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Posts posted by stroti

  1. No no, open your mod in the cs and bring the objekt-window to front.

    On the left plane do a left mouse-click on static, then do a left mouse click somewhere in the right plane, then type map (hurry) and the mapmarker becomes highlighting.

    Drag and drop the marker to the render-window and give it a name, and tic -visible- and -can travel to-


    Or, do a upload and i check that file for you.


    Regards, stroti.

  2. Lol, its magic :)


    Is the housemesh from a mod? If yes, load your house-mod after this mod.

    (Normal should there a big yellow marker)


    But you have no yellow marker and the mapmarker works...




    Have you the house initially disabled? Double-click the object - reference window- uncheck -initially disabled-.

  3. Works the teleport from your exterior-door to your interior?

    If yes, your interior cell must be named.

    Tes CS, Cell-view, interiors, right click on your interior cell, edit.

    In the edit window click on the tab interior data and give your cell a name.


    Version 2

    You have your door not connected to your interior-cell.


    To do that, double click on your exterior-door, the reference-window pops up. Let this window open.


    Change the cell-view to interiors and open your house-cell in the render-window.

    Place a matching door to that cell.


    Go to the open reference-window of your exterior-door, change to the tab teleport and click on -select-reference-in-render-window. A red cross hair is showing, place that cursor on your interior-door. The color change from red to white. Double click on the door. A yellow door-marker pops up.

    Place that door marker at the right place. After that, double click on the yellow door marker, click YES in upcoming window and place the second door marker on its right location.


    Enjoy your home.


    Best regards.

  4. Tile sets are the most time consuming meshes that a game-modder can do.

    An interesting set with 40-50 meshes like the sewers needs months of work, if the modder is not an professional that earn his money with that kind of work. And after upload there are comments like: Nice, but..., you should..., can you add..., and so on and so on. All for a less endorsements an a few kudos. There are not many people that are so enthusiast to spend her lifetime for this.


    An other theme:

    There are dozens of mods planed as new big world and after a year or 2-3 you can download this mods as project-files, that contains a lot of grass, trees and a few buildings. Everybody thinks, hey, today i´m creating a new world, no problem. A few days later you have an team and every loves your ideas and have an good feeling.

    After a few months of creating the landscape, sorting stones, drop down floating trees and other stupid work this feeling looks complete different.

    Do you self an favor and begin with an small mod and make this mod perfectly.

    After that, you have an feeling for mod-dimensions and you can figuring out, how many work a moonworld is.


    Best regards.

  5. Your normalmap needs an alphachannel and must be saved as dxt3 or dxt5.

    The brighter the alphachannel is, the more reflection.


    To have the effect on a certain area simply darken the other areas in the alpha channel.

    If you need glossy on one area, you have to split this area in blender (if it not is) and change in the NiTexturingProperty the value from apply_modulate to apply_highlight.


    Can i preview my work in nifskope? No. You need the game-engine.

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