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Posts posted by Vagrant0

  1. 249. It can actually be interesting to follow around a single NPC for a week.


    250. Glarthar has good reason to be paranoid. He knows about all the secretive societies. Kinda odd really.


    251. The tome of unlife is suprisingly useless.


    252. You only have trouble finding Nirnroots when you're actually looking for them.


    253. No matter how important the invasion of Tamriel may seem, you always have time to do chores for people.


    254. The definition of an invasion is aproximately 2 scamps and a flame atronach from each gate.


    255. Frost Atronachs are suprisingly boyant in lava.


    256. Flame Atronachs die when they touch lava.


    257. A large rock falling from 50 ft. above just bounces off you.


    258. You can tell a door or chest is locked just by looking at it, and how good of a lock it is.


    259. You can tell if something is owned by another person, its value, and weight just by looking at it.


    260. There is nothing worse than a villan that talks too much. He's going to kill you, why bother to explain anything first?

  2. 177. Walls are paper thin, but can withstand everything that you can throw at them.

    178. The insides of a building are usually larger than the outside.

    179. There are dozens of mines, but no miners (ogres don't count).

    180. Sheep like apples.

    181. Bandits will try to kill your horse before giving you a second thought.

    182. You cannot hit yourself with your own arrows by shooting them into the sky, you can however hit other people.

    183. You cannot sail anywhere from the IC docks... Unless your boat can fly.

    184. There are no birds, but plenty of feathers.

    185. There are no mirrors.

    186. Argonians and similar races don't wear shoes, they wear human feet which have shoes attached. (look at the skintone.)

  3. 151. The Arcane University has fewer known spell effects than a backwater place like Morrowind.


    152. There is nothing important in the water, or on any of the small islands, contrary to what you might expect.


    153. The road northwest of Chorrol leads to nowhere.


    154. You can pull a body containing 25 sets of armor fairly easily, but cannot move an inch when you decide to pick up a fraction of that.


    155. Posing naked corpses is fun, and a rather disturbing practice when you think about it.


    156. Bones, plates, and most other stuff is worthless, but people will still defend them with their life.


    157. People use only church to gossip about others. Priests even join in.


    158. Although several holidays are represented in speech, nobody changes their activities, and you probably never noticed.


    159. You always walk around with more weapons and items than you'll ever really use.


    160. You're always looking for something else to pick up, even when you know you'll never use it.


    161. You'll always open that chest looking for stuff to pick up, even though you're low level and very few chests contain anything of value.


    162. You'll always run back down to the bottom of a tower to loot that demora that fell over the side.


    163. Everyone gets fried from that column of fire inside the towers atleast once.


    164. The compass which points to quest targets only seems silly to people without psychic powers in reality.

  4. 67. Any game that can be even slightly modded will eventually be made to contain anime cat girls, "sexy" vampires and G-string armor. Eventually someone will release a game whose main character is a sexy vampire catgirl in a metal bikini, and the world will end.

    Think that's already been done... Or it's in the process of being made...


    68. All bottles are made of indestructible styrofoam. No matter how high they fall from, they never break. Nor can you accomplish anything by continually beating someone over the head with one.


    69. All people, young, fat, and old, have perfectly fit bodies.


    70. Potions that have been sitting in a cask for hundreds of years are just as good as fresh ones.


    71. Alyieds were so advanced they had contemporary books burried with them,


    72. The occupation of Leyawin was only done to cover up for enept bridge building and remove reason for ships to sail inland.


    73. Even when you have hundred of arrows sitting around, you still bother to pick up the ones you've shot.


    74. All items are made of recycled bottles (see 68), but can magically become breakable just by equipping them.


    75. A person can spend months painting a single picture without ever showing sign of progress.


    76. The people at the arcane university just sound smart, really they're just passing the same information along endlessly.


    77. People don't do anything if you aren't around to see them do it.


    78. You can give a begger 50000 gold, and he'll still be standing there looking for more. (true in reality)

  5. 56. People love talking about Mud Crabs... Which reminds me, I saw a Mud Crab by the water the other day...


    57. Bandits in full glass are still interested in the handful of coins you're running around with.


    58. There are flowers, but no birds or bees. (explains why there aren't any children)


    59. Without exception, wood elf males are all annoying.

  6. 36. A handful of small farms can feed a nation.

    37. The black horse couriers are only fast because they have the news printed ahead of time.

    38. There are more bandits, necromancers, and raiders than any other group, and there always will be. Guards are a close second.

    39. A level 1 can become grand champion in the arena.

    40. You can kill a skeleton with arrows.

    41. No matter how hard you try, you just cannot kill some people.

    42. No matter how hard you try, some people will always die.

    43. Both situations can be entertaining.

    44. Nobody can do anyhing on their own. They have to ask the Player to do it for them. They will wait as long as it takes for the player to finish.

    45. You don't have money when you need it, but always have excess later.

    46. Nobody cares what, or how little you're wearing.

    47. Bandits will always attack you, no matter how much stronger you are.

    48. Wolves don't hunt in packs, but can bite through full plate.

  7. Also weapon and armor-mods that add to the leveled-lists instead of putting it in a corner of the Market district.



    Leveled-Lists? haha im sorry im all new to this modding thing. what do you mean by Leveled-lists?

    Before you start asking for ideas, you might want to explain what your abilities are so that requests are made that are reasonable with those abilities. You may even want to browse through the mod requests section to see if anything is of interest to you, and you know how to do. While most of the requests in that section are things which are difficult or impossible, there are bound to be a few there which are just time consuming or geared toward a more specific group.


    When in doubt, make a house mod. Although there are already more house mods around than you can count, house mods themselves are great learning experiences and can be used to branch into some of the more complicated aspects of modding. This doesn't mean you have to upload or finish such a mod, it would mostly be something to get your feet wet and see what parts of modding your best at. From there you can pick other projects which are of interest.


    As for the suggestion of placing more stuff in leveled lists... There is generally one downside to such mods. They all conflict with eachother. Since some of the more cannon mods (OOO, Frans) and even several smaller ones adjust these leveled lists, any implementation of such items could not be used with normal spawns. In other words, it wouldn't be just weapons added to a list, it would be placing things in world (probably in a new dungeon) which then used that list. Additionally, the two main draws of weapon mods are new meshes (textures) or custom effects. Both of which require some background in modeling and scripting.


    Quests certainly require some scripting and usually some dialogues.

  8. i didn't realise there were any flying mods out there (other than pegasus types)


    It sounds like you are saying that both mods already exist. Why dont you just look for them yourself and just load both of them at the same time

    Most flying mods that aren't based on a mount are tcl based, so have natural drawbacks. Even if you were using open cities, flying really doesn't have many benefits outside Oblivion planes. I've found that just having a good arcobatics/speed buff (along with a few adjustments to game settings) tends to work out better in the long run since you can still move quickly, but aren't passing through buildings or going to areas that aren't part of the finished world.

  9. I don't think you could actually find someone who actually believes that can't really tell the difference between life and videogames. It's usually an excuse they make to themselves so that they don't totally take responsibility for their actions. If someone were actually as disconnected from reality as they claim, they should certainly be spending their lives in psychiatric care as that is no different from other forms of *whateverthehellitscalled* (sorry, didn't feel like looking up the term).


    I would imagine the greatest threat videogames can pose would be that posed by MMOs. In addition to the scenerio's that entertain people, they provide a social outlet that many (quite possibly you) would otherwise be lacking. There are many people who get married in MMO's with people they've only been having contact with online. It allows those who are outcasts in the real world a chance to have the admiration of others. It is because of this that there are occasionally people who decide to give up their real life, and try doing one primarily online. They can't keep a job, they distance themselves from those not online, and they spend rediculous amounts of time online, sitting in a chair, eating garbage, and rarely sleeping. It's that behavior that is worse than any sort of school rampage since it is a slower process, and targets people who could have otherwise done something with their life without any lessons learned in the process.

  10. I, on the other hand, can distinguish video games from reality. So, until video games are so realistic people can't tell them from real life, we're safe from me going on a rampage.

    You're forgetting something. People only distinguish videogames from reality because they have either been told so, or have otherwise figured it out. There are however people who cannot make this distinction. Look at people who play MMOs for 12-18 hours a day. Most of their existance is tied to that game, their friends, and their goals. In those cases you really can't make such an easy distinction because that game is such a major part of who they see themselves as being.


    On the otherhand, if schools didn't want kids rebuilding the school in a game, they shouldn't make detailed maps of the school so available. Without detailed maps to use as references, kids would have to work from memory, and even those who would plan to actually do anything to the school would have more difficulty doing so since they wouldn't have nearly as much information about the schools layout as they do.


    *edit* Seriously... My highschool even went as far as having some of the utility rooms plotted out in reasonable detail, the map available to every student within some sort of assignment notebook and could be obtained from the office by anyone. It really makes you wonder if they didn't want people learning the total layout of the school at a glance.

  11. I don't use OBSE, but I believe that if you launch the game from OBMM it stats up OBSE if you have it installed. However I would be more inclined to think that OBSE would simply use whatever mods were already active, meaning that if you activated them in the standard launcher or OBMM, they should be working when you start OBSE.

  12. I think it speaks of parents and other people overreacting to recent and publicized events. Kids were certainly bringing guns and other to school before Columbine. The biggest difference is that those kids who commited the crimes weren't the gang bangers, or obvious psychopaths, but were the outcasts, people who kept to themselves, and had few friends. Because of this, people somehow got it in their heads that it was loners, goths, and now emo kids who were the big threat. Entirely ignoring all the other factors that caused this sort of thing. If you didn't have kids being harassed from kindergarden to the day they graduate (or drop out (or kill themselves)) you wouldn't have this sort of thing happening. Furthermore, it is only because of the media attention that kids get the idea of actually shooting up their school, or that they can blame videogames for their violent behavior. Video games don't cause violence, all they cause is people blaming something other than their actual (often solvable) situation for that violent behavior.


    Like many here, some of my earliest modding efforts were rebuilding whatever school I was in within a game world. At that time, Doom 2 and Duke 3d had the most capable editors. It was in doing those things that I became familiar with level designs, object based programming, coding adjustments, and even computer aided drafting. I can say with confidence that it is only because of those early works that I developed skills, and understanding of systems which are marketable in the real world. By taking away and even punishing people for doing something they enjoy doing, all that would be accomplished is forcing those people to confront their own pathetic existance, and either find another escape, or snap and see how many other people they can take out along the way. Who knows, when all is said and done, these actions may only result in depriving the world of an inspired artist, and made the world not a bit safer.

  13. Oi Vagrant0!

    I'm here :) I used to do scripting...

    WarKirby decided long ago to leave this mod - finished or not. I don't know what WarKirby'd say, but I'm pretty sure that he'd love anyone to complete the mod in whatever way they want. I can send him an email, asking him, if you want me to


    I probably wouldn't have the time available to do anything to the mod, as is I'm having to quit work because of a heavier class load this semister. Maybe at some other time, but even then I wouldn't be able to garentee that I wouldn't change some of the decor. Havn't even looked at the mod since I was asked to look into some of the LOD issues you were having early on, so something like this may not ever be something I could work on honestly.

  14. First... The mod probably won't updated or added to any time soon. Both the person who was doing the mod, as well as pretty much everyone who was in any way related to this mod have vanished. I'd almost be tempted to think that of anyone still around, I probably have the most connection to this mod, despite the fact that I really didn't do much of anything other than help with some issues early on. I might at some point considder the possibility of finishing the mod, or atleast fixing some of the issues related with it. But that isn't likely for two reasons. First, it wasn't my mod, I have no more right to do anything to it than anyone else. Second, I would probably end up changing some aspects of the mod according to how I think they should be, and that may not necessarily make the mod better.


    That said. containers opening slowly would be because of all the stuff you place in them. If you spread out your stuff between multiple containers, or better yet, just sell sets of stuff you'll never use again, loading those individual containers to look for your stuff would probably be faster than loading one containing everything. There are no hallway pieces of castle rooms with windows. Furthermore, the castle is built into a mountain, windows wouldn't look right. While you can get around that tombish feeling by adding pictures and other clutter as well as adding some NPCs and using good lighting, since the mod isn't being worked on any more, and hasn't been worked on in well over a year, that probably won't happen.


    Finally, the map is never right when you enter buildings. This is partially because of how the map works with doors that connect multiple areas. The map showing that you're in anvil would likely mean that there is a doorway within the castle that links to anvil somewhere. Trying to replace a whole town with anything would be just plain silly, not only would it take a hell of alot of work, it would also probably screw over several game quests, and have numerous conflicts with other mods. As for why you can't have a moving castle... It's mostly due to having to build the exterior multiple times (everywhere you want the castle to end up) and then having a very long script which would only enable one of those exteriors at a time, and make adjustments to the doors so that they link properly. In short, not viable outside simple structures like towers.

  15. Anyone have a mod that let's you have 'Herm' or something of that nature as a gender?

    Here's how I did it with a modded armour...:


    First, I pulled up the client and typed 'showracemenu' and changed my gender. Blah blah blah, you can also change whatever needed in that menu. Then, since I already have the 'Black luster' armour, I used that, and tadaa. I had boobs. Take off your pants (Ya' need the nude body replacer so that you can have both nude males and females) and you have a penis! :D


    You can't have the nude breasts though... that's why I want to see if anyone's made a mod for herms, so you don't have to have that certain armour to have the boobs.


    You would have to make a new race with unique meshes and textures.

    Can't assign a new body specifically to a single race. The best you can do is have a script which equips that NPC with a piece of clothing that looks like the nude body you want when that slot becomes full.


    As for trying to make an alternative gender work... It just doesn't. Body meshes are based on one of two genders only, not by race. The best you could do, is pretty much what you're already doing. Having a female mesh assigned to be worn as a male mesh. However as this would probably lead to some serious gapping issues, and obvious damage to certain perceptions, it really can't be recommended.

  16. The golden question. It seems doubtful. Most the time, mods that try to incorporate other games into oblivion usually don't turn out to well. This zelda mod looks okay, but then again zelda and oblivion both have similar time frames. Mods trying to incorporate futuristic stuff into oblivion don't end up to well, and are pretty lame (IMO) (no offense to the creator of this mod!)

    I request that you hold that judgement until I release my Gundam mod sometime in 2012, Maybe giant robots don't fit into your view of the TES setting, but they fit into mine perfectly.


    Ok, on a serious note, while I kinda agree that futuristic stuff really doesn't work well within Oblivion's setting, since the armor itself isn't so futuristic in appearance, as an armor (without the various tech stuff) it wouldn't look too far off. It would however still require someone able to do that kind of modeling.

  17. Essentially the main thing limiting the creation of this sort of thing is lack of anyone who might want to try making the meshes. The head mesh alone would be a royal female dog since mandibles aren't part of the normal speaking morph. As far as the bodies go, they would have to use the standard mesh unless you feel like using a complicated script to force a piece of equipment into the applicable slot when that slot becomes empty to keep that specific body type. If that body mesh is too different from the standard, you would need to make a version of every single piece of equipment or clothing to match that body, and make an even more complicated script to swap out the models so that when normal equipment is worn, that equipment uses the seperate mesh (probably applies to all instances of that item). Ignoring the fact that any meshes would require someone capable of making them, and as that group remains small and overworked the chances of anything like this, or requiring as much work are next to none if not none. Even if you personbally had the means to do it, you would probably find something better to spend your time on... considdering the ungodly amount of effort involved with getting anything remotly close to what you want working.
  18. Aye, tell us please.



    and does it hav a working arena?



    For now let us be paitent and see what he comes up with, he will tell us when and if he finishes.

    Except, the original authors of the mod havn't posted anywhere or been heard from for several months. Chances are that this mod probably won't be finished.

  19. Make copies of existing containers (by changing their reference ID and selecting "yes" when it asks if you want to make a new object). Change what is added by that container, and make it so that respawn isn't checked. Just because it has a leveled list doesn't mean the chest will respawn. The chest will only respawn if the respawn box is checked. Having a leveled list inside a non-respawning chest allows a random assortment of stuff to be added to the chest initially so that the chest isn't empty when you find it.


    Ok, thanks! And also, if I have an interior cell that is owned by the player, then items dropped in that cell will not disappear as well, correct?

    Not always, Objects which aren't in containers are stored in a cell buffer. When that cell buffer becomes full from you loading other cells, it purges the data from cells you visited earlier. If you visit your house often, the data within that cell should be renewed every time preventing this, but if you spend a week or so cleaning out various caves and ruins, you may come back to an empty house. Setting the player as the cell owner was supposed to prevent this, but it doesn't always work, especially if you have several houses. You should try to put anything you really want to keep inside a non-respawning container whenever possible.

  20. Make copies of existing containers (by changing their reference ID and selecting "yes" when it asks if you want to make a new object). Change what is added by that container, and make it so that respawn isn't checked. Just because it has a leveled list doesn't mean the chest will respawn. The chest will only respawn if the respawn box is checked. Having a leveled list inside a non-respawning chest allows a random assortment of stuff to be added to the chest initially so that the chest isn't empty when you find it.
  21. Slowfall sounds exactly like what I'd want, any possibilities there?.

    Try morrowind. As far as I know, I don't think anyone's been able to recreate the effect through other means. Try searching for it, who knows, you might get lucky.

  22. You can't really affect the rate things fall easily, without affecting everything else. Maybe if there was a slowfall effect in oblivion and you felt like going through the trouble of making a mesh for the parachute, but even then, the uses for it would be limited since cities are seperate environments, and most every high up place isn't sorrounded by anything you would want to fall into.

  23. Oh gosh. Thats the dumbest thing ever. Manhunt 2 is one thing,But just a kiddy cartoon is messed up.

    Yes, a kiddy cartoon with violence, racist undertones, sexist undertones, in a place with a wonderfully happy history of those exact things... Classic Tom and Jerry isn't shown in america either, for those same reasons. As with all things banned, it isn't a matter of what you think, but rather what a group of people can argue isn't appropiate for children, or adults. Fortunately for them, they have Tipper Gore on their side, while everyone else has nothing. The reason why music wasn't banned like television shows is because the artists banded together to support it. Television is bound by two things, FCC and sponsorship, what the FCC deems unsuitable they cut out, what the sponsors deem unsuitable they break contracts with. As television shows exist purely to sell products, and this is how they can afford to stay in production, losing sponsorship can be a major setback, and is usually avoided whenever possible.

  24. Found a new show.Little People Big World. Sounded stupid at first but it is kinda funny.

    Yes... Let's laugh at the midgets... >:(


    I believe it's supposed to impart some insight on the situation facing a group of people who are more often regarded as novelties than people with lives, dreams, and problems.

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