Unfortunately, there was really nothing special about my account, as far as I can recall. All I can provide is the name of the old account, password, and for the most part, the download history of mods and what games they were for. And, of course, my IP address would be the same, since I'm living in the same place and using the same computer I used when I was last logged in, which was about year or so ago. I don't know if that even matters or not (as I said, I'm not that tech-savvy), but anyway, If that won't cover it, then I guess I'll be using this new account then. It's not that big of a deal, really, but I was hoping something can be done. Anyway, thank you for trying to help. Appreciate it. Never been on this forum before, and from reading the other posts on this topic, I thought this could be appropriate place for technical issues. If I was wrong, well, I really am sorry, but I'm pretty sure I wasn't committing some unspeakable evil or breaking into FBI mainframe. Moderating team can freely delete posts, if they deem them to be so obtrusive. I really don't mind. As far as the 'multiple accounts' issue is concerned, it seems there won't be any, since judging by what other people said, I will have to continue using this one. So there, one problem solved all by itself.