SHOVELS OF SMELLY HORSESHIT. That being said: I could not get into Oblivion I liked Fallout 3 I could not get into New Vegas I have LOVED Skyrim, putting nearly 300+ hours into it and weeks making mods. But now I'm bored of it too, but that's NOT THE GAMES FAULT. I mean CHRIST i put nearly 300 hours into it! That's way more then any game I've ever bought that DIDN'T have multiplayer. I'm only bored because there's NOTHING LEFT TO DO! Let me put it this way... If someone walked up to me and said "Hey I can wipe your mind so you'll forget everything you learned while playing Elder Scrolls V, would you like me to do it?". I would say f*** YES just so I could play it AGAIN. *EDIT* Correction, I just checked steam. Apparently I'm at 324 hours of Elder Scrolls.
  9. Jesus Christ, I almost forgot about this post, thank God someone finally figured out how to fix it (no matter how convoluted the solution is).
  10. Honestly, I was beginning to think that might be my only solution... Though I was hoping to avoid this =( as my knowledge of scripting is...well non-existant would be putting it nicely I think.
  11. Alright so I've got a question, but since its dealing with models and meshes I'm not exactly sure how to go about asking it. That being said I'll try to describe it as best as I can. So I'm working on an enchant effect that incorporates a custom model put on this site recently: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=10658 As I don't have permission to use the file in my mod publicly, this project is currently for personal use. After digging around in the CK for a while I was able to learn how to create custom enchants that react based on preset conditions. One of those effects I made was this enchant for my Armor. http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f122/Sader325/TESV2012-02-2114-01-38-81.jpg This effect is similar to the ebony mail effect, except that it can be activated by crouching and blocking. I call it the "Last Stand" effect. Now, the idea I had involved using the model as an additional part of the effect that would only "appear" when Last Stand is activated. Well so far I've got it working correctly except for one problem, the model doesn't "attach" itself to the body like when it's worn as a separate equipment, meaning that it essentially "floats". Now, in retrospect I should have seen this coming, because it makes sense as when the wings are worn as separate equipment they are "attached" to the spine mesh/node somehow. So my question is, do you think its possible to make the "spell effect" version of this model function in the same way as the "equipped" version of the model. And what exactly do I have to do to make that possible?
  12. I don't actually care now. And in 10 years I'll care a whole lot less. And if 20 years from now I feel like playing skyrim, I'll get it for $0.50 in a bargain bin.
  13. As this is simply a copy of the Ebony Armor nif, I don't see why or how this would cause a problem. Especially since it hasn't at all yet. @Ghogiel I tried messing with the specular map, settings. It doesn't really help that much, if at all. The game just doesn't seem to handle bright colors very well, and other then editing all the weather shaders there doesn't seem to be any simple solution. So, I'm just going to give up on this for now.
  14. I guess it is hard to tell in those screenshots, but yes. The diffuse is pretty much white. It's got grey I guess, but I mean the point was to make a kind "white plate". *EDIT* Well its certainly not "stormtrooper" white.
  15. I'm beginning to think this may be less about the armor itself, and more about the different lighting styles in the game and how they handle bloom. Either that or it just really doesn't like the color white.
  16. Got it, thats what I needed to see. So basically I just gotta figure out whats making it go nuts in daylight and that'll change nothing in low light. I'll take a look at the cube map, I'm pretty sure its not the regular ebony one, we switched it to the cube map that gold uses.
  17. So... the answer to my question is... No? I think. I understand everything you said Ghogiel and I understand how all that works. I'm just trying to understand whether there's a way to make the effect less pronounced in Direct (Bright) Light but still retain the effect that I get in low light. Like maybe theres a setting in the .nif the controls the upper limit of the bloom or something. If there's no way to control that without changing the texture itself then my question is answered.
  18. It's not. Jaysus said the same thing. The file is here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=9109 Maybe you can look at it and give me an idea on how to solve this. The thing I'm trying to do is keep the the effect in Screenshot #2 and #3 but reduce the ridiculous bloom effect in screenshot one. If what I'm asking for is impossible then I'll just keep it the way it is.
  19. Oh god no, Jaysus replied but forum decided to poop itself. OH THE HUMANITY =(
  20. Alright so I'm working on my second project an ebony armor retexture. I finally figured out how to make and use specular maps which is helping a lot with this armor. But here's the problem: How do I lose this: http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f122/Sader325/TESV2012-02-1417-57-28-85.jpg But keep this: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/imageshare/images/1613992-1329238487.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f122/Sader325/TESV2012-02-1321-07-30-14.jpg Is there a setting that can limit the reflection in direct light?
  21. Last attempt at finding a solution before I just recreate my entire mod on the CK from scratch =/
  22. ? How is it any faster then pressing the NMM button and then activating a mod?
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