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Posts posted by Vagrant0

  1. You'd really be best off trying to figure out how the mod is causing the reduction before using console. It may be a disease, it may be an active effect. Using console to offset a drained/damaged skill/attribute would only end up covering up the problem, and screwing up your character more in the process (skill at 100, cannot be raised, but is being treated as 17).
  2. Generally any scale changes done to the player don't work too well. This is because the player effectively uses two sets of models, one for first person, one for third person. If you change scale while in first person, only the first person models will match this change (along with a change to movement speed, jump height, and all that other stuff that height controls), when you change scale in third person, the third person model changes, but movement speed and all that other stuff (except for where NPCs look) is unchanged. Since both these sets are linked to the player, and are used only by the engine, you can't change both of them at the same time.


    That said, scale commands are really designed to be used on things other than the player or normal NPCs (hence the need to disable/re-enable). Using disable on the player probably isn't that good of an idea since the player is needed to make the game work.

  3. Did you delete the ini in your "mydocuments" folders?


    What are your system specs?


    Are you using Vista, or a version of the CS which is for a different game version (1.2 CS for 1.0 or 1.1 game)?


    Are you trying to load up a bad mod?


    Did you install the CS somewhere else other than your Oblivion directory?

  4. Try making a new game with all your mods currently active, and going to those places (cheating). If the new game works, it's something which exists within your save, in which case you may need to get somewhere distant, like an inn second floor (a cell which is only connected to another interior cell) open console, and use pcb, and rmp. This should revert the data in those cells (as well as most the world) back to its initial (game start) state. If you have items sitting outside of containers (in house display cases/racks) you should move them to actual containers if you wish to keep those items.


    If that new game doesn't work, disable only OOO, and then try with another new game. Then try loading OOO right after Oblivion.esm, activating it, and doing another new game.


    You should also ensure that all your data files are in the right place. OOO adds a few new creatures, one of those creatures may be missing files, or be loading wrong. To find this, open OOO in the CS (not as active), and do a preview on most of the creatures. If the CS crashes while loading that creature, it may be the cause of the problem. It may even be due to creatures/npcs with a shader. Most of those places mentioned are places with alot of undead, and OOO uses shaders for spectral creatures/NPCs. Installing another mod which changes default undead appearance could still be causing issues since the data files are present. Almost every area contains ghosts, wraiths, so you should probably start there.

  5. I already know werewolf mod, but thanks still.

    Is it able to make race wich is BIG, and make a spell where your character changes to this race?

    Is there able to make bigger than 2.000? And if idea works, what scripts I should use?

    Plz answer.

    Essentially no.


    Giant monsters like Dagon don't have very much defined for them within game to let them even do simple things like moving. The dragon shown in game is actually an activator, so doesn't even do that much. Now people have taken the dragon model and animated it further, but it is still rather limited as to what it can do.


    Even if there were models available to be used, the game does not allow the player to be anything other than an NPC, and this is why several werewolf mods just have the player wearing a sort of fur suit. There are polymorph mods which allow the player to be made invisible, and then have a spawned creature which will move in relation to how the player moves, but those mods require OBSE, and aren't very practical for anything very large due to the fixed player perspective height.

  6. it's just a fun tool that i'd like to be able to play with

    And as I had suggested, such a tool would likely do more harm than good with a modded game. The only thing that such a tool could do that wyrebash or normal modding could not would be changes to some internal variables which are related to quests or NPCs, which needless to say, can cause significant problems if you don't know enough about how things are related. Just like how you can seriously screw up the game by playing with quest stages/variables from console.

  7. ok i've got that fixed now I encounter a bug where only potions show up in the editer and apperently it's a quite common bug

    What do you hope to achieve by using a savegame editor really? I could maybe understand the purpose if you were playing on xbox, or were using an un-modded game, but in a modded game, on a computer there really isn't much point to it. Almost everything you could want to do would be achievable through either console or the addition of a mod. And then there are things that only mods can do (obviously). As for making it work with a modded Oblivion, even if it was just looking at data pertaining to the vanilla game, the presence of mods can cause errors where that data has been altered by said mod.

  8. Try disabling thieves arsenal. Although it is based around stealthy characters, it might have some scripting on NPCs which is causing a conflict. It might also be forcing actors beyond a certain distance to go into a low processing mode. If not that, it has to be something ini or setting related. Your best bet is to try disabling one thing at a time to see if there is any change. When you cast target spells, like fire, does the bolt impact/explode on any of the walls or anything? Or is this purely an NPC issue. Your arrows should also be sticking into wood and the like... After you've pinned down the rough distance, try shooting at a wood door or something moving into, and out of that distance.
  9. It could be due to several things. Most likely it is something related to processing (too many script-heavy mods, too many things running in the background, unusual game settings). But it could be from any number of things, including game setting changes, what mods you're using, what changes you've made to your ini, what your system specs are.

    How close roughly do you need to be before that NPC get working? Have you tried using a target spell to see if the story is the same? What mods do you have currently running?

  10. You cannot have one .esp reference things in another .esp. Also, releasing anything related to official mods would likely be illegal since that content is only for people who have purchased the mod.


    If the reference issue isn't the problem, than it is likely one of the thousands of other mistakes someone who isn't familiar with modding could make. Or conflicts with other mods you have.

  11. And Vagrant I am also asking you to stop posting here. Your argument for using the word perversion smacks to me of sophistry. Whether it is or not we've heard enough.

    I apoligize for my usage of the word, but saw no better to fit what I was referring to. I did however clarify it so that the distinction would be there. As I have stated, I am not making any moral claims, in fact I have pretty much stated my stance on the subject.


    Personally I say whatever you want to do in your own home, as long as it doesn't create trouble for others, is none of our business.


    It is neither an acceptance nor a comdemnation of behavior or those who take part in that behavior. Forgive me for being "old-fashioned" but I do not see where a person's sexual status is business for anyone other than themselves. You would not want your boss discussing how, or who he had sex with. You would not want the teacher of your children making references to their partners in class, unless it was a class on human sexuality.


    And why is it that I need to back up my thoughts with logic and reasoning?

    I was not questioning your thoughts, but the self-rightous statements you've been taking. Is it too much to ask that people considder their thoughts well enough to back them up with reasoning before just accepting them?


    Quite frankly, I don't see the reasoning behind what you think.

    That is because you're too busy making judgements about what I supposedly think that you are so quick to condemn it. You don't see reasoning because you aren't looking. You take a quick glance every so often, and assume that I'm just regurgitating the usual garbage that you're used to hearing on the subject. Where have I ever indicated that I had any of these views that you claim that I have? You make the assumption that human rights are in question, and that I somehow oppose them... Where did you get a silly idea like that?


    You talk about "right" and "wrong" or acceptance, these things are meaningless if the people you are "accepting" cannot live a gainful lifestyle. And that gainful lifestyle cannot be achieved as long as long as you simpify things the way society (both liberal and conservative) currently does.


    Research comes into play for helping people understand behavior, and creating the necessary infrastructure to deal with that behavior. There isn't even a concensus on if this behavior is psycholigically driven, biologically driven, or socially driven, or if there is even any reason for the behavior. Human rights aren't the question, it's the impact on society that is. What makes it acceptable for one man to sleep with another, but sex with children or animals, or even inanimate objects is deemed "sick". Now I know you're going to jump over this statement for making the compairison, but please wait and hear me out. The difference is because homosexuallity is more common, and seen as less deviant, or disruptive to society (which it is by a long shot). And it could have only become seen that way because people have actually looked at the causation of the behavior and tried to understand it. Afterall, up until lately homosexual behavior was illegal in many places, and punishable by death, or excommunication in many religions. I am not saying that either is right or wrong, I am not making any moral statements, I am only comparing them since they are both part of an individual's sexual makeup, and while one is condemned by society, one is tolerated. By your reasoning, both would be equally fine in your book, god forbid we look down upon someone who has the hots for livestock. And you know what, I can understand that stance, people do need to be heard, and understood before judgements are passed. But that does not mean that it should necessarly become part of how others are known.


    Gay people are often the first ones to tell you about their sexuallity, or atleast feel the need to. My contention to the whole argument is why we even need to know. This is not a "don't ask, don't tell" stance, but rather wanting to respect another individuals privacy, and being more concerned about what else they are. Why should "gay", "lesbian", "bi-sexual", "transexual", or anything else even come into the picture unless you have intents to have romantic relations with that individual. Why pidgeon hole people into these categories, and restrict how they will be percieved? Why is it even my business how you choose to have sex? Unfortunately, the reality is that even though people may claim to have open views, when it comes down to being face to face with someone who is gay, or has different behavior than our own groups, we tend to speak to them less, and usually only talk to them out of feeling obligated (proving that you aren't just another hater). More over, those individuals also tend to stay within their own groups, and often look upon others with disgust... Or do you think prejudice is a one way street, and just saying that you "accept them" suddenly fixes everything? What if I were to say that I were gay, lesbian (afterall I've never given any indication of gender), or only felt myself while wearing feminine clothing? It would certainly affect how I would be precieved by others, and would be information that isn't really necessary for understanding who I am. I do not personally like labels, I find them too limiting, why would you assume that I would want to diminish the worth of others as such? My sexual identity is no more your business than what kind of underwear I'm wearing. Likewise it is not my business to question, or expect to know what kind of underwear you are wearing (regardless of reason). You speak about rights, what about a right to personal privacy?


    Please before you write another angry, and unfounded post, considder that we may agree on more than you seem to realize, or want to. Wether you like it or not, progress will only come because there is research into behavior, and it can be seperated from the views of sin, disease, or abnormallity. Words are cheap, beliefs can be argued against till the end of time, concrete evidence will however determine who's beliefs are more valid. Or do you expect those deeply religious people to just dismiss what is in their teachings because you say differently? Look at history, such significant changes will only happen when people are proven beyond a doubt that their views are wrong. By research, I'm using it broadly to mean any study on the subject, be it medical testing, to case studies, to sociological documentation of human behavior. For all we know, homosexuallity could be present in some degree in everyone, and it is really the norms of society, and the experiences of the individual (and the context of those experiences) that determines anything. If I was in such an extreme opposition to any of this, as you believe I am, why would I post a link to information on the subject, or insist that people discuss the matter in terms beyond the reaches of popular culture. If this is sophistry, then it is necessary as this subject is one which most people don't fully understand, and seem more intent in arguing ethics about than ask any questions.


    Finally, it is only because society is so severely failing to understand things that many young people are disowned by their parents, are driven into prostitution, drug use, or become suicidal. Just "acceptance" doesn't mean equal treatment. What is needed is understanding about the why, and this is only because we've decided that it is actually something that should make any difference.


    And I've said my peace. I apoligize Malchik, but I could not just sit here and let someone totally misunderstand everything I had said, and turn it around into some sort of hate-mongering.

  12. Vagrant, who in the bloody hell do you think you are, huh!?! Just because you think homosexuality/cross-dressing/transexuality is wrong, doesn't mean you even give you the damn f**king right to say anything. I don't care if this gets me banned, but I'm not gonna let you get away with slandering ANYONE who is different from you.


    This has nothing to do with what is right or wrong, black or white, for when it comes to the rights of human beings, no so-called "morals" will get in the way. It's this kind of prejudice that sickens me, more than anything, because people like you will NEVER understand a g*ddamn thing AT ALL. It's people like you who are less human than those you despise, those that you see as different from you, those that you feel are living their lives wrong...


    Nah, it's you who are wrong, you're the one that is so closed off to everyone else that you are blind. Blind to humanity. You're a misanthropist, because you let you're so-called "moral system" blind you from seeing that everyone else isn't so different from you. I've got nothing else to say to you, or any other time after this, because I know who you are now.

    First off. I NEVER made ANY moral claims on the matter. So please stop assuming that just because I do not agree with the discussion here that I am regurgitating concervative rhetoric. Second, This is a forums. People are supposed to be able to have their say on equal grounds. I am not hate mongering, nor am I flaming, most of what I sau can be backed up by the research, or even a general understanding of sociology. So please stop having these extreme reactions and actually READ what is being said. This is EXACTLY the reason why a topic like this is not fit to be discussed, people have too much baggage (religiuous rhetoric, liberal rhetoric) coming into the discussion, and limited understanding of anything of the subject beyond what is portrayed in popular culture. If you wish to offer contention to my arguments, you are free to do so as long as your contention is founded. So far pretty much everything said is so far from the truth that I'm actually a bit offended. I am not making any moral claims, my arguments are not motivated by polity or religion, and would appreciate you not making those assumptions. You condemn me for supposedly passing judgement, but yet you are so quick to pass judgement on me that you can't actually considder what I am talking about within the greater context of society. Primarily how western society has pretty much failed these groups totally, and given into parts of these groups who enjoy the spectacle, rather than those who life the lifestyle and are still productive in society. And how the showy, overexaggerated members of these groups are seen as role models, and how their behavior is copied as part of a sign of their lifestyle can lead to many, many years of hardship, and substance abuse because of the things that lifestyle deals with. Afterall, name one profession (not merely a job) outside the entertainment industry (especially those with male plumbing) where such a person would be regarded equally. You talk about "right" and "wrong" or acceptance, these things are meaningless if the people you are "accepting" cannot live a gainful lifestyle. And that gainful lifestyle cannot be achieved as long as long as you simpify things the way society (both liberal and conservative) currently does. If you disagree with something I said, there is nothing stopping you from saying so, provided that you can back it up with good logic or evidence. Taking this "high road" approach doesn't mean a whole heck of alot when what you're so actively opposing is not actually present, and when you don't back up any of those statements with anything other than heated insults. I mean no offense, but it is that sort of unquestioning acceptance of all things, without explaining why, or to what degree they should be accepted, as well in what context that is what should be challenged. People too often just believe exactly what they are told without ever thinking about it themselves.

  13. perhaps he said perversion in a freudian sense. which is intended as every sex**l act that does not create life in the process (ie almost everything, also among heterosexuals.)

    Exactly... Which is why I went on to define that word specifically before continuing... To avoid any confusion as to what is meant.


    *Perversion as in distorted, illogical ideas, or taking aspects of a given lifestyle to a point where it prevents function within society.


    Given that it is right in the middle of things should tell you that it is an important distinction between how most people use the word, and how I am using the word. I meant no offense. I was not saying that such people are necessarily perverted (in that sense) but rather their lifestyle can lead to various forms of preversion (in the sense I'm using it there). If you cannot understand that distinction, it only further proves the point that most people really aren't able to talk about the subject intelligently.


    The post-pubescent adolescents whose psychological scarring you fear for are a damn sight more resilient than you give them credit for.

    Far from... My concerns are not merely about some sort of shock, but merely being introduced to ideas which may result in changed behavior. However you may want to argue against it, there is evidence that merely being introduced to alternative sexualities can adjust the personal norms of the individual, and increase their chance of experimenting. As these experiments can often lead to doubts about oneself, and create conflict in the individuals life, it is not exactly something which should be presented to minors. Furthermore, topics on sexuallity of any kind are not generally suitable for minors (as per the over-reactive parent writing angry letters, federal law, ect.). If you were really interested in the subject there are plenty of resources out there, and although most are biased one way or another, they can certainly do the topic more justice than people on a gaming site.


    A good place to start... Even though it is Wikipedia, there are some reasonably good links and sources.



    And when I say that people aren't able to talk about it intelligently, I am not aiming this at you personally, but at the general population. If I were to discuss the specifics about this topic with people I work with, or college students which were not majoring in human sexuality, I would certainly be met with unusual looks, followed by either politically (or religiously) motivated comments, or utter ignorance. Much of the reason why this is the way it is, is because the topic as it pertains to the public is because the topic has more of a tabloid-esque resonance than anything. Most of the exposure that people have to individuals of these groups are usually the sort of individuals who give those lifestyles a bad name. You mention "Gay" and they think of the stereotypical loose wristed, lispy, fruitcake (for lack of a better word) or some butch woman in flannel. You mention "Transvestite" and they think of either showy dragqueens, or individuals who gain sexual pleasure from wearing feminine garb. And it certainly doesn't help things when popular culture plays off these stereotypes. There are certainly individuals of these groups who can maintain their identity, but do not try and actively oppose the norms of society. They just aren't made part of the western psyche. Until society finally moves beyond such limited views of sexuallity, intelligent discussion on the matter, in a setting where most people are not up on the research, cannot really be possible. The addition of inconclusive or flawed research on the matter doesn't help things one bit.


    In short, the revolution cannot really progress beyond where it is without social acceptance. Social acceptance cannot occur until there is alot of conclusive research to prove difinitively one way or another. When there are still studies concluding that "Gay men really have the brains of women" being done, and praised at being revolutionary, You really have to wonder if anyone really wants an actual answer, or just one that sounds "good enough". Afterall, up till lately, the pro-gay movement has been more concerned with just trying to shock people and create social conflicts, rather than try to negotiate with society.


    And negotiating does not include Queer-eye or having a pink triangle on your bumper. If anything Queer-eye did more to reinforce people's views of homosexuals as being less "normal", or more like effiniminate men, than expose the culture to any sort of truths. As for pink triangles... You do know where they have their origins right? It's nice that you want to show your pride in your identity, but re-using a symbol of slaughter and oppression probably isn't the best way to go about doing it. In 20 years, hopefully we'll realize just how silly, and counter productive all of this really is.

  14. Okay... you're bigoted. And you seem more than a little threatened. If you don't want to spend the time discussing something that someone else is concerned about, why bother posting anything. As to the 'average 14 year old', some of them could probably teach you a thing or two. And why bring a container of petrol along with you if you're worried about flame wars?

    And thank you for proving my point. People feel too strongly one way or another before they even read anyone else's posts, and considder what they're saying that they find it necessary to defend their own position. If anything this is a topic just as heated as religion because it IS so personal to some.


    Threatened... No. Just because someone speaks against making a lifestyle choice public policy does not mean that they either misunderstand that lifestyle, or that the choices within a non-public setting are bad.


    And it doesn't matter how much a 14 year old "thinks" they know on the subject, it is the matter of this site being (typically) PG-13 in nature, and that things discussed in such a topic being inappropriate for discussion on a site which has such a rating. Beyond that, most of those "all-knowing 14 year olds" you speak of really only know the things that their culture, or their therapist tell them. Many of those such teens are so desperate for an answer that they'll accept (and strongly defend) any answer that comes close. While I do not pretend to know their own personal situation, I have a fairly strong background in psychology and sociology, and much of the methodology of determining a person's gender identity relies on either the sort of questions designed to play off people who happen to be questioning that identity, or are filled with re-assuring statements, which should tell you that something is being done wrong.

  15. I thought i'd open up a topic about transgendered people and crossdressers, and see who else in the depths of these forums are interested about them...

    Call me bigoted... But why? And what do you mean "interested about"? No offense, but as the average forum goer around here is either 14, or younger, this doesn't seem like an appropiate topic to be discussing. Not so much because of the content it might involve, mind you, but rather the limited understanding many people have about the topic, and how something like this could really end up turning into a flame war pretty fast.


    Personally I say whatever you want to do in your own home, as long as it doesn't create trouble for others, is none of our business. The moment you try and MAKE it our business, and glorify a destructive lifestyle filled with doubts, depression, hostility, and perversion* is where I have the problem.


    *Perversion as in distorted, illogical ideas, or taking aspects of a given lifestyle to a point where it prevents function within society.


    And for the record, I have done the research... Oddly enough... Quite a bit of it, and the doctrine involved with it is so flawed that it is only good for Springer. So don't even start because I don't have the time to sit down and lay it all out. All it takes is the ability to read through journals and cut through all the politics involved really. In some cases it seems like these people are just fed re-assuring ideas, just because society doesn't have any better solution, and leaving them to fend for themselves can be more destructive than offering a half-lie.

  16. It's doable, though.

    Nah, it's just 1337 photoshopping skillz.


    Ok, seriously, if it's been done it's obviously doable, and it's obviously been done. The problem is finding it. And that is the problem since many of our Japanese counterparts don't seem very keen on making their stuff available. The lack of any single source for Japanese mods (as far as I've been able to determine) other than 2chan doesn't help things. I would suggest spending alot of time browsing through google.


    Here's some gana to help you in your search.


    天元突破 グレンラガン (the name of the anime)


    ヨ-コ (Yoko... The character's name)


    Chances are though that you won't find it, and won't find anyone else willing to do anything similar due to it being related to an anime few people know about. If it looked like something more substantial, you might be able to get more interest. It is afterall the business of the one who made the mod to decide not to release it. And being a modder, I can accept and support that decision by encouraging people to not try and replicate the results just because someone is requesting it. Afterall if you decided to hold back a mod because people were annoying the hell out of you over it, you wouldn't appreciate someone else making the mod instead. People who find it necessary to harass capable modders should deal with the results. We mod because we like to mod, not because you beg and plead us to.

  17. I was just wondering if there was a way to get mods for the ps3 version of Oblivion. If I could somehow download them onto my ps3.

    Pretty sure you're stuck being modless. You might be able to use the official mods though.


    Simply, you cannot use any mods which other people made because you aren't using the PC version of the game. It's one of those complicated things that they didn't bother to explain to people who buy the console version thinking that the game can actually be made playable.

  18. As far as I know, D2D is compatable with any mods that do not require OBSE. It may however be limited by whatever version of the game you've patched to, which could be why some of the mods you tried didn't work. Additionally you could have just installed them wrong.
  19. Do your own modded creatures count? When playing around I made a creature that used damage fatigue and absorb health frequently. On their own they weren't too bad, in packs, once your fatigue would start getting low you were looking at trouble. They would just keep taking away your fatigue and health as you just sat there helpless consuming all the food that you had with you trying to have enough to get up and run away.


    If it's just vanilla creatures... Mudcrabs. They just cause battle music to start too often whenever you go near the water. You expect to be attacked by something significant, but end up just turning in circles trying to figure out what is after you. Then there's the dialogues.

  20. Oblivion is a great game.But i think its missing romance.Anyone played fable? i was thinking that someone could maybe do a marrige mod? i tried the mod on this webbsite but i didint like it that much.If someone could do a marrige system like in Fable it would be great.I have no modding experience myself so i cant do it.

    The problem with some sort of marriage mod is that it would play out alot like a companion mod without the adventuring part. There really isn't alot of room for romance, especially if you want to be able to marry with one of the existing NPCs. At most, you'd probably have an equivilant of the maid from your skingrad house (or the henchman that came with the Vile lair plugin) who shares a bed.


    As for Fable, yes, it does suck. Next to no modding capabilities, even in the PC version. But does prove a point, even in Fable romance was kinda one sided, and really never accomplished anything.


    Keep in mind, atleast half (if not most) the people around here don't know anything about romance outside the bedroom, or what they read in books, see in movies, ect. And if the bedroom is the only place you're concerned with, I think some of those early companion mods (forgot their name) might be about all you need.

  21. i will probably defrag my pc, but im just wondering wether there are any drawbacks or things that are bad about defragging?

    The only bad thing is that it takes awhile to do, and can seriously screw up your computer if something crashes or you lose power. If these errors are frequent, you might want to back up some of your important stuff on a DVD or something incase you have to reinstall.


    You should really run the test on your RAM before defragging since the act of defragging may end up causing a crash if you have a bad stick of memory.

  22. Go to Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Disk Defragmenter. Make sure your hard drive is selcted in the list at the top, and then click analyze, near the bottom. wait for a bit until a messagebx pops up, and click defragment, regardless of whether Windows says you need to or not, although if it doesn't say you do, then chances are it's not a problem. Defragging regularly just makes your hard drive run faster. Wait for anywahere between 10 minutes and several hours, depending on how big your hd is, and how fragmented it is (Mine is 160gb, and when I didn't defragment regularly, it would take 2-3 hours to do it. If you do it regularly enough, it'll get quicker- I defrag after every major software installation, and it only takes 5-10 mins).


    Sorry if that's a bit complicated, I have a habit of going into more detail than is strictly necessary :)

    Defragging can also detect if parts of your hard drive are corrupted, and then seperate those areas so that new data isn't written there. If it's an issue with something in your pagefile getting written to a bad block, this should fix it.


    As for testing RAM, first right click my computer > properties to see that windows is detecting what you have installed. Then look online for a program to test your ram. I havn't had an issue myself so can't recommend anything, but there should be some comments out there that could help you find something.

  23. 279. Tapestries can stop arrows.

    280. NPC archers will never run out of arrows, and will always hit you if you don't move out of the way.

    281. The old fisherman with a wooden leg doesn't actually have a wooden leg.

    282. Console is the strongest weapon of them all.

    283. You can't block a sword with your bare hands, but you still have hands after trying.

    284. NPCs will stare at you for hours if neither you or they move, and will continually try to strike up a conversation.

    285. You can never get bored with killing the Arena Fan... Kinda says something about the gamer population really. Here's this guy willing to follow you to the ends of the earth, and all you can think to do with him is finding some way to push him off. And it isn't just you, it's pretty much everyone who's played the game.

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