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Except that we are talking about things as they relate to mods. Nobody is going to download a mod and think that anything the character in the mod does or says remotely reflects their real world counterpart. It is not identity theft, and any attempt to claim it as such can be resolved with a simple disclaimer. And, as you point out, using a person's likeness without permission in an attempt to impersonate, slander, or defame them is already illegal on its own, so the method of how that likeness was constructed is not really important. Again, that is my point. It is not that tools exist that allows it, it is that there is intention exists to commit a crime using those tools. We are not talking about identity theft, fraud, blackmail, or anything similar. We are talking about making mods. So as far as mods are concerned, intentions tend to be more important than how the effect is achieved in deciding if it is banned or not. As far as copyright is concerned, there is very much a gray area in terms of content related to video games. I mean... This uses audio clips from the game, it alters audio both in cutting and adjusting pitch and timing, it uses game art. It even uses a computer generated audio effect in a few spots, qualifying it as AI generated under strict terms. If it was in such clear violation of copyright, it would have not existed on Youtube as long as it has. Modding tends to be a similar sort of medium. As long as you are not distributing files and data, many things tend to be treated as fair use as long as it is not for profit or with the intention of damaging the copyright owners. It may not be law, but it is common practice and companies seem to allow it since it does often help keep their product culturally relevant longer.
Except that is still more a matter of how it is being used to perform illegal activities or fraud. To take it a different direction, consider the number of people out there who use voice clips of various actors for things like reactions on their channel. Even though these people are not trying to steal identity or portray themselves as those voices, such a broad definition of "replicated sound, image, and likeness" would make these fairly benign actions technically illegal. Even if it was limited to just things produced by AI, it may be virtually impossible to prove that AI was not involved given the derivative nature of sound clips, particularly with studios negotiating rights to the sound, image, and likeness of their actors and extras. Then what about coincidental things, such as altering your own voice using AI software, or any software, but which just happens to sound close enough to someone else? Trying to ban the process instead of the already illegal activities just makes it impossible to enforce other than for the sake of adding those charges onto other crimes. This is especially true when it is already being used by the general public as well as media companies. In order to work to any degree, AI companies would have had to leave audio fingerprints in any modified audio since the start of AI generation, while also maintaining tight restrictions on the base technology so that independent parties could not produce anything without those fingerprints... In short, that ship has sailed by quite a large margin, never-mind the technical impossibility of having fingerprints that cannot be faked or removed.
As far as I'm aware from the few things that made headlines... I believe most of the problems were regarding use in paid or adult mods as far as the morality issues are concerned. While using AI to generate a voice is far easier than taking dozens of voice clips and tweaking them to sound close, it is still just a tool. The result could likely be completed in some form one way or another, Ai just lowers the barrier to completion. It is derivative... But really... So much of modding and art in general is derivative just as a requirement for existing.
if Player.GetcurrentAmmo == Bayonet showmessage bayonetmessage if GetButtonPressed == 0 Player.Equipitem WeapNVServiceRifleBayonet2 elseif GetButtonPressed == 1 Player.Equipitem Ammo556mm endif end The way you have it, the check for button pressed is being tied to the ammo check. Adjusted the spacing so you kinda see what's going on. You also usually have to wait a tick between showmessage and the response for it to be used right unless they happen in different blocktypes. Like: Begin OnActivate if Player.GetcurrentAmmo == Bayonet showmessage bayonetmessage endif end begin gamemode if GetButtonPressed == 0 Player.Equipitem WeapNVServiceRifleBayonet2 elseif GetButtonPressed == 1 Player.Equipitem Ammo556mm endif end
Very weird ignoring of conditions in dialogue
Vagrant0 replied to csbx's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
I think it's because variable changes that execute from dialogues are not considered in real-time. The variable that a dialogue option is checking needs to exist for some time before the dialogue option gets displayed in order to be acknowledged. I forget the specifics, but it might not even be acknowledged unless the dialogue with the subsequent topic is spoken again. If I remember correctly, if responses to B are based on a variable set in A, you need a filler dialogue between A and B to give time for the game to acknowledge the variable change so the correct dialogue is used for B. Using a forcegreet might be a workaround here depending on what kind of dialogue we are doing since it closes the dialogue and immediately re-evaluates the conditions. The problem is that it can create some flow strangeness. -
Very weird ignoring of conditions in dialogue
Vagrant0 replied to csbx's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
I believe that is exactly the issue. The variable change needs to exist in the needed state before the dialogue recognizes it. Essentially, if you are using variables to control dialogue options, you need to set a variable, have a dialogue, then check the variable for the condition to be registered with the dialogue. -
June 14, 2006 I have not been active for much of that time, but still remember how it was back then and am continually impressed with how site has grown and changed. Back then it was basically just Morrowind, then a sister site for Oblivion, then Fallout 3, and it just kinda grew from there, eventually becoming the Nexus and encompassing so many games.
As far as I remember, you basically have to re-weight the mesh to the right bones and clear out any existing weights. Most methods of trying to copy weights will run into the same problem you have where it will try to assign other bones. You could, technically, go through each vertex and copy weights to the corresponding bone, I think, but that may take longer than just trying to re-weight it from scratch or copy weights from a gauntlet for that hand.
TESIV: Unable to add a spell under CS to a chest container
Vagrant0 replied to kwoodard65's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
It has been a very long time for me, but if memory serves, spell books in Oblivion are handled differently than Skyrim. Normally, spells are only obtained through scripted events, like Finger of the Mountain, or an NPC training the player, or the player crafting the spell. Basically, the easiest way with modding is to just write a basic script which adds the spell to the player Onactivate. What the object looks like really doesn't matter, but the nice things about using a book is that the default activate option will let you read the book so that you can do your own little creative touches, like spell description, a journal entry of a previous user of the spell, ect. Sadly the wiki is down so I can't help with the scripting, but you should be able to piece something together by looking at the Finger of the Mountain event script. Some useful pages. https://cs.uesp.net/wiki/OnActivate https://cs.uesp.net/wiki/AddSpell https://cs.uesp.net/wiki/Activate -
Not actually that much of an issue. IIRC there were scripting methods and settings in the cell to prevent fast travel in those specific situations where the player was in a forced location. Kinda like I described above, it was more of a technical and bugginess reason why it was disabled in so many cases. Have to remember, the fast travel system in Oblivion was based around the path grid, so things that were disconnected from the path grid needed some way to resolve the disconnection.
Play TES:Oblivion. Head to Bravil. Compare the exterior of buildings with the interiors. Sit and rock in the corner for the next 14 hours about walls, doors, and windows not maching. Realize that of all the people who have played the game, nobody paid much notice to it. Continue that realization by thinking how it doesn't matter because it's all visuals and most those places you never enter anyway. Come to understand that being OCD is only a problem because you decide it to be one. Also works with the subways in Fallout 3, the mages guild (in general) in Skyrim, and pretty much everything in Fallout 4.
On the bright side.. R. Kelley is still locked in federal prison during all of this.
Printer Blank Page Issue
Vagrant0 replied to RobinHood2005's topic in Hardware and software discussion
The gatcha on that end is that the cartridges they give you with a new printer are often much smaller or contain far less ink than buying the ink. Oh, and many models also dump a portion of their ink into what is essentially a giant sponge of 'waste' ink every time the printer warms up. In some models, this is every time you turn it on. And printing very light colored dots on every page to use up just that one color so you have to buy the full set sooner. -
There is a technical limitation, just not one that generally applies to PC players. In Bethesda games made within Gamebryo or Creation, interior spaces were their own disconnected area. With Oblivion, there were also more worldspaces which were not physically connected to the standard world. This led to calculation issues when it would try to simulate how much time a travel action would take, and in several cases cause players to become stuck in perpetual loading screens. Much of this was eventually fixed or covered up between patches and having hardware better than the base Xbox 360. The limitation was left in with newer games because of both wanting to minimize this issue before patching, and eventually because they forgot why they added it to begin with.
Those kinds of text boxes in older games also tended to be VERY specific as to what were valid entries at any given time. Even with a list of acceptable verbs, at any given time you could have thousands of potential things to try when stuck... With some of those things actually preventing you from being able to continue. It basically made the game have too many possible solutions where most of those solutions did absolutely nothing but take your time and frustrate you.