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Everything posted by vinniewryan

  1. Well I tried a few things. I took your advice Janus and removed the SM events. I enabled 'Start Game Enabled' trigger for the quest and even removed ALL filters for the dialogue, so it applies to every NPC, yet it still will not work even if I manually setstage to 0 - However it will work if I un-check the 'Start Game Enabled' option and then manually force setstage 0. I'll try a few more things.. Natilde, thank you for your input, though the voice isn't really an issue as I'm using silent voice files (for now). Once the quest is initiated it all works perfectly, its just a matter of getting it to start.
  2. hmm I tried that with no success. Also, in the Quest Data tab of my quest, if I set 'Event' to anything, I can't get the quest to initiate, even if I manually setstage to 0.
  3. I actually got the inspiration for some of these features from Fable, but Skyrim is such a better game all around. I'm also happy someone else out there has a desire for this kind of mod. I've already started working on it, but today is the first time I've even touched the Creation Kit. There's still a lot to learn but I think with enough ambition and devotion it can be done. It's been mostly a pleasure making the global dialogue and setting the emotions and animations of the NPC's as you offer them gifts and compliments/ insults. Thank you for your reponse, I'd love to see your progress, even if it's just a video of some screenshots of something working. I just started another thread to get some help with starting quests. The dialogue works just fine when I manually set the quest stage to 0 in the console, but my trigger to do so in the CK isn't working correctly. I can tell I'm not going to get much sleep for a few months :P @IsharaMeradin: Thanks for letting me know. I'll re-open the CK and try again, clicking ignore this time.
  4. I've spent the entire day reading through tutorials trying to get this working. In the process of trying to get an NPC to initiate a conversation I've learned pretty much everything else. I made an NPC, a quest, and some dialogue. I made a quest node in the Story Manager to initiate the quest, but it still won't work! Grr My question is, can someone please give me a very simple way of making an NPC say anything when I activate them. When I activate the NPC he just says "Hmm?" where he's supposed to initiate a conversation. I used the PlayerActivateActor node but it won't work. PS I can get everything to work perfectly by using the console to setstage to 0. Then when I talk to the NPC it works just fine, but for some reason my node setup is NOT starting the quest. Thanks!
  5. Hello fellow modders, I have a request, it's a fairly large undertaking. I would do it myself but every time I try to load the Papyrus Compiler my creation kit gives an error and will not proceed. Further my editor will not display a preview of NPC's in their Base menu, and there are other misc errors and problems which just prevent me from reliably working with the editor. The MOD will introduce the ability to initiate and maintain friendships with NPC's and creatures by means of gifts, dates and other activities such as hunting, competitive target shooting, and other mini games in which both the NPC and the player can compete. The basis of this mod relies on scripts that can run on any NPC, initiated by the player and/or the NPC depending on restrictions within compiler/ editor. I plan to integrate animations provided by other modders, with their permission of course. My girlfriend and I will record all of the dialogue (voice) here. Dialogue will be made for every Vanilla race and will include new greetings and surface encounters as well. I will make all new meshes and textures for gifts and other items. Mini games may require new menus and such, if its possible. Also, if anyone can suggest reasons why I get the following errors, I'm all ear.. eyes. ;) ERRORS: When loading the FaceGen Preview: ********************************************************************** Assert File: C:\_Skyrim\Code\TESV\BSShader\Shaders\BSLightingShaderProperty.c pp Line: 806 ********************************************************************** Cheers!
  6. #2, I guess I'll just have to replace all buildings in game with my own meshes that have a 'burning down' animation. The point of this function would be to add more evil things the player and NPC's can do that permanently changes the world, and opens new options for re-building and changing the land as you choose. #3, The only work around that comes to mind is making really nice gaussian-edged 'snow pile' meshes that are scripted to build up on trees and rocks, and certain areas of the land where it won't cause any major CPU hit. It would still add a pretty nice effect for people who explore the (few) snowey regions. #4, Thanks for confirming #5, I'll look into it further. I'm sure there are functions for changing weather via script, it would seem stupid if they didn't include wind settings. #6, Creating an animated 'ring' mesh would work out just fine. I'll do that. Thanks for the help! I'll update as I progress, and soon I'll post a WIP thread, when I have something organized enough to show off B)
  7. RagnaHighArc, Thanks so much for the reply. I did figure out the first one, controlling the camera. You're right, it takes some scripting to do, but is fairly simple. Here's the method I came up with: I'll basically do the following: When player activates treasure chest: DisableSaveMode (don't let the player save game) Possible?? DisablePlayerControl Record current camera state (1st person, 3rd person) Copy 'player' and set clone position to Player x,y,z,zrot Fade to black within 0.3 seconds ForcePC1stPerson //;whatever the actual function is called Set player (which is now basically just used as a camera) position to (clone position +/- distance) set player angleZ to (calculate angle from player position to clone position) Fade back in within 0.8 seconds check if 'door' is within camera view move and rotate player(camera) until above is true When door is within camera view: delay for 5 seconds'ish, and start door 'close and lock' script wait for door script to return true, else; report error and return wait for player to press a button when above is true, fade to black 0.3 seconds delete clone set player position to clone x,y,z,zrot set camera state to recorded value (1st person or 3rd person) fade back in 0.8 seconds EnableSaveMode (?) EnablePlayerControl That's it. I'll finish this reply later tonight, I gotta go!
  8. I agree 100%. I'm really into modding Oblivion into a much more immersive game, but it adds hours to my searches when I have to shuffle through all the "sexy CM this" and "hot elf girls" that. I tried logging out so it wouldn't let me see the adult content, but it all still comes up in my searches so it's literally impossible to filter out. Just let us flag the adult mods and put a check box for "include adult mods" on the search page, and all will be well again.
  9. I'm wondering if the following things are possible, whether in TES construction set default scripting functions, or with OBSE, or if a new dll could be written as an OBSE plugin. 1: Control of the 3rd person camera: Let's say I made a room with a chest on one side and a door on the other. Now when the player approaches the chest, the 3rd person camera will most likely be facing the backside of the player looking at the chest. Now, let's say that when the player opens the chest, the door behind him/her closes and locks! Is it possible to force the 3rd person camera to rotate around the player until the door behind him/her is within the cameras view? 2: Pyro Heaven: Is there a way to, via script, detect a static object such as a tree or a house, and delete it / replace it with an active object? Let's say I really hate the owner of CottonCreek Farm, and I want to burn his farm down! I want to be able to drop a lit torch near his house, and via script, replace the static house mesh with an active mesh of the same kind that I can animate to burn down to a pile of ashes! 3: Snowey Grounds: Is it possible to create a shader that can be applied to the world ground? Let's say it's a bright snowey day and I want to go for a walk. a few hours later it's still snowing, but the dirt road I'm standing on just seems to stay clear of any snow or ice. A simple shader *could* fix this if permitted by the CS. Otherwise it would be ideal to use an animated gif for the ground texture with programmable animation sequencing, but that will never happen. 4: Magic Jumping Beans: Let's say I want to make a rock, and when the player activates the rock, it jumps up 3 feet then falls down. Or shoots 10 feet to the left. Possible? 5: *ban me* -ah, I guess the forum didn't like my witty pun. Anyway, WIND: Is it possible to, via script, control the 'wind blowing' animation of trees, bushes, and grass, without actually increasing the wind in the current region? 6: The Crystal Sniffer: Is it possible to, via script, manipulate properties of a player-equipped object, such as a ring on the players finger, or an amulet around his/her neck? These properties would include: Amination, 3D Scale, color (via shaders?), and further, is there a way to track the position of an object that's equipped to the player. Let's say I want a ring that, when the player is near a treasure chest, a script detects the world position of the ring and places a small flame at the same position, making it look like the ring is now on fire. These are all ideas that will support a lot of new functions and player control in a mod I'm working on. Any help is much apperciated, and I'm sorry if some of these questions are completely absurd or beginner level. Thanks for the help!
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