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Everything posted by Gigist

  1. In response to post #58857216. #58922306, #58926716, #58931711, #58954851, #58955056 are all replies on the same post. Not trying to be a fanboy but I have to side strongly with Dark0ne here. Darklocq, your "should have said" example is just the kind of vague and hyper polite junk that like 95% of the people hate. Speaking like that reinforces the idea that nobody really gives a damn about what's asked or said. "We're considering everything and balancing things from every angle and aspect and have to weight clarity and validity and and blabbla" helpdesk/support autoresponses 101. Nobody believes stuff like that. It's just over the top politically correct. I also don't get your hostility towards the original quote. To me it tells clearly the message and I really can't understand how it's insulting! It literally reads that they read feedback but not responding doesn't mean they don't listen to it. That's a very reasonable position.
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