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Everything posted by enderes

  1. Hi. I don't know of any mods that do this, but there is this other option: UESP Skyrim Map It's basically just like the Google-maps website, but of Skyrim. And it does have a search bar where you can type in keywords to find a place by name (even if you only remember half of the name of some place, the search bar will still find places from it). It's pretty useful, the only caveat being that you have to pause the game and alt-tab out of it in order to check the map for a certain place that you forget the location of. (Although if you're playing on a console & you have your computer right nearby, that would probably work easier). --------- Other than that, I have several suggestion of my own of mods that (IMO) this game REALLY needs. 1. Completely get rid of the cinematic sequence of chopping wood & mining ore! Personally I love gathering & harvesting materials, even in a game where that's not very essential, so when I discover an ore vein I get excited. But when I click to mine it, I then have to just sit there and watch my character boringly swing a pickaxe into the vein slowly several times. I can't do anything while it's happening, just sit there tapping my fingers on my desk. SO BORING! And then there's the job of gathering firewood to sell in Riverwood (when a character is just starting out), I have to spend more time passively watching my character chop wood than I spend running around the town finding all the wood-chopping blocks. The same boring movement, several times each scene, and the scene played over & over. There is no functional purpose to it! There needs to be some way to just remove the cutscenes entirely. Make it so that when click to activate a chopping block or ore vein, it just instantly goes to showing me how much I gathered, keeping me in 1st-person-view. It's fine if there's a quick "blink" from before what would've been the cinematic to after, and if it still sheathes my weapons and passes a tiny bit of game-time, as long as I don't have to spend all those boring minutes of real-time watching it. (BTW I don't give a crap about immersion. I'm playing an RPG.} 2. When I'm shopping at a merchant, and I'm on the BUYING screen, for each item available for me to buy there should be number indicating how many of that same item I already have in my inventory. Sometimes I might just want to buy all the things of a certain type that I don't have already, or just by alchemy ingredients that I don't already have a ton of. Supply & demand makes a difference even to us the customers; we can't know what we demand if we don't know how what we already have supplied. And switching back & forth from the seller's menu to my own in the barter screen can unnecessarily tedious. 3. When sneaking, the eye symbol shows whether or not I'm being detected, but it only works on a yes/no basis. If in a place with several people, there is no clue given as to who is detecting me, or how many beings. There ought to be a way to tell if a specific target can detect me at a given moment, regardless of anyone else in the area. Like if I'm sneaking up to a person to pickpocket, but there are creatures nearby who can see me, or I have a companion with me who doesn't mind if I commit a crime, then the eye will be open, but I won't know whether or not the person right in front of me is one of the characters that causes the "eye to be open." Just because there is a cow nearby looking at me, does not mean that the lone farmer I'm standing behind can tell I'm there, so I shouldn't have to worry about, or just have to guess, whether or not the farmer can see me when I reach for his wallet.
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