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Everything posted by DarkeWolf

  1. I'd actually thought about a mod to turn alistaire into a femme. And yes, I'd realized that the VO's would still be male so he'd in effect be a transvestite. Which, all said gave me a laugh since Tim Curry is one of the Voice actors (Arle Howe) and he played a transvestite in the the flick Little Shop of Horrors.
  2. I dont remember for sure what her approval rating had to be in order for her to give you the dialog about the first grimoire, I'm afraid :( I'm pretty sure that it was somewhere around 30-ish. I know that aftward I had given it to her, it boosted her up into the kissable range if you play her dialog right. And the coversation is triggered in a certain spot, in a particular room in the tower. Afraid that all I can remember of that, is seeing stairs that lead up. But yeah, I tested it a couple of times, and her approval has to be a certain level when you enter that particular area. So when you play the tower again, gift her up before you go in ;) I know that there's a vendor in Ostagar that sells some gifts, including the golden necklace that she likes. And she even likes those dirty pantaloons that the dog scrounges up (+4-5) if you give it to her as one of the first gifts. Oh yeah, and agree with whatever she says in the dialogs. probly be best to save a game before you hit each room, in case you need to replay the dialogs. just because you believe in something doesnt mean that you have faith from it. I believe in gravity, but I don't worship it. It could be the same for Morrigan and Flemeth. They could believe that the old gods exist....(Obviously) but not worship them as such. Then again, they might, dunno. I myself, don't see it tho. My belief is that Morrigan is just too practical to have faith in anything that she can't wield. Like she said "Friendship is fleeting. Knowledge has value. Power has value". I cant see her thinking that an imaginary friend would have value. And in her mind, if it doesnt have value, it's foolish. I guess another way to look at it is that she grew up hunted in a huge forest. Anything that didnt have something to do with her own survival, wasn't something she needed. I dont see that faith would be a requirement for surivival. And while its probably an opinion she inherited from Flemeth, she sees the belief in the maker as something foolish that people use to make themselves feel better. she said something somewhere about it, just can't remember where. I think that Mora may have had some respect for the elves beliefs. Or at least for the fact that they were an ancient race that is rapidly losing what it was. it could also be because they live a lot simpler life than most of the civilized people do. That, and well... in Stolen Throne there was a dalish clan that lived about half a day, or a day's travel outside of Flemeth's stomping grounds. So she may have familiarized herself with that Clan in her childhood. Specially if Maric had ended up sheathing the sword with flemeth during that time. *shivers at the thought*
  3. new thought. When I was replaying the tower, I had a conversation with Morrigan about her mother's first grimoire. During that conversation, she had a couple of comments about "old ways" and/or "old things" should be preserved. This, coming a LONG time before there's any mention of preserving the soul of the old god. remembering that may change my mind a little bit on Mora's motivation. Maybe she really does believe that's the end goal of her having the kid. Or maybe that's HER end goal, regardless of what Flemeth's is. OR, maybe she knows that Flemeth had a different result in mind for the kid, and thats a part of the reason why Mora wanted her out of the picture? Dont get me wrong. I still believe that Mora is driven by a desire for power. But maybe this is a second motive?
  4. Hmmmmmm. VERY interesting. NICE find and share! She's got the same hairstyle, but I dont see a whole lot of facial resemblance. That spell of her's with bringing the trees to life tho. That REALLY reminds me of Maric and Loghain's experience in Stolen Throne! Description says that she's raised to be the second to her clan's keeper. So she's Elvish. Dalish. From the commentary about the "Merchants kidnapped my sister" it sounds like her clan got hit by a slaver raid? LOL great...TWO angry party members to have to deal with. Time to sharpen my axe, methinks.
  5. Nothing confirmed as to who the character from origins will be. Tho my personal belief is leaning towards it being Alistaire. he shows up just too much in the trailer adverts. In a way tho, it kinda makes sense, since if you are the origins warden, you'll have another warden who you are familiar with, to have at your side. Or if you are the new warden it would allow you to have somebody who was there at the time to fill you in on data/information. Some of the companions from Origins will be making appearances, but not on a permanent basis. I'm thinking that's why people have seen Oghren. Also, I was just watching the trailer for the Children again. I swear that I saw Loghain battling them. Tho that makes absolutely NO sense, as he hates the Orlesians with a fiery flaming passion, so I don't see why he would travel to Orlais. LOL tho, if I get the chance to kill him again, I dont think I'd pass it up! I can just imagine myself slamming an axe into his chest and roaring "Now STAY dead!!!" Oh yeah, and from the looks of it, those infernal little bastich Children larva have that infernal Overwhelm. Blood and Ashes but I HATE that attack! LOL Indeed. there are indeed so many possibilities. I think tho, that may actually be a good thing. It would give us the chance to go back, replay Origins making different choices, and then see how those different choices make the expansion behave differently. Something to hold us over a little longer, until the sequel comes out next year. But yeah, that does explain why most of them aren't permanent members in the expansion.
  6. HAHAHAHAHA!!! I'd totally forgotten about that trap in the log! OMG thats so funny that I sig'd it!
  7. Try to be gullible and fall into EA's cash-cow DLC scheme. ;D HAHAHAHA good one!!! Actually, I'm waiting for the my Mass Effect 2 that I bought on ebay to get here, so that I can kill some time till the 16th.
  8. no offense at all. in fact, I actually laughed in agreement to some of your statements. soooooooo basically the moral you picked up was "Don't trust religious organizations, especially ones who have members who can secretly do mind control (blood magic)? 1) Never trust a religious organization that has political and/or commercial power. 2) NEVER EVER trust a religious organization that has a standing army or military force!! 3) ABSOLUTELY never ever trust a combination of 1+2 !!! 4) Separation of church and state was instituted for a damned good reason! 5) Religious zealots are great bad guys because we athiests have no compunctions against KILLING them! (I personally enjoy it!) 6) Being preached at on a religion that we don't believe in by the NPC's is very annoying. As for the game writers.... come on man, its a marketing strategy. Get the bible thumpers all in an uproar and they provide you with free advertisement and publicity. Plus the kids HAVE to then play it, as an act of rebellion. ;D No, I'm joking there. Kinda. Maybe. ;D Other than the preachiness of it, I think that the chantry and the Circle are nice additions to the game. They provide you with potential allies, and enemies to kill. And the Bioware team didnt really take one side or the other with either organization. Especially considering that one of your followers in the expansion will be a runaway apostate.
  9. have you extracted them from the .7zip folder before trying to install? If not thats why it's not working. http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=180608 read through that, and if you still have problems, post back and I'll try to help you out some more :)
  10. See, this is the reason why I dont like FINE PRINT. Because when you buy the code to get the dragon armor, the code works for BOTH GAMES. But yet, the different models are the intellectual properties of two completely different divisions of the parent company. So if/when exporting things from one game to the other, you're still commiting intellectual theft against a different part of the company :verymad:
  11. dont take my word for gospel on this, I'm just relaying some of the things that I've heard. I havent played it out myself, having a relationship with both of them at the same time. But from what I've heard, there's always gonna be snippets and comments between the two femmes if the warden has an involvement with both of them. I've heard that some pretty good party banter comes of it also.
  12. oops, posted the wrong link for beguiler. sorry about that bud! http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=205
  13. heh, Zev wants his hands on anything he can get ;) "One should take pleasure when the opportunity presents itself" I believe is what he says, or close to it, during one of the post-sex dialogs. He does have more depth to him than that, I will wholely admit. He considers and respects the feelings of his companions and whatnot. Meh, I think he shoulda been a she, and maybe I'd be more attached to the character than I am. Male on male just isnt my cup of tea, ya know?
  14. thats actually how the spell is supposed to work in the vanilla game. there's several mods that keep the summoned pet around for longer. Check out the mods section and do a search for "summon" http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/advancedsearch.php
  15. Actually it's DaRke not DRake ;) No worries tho, that happens a lot. Oh yeah, she most definitely is that. She's splashed all over every advert for the game that I've ever seen. You're not the only one who's said that about her's being the most satisfying relationship in the game. Not that I'm trying to be disagreeable or anything, I guess I'm just a lil bit more needy about emotional content. NOT that I could get any kind of serious emotional attachment to a video game character. But I will profess that if she doesnt play a very active role in the expansion that I'll definitely miss having her around. Thats awesome that they've released info about an upcoming sequel!! But, oh what to do until it comes out! haha!
  16. Dangit, I just canNOT remember the actress' name who did the voice of Flemeth! It's Kate something or another, I think, I can only remember that she played Kathryn Janeway on Star Trek Voyager. ANYWAY- the interview that I read on her while I was at school the other night. She was vague about it (probably contractual agreements) but she stated that Flemeth and Morrigan had a pretty poor/bad relationship. Partially due to actually letting Morrigan get closer to her than she cared for. And that Flemeth was Jealous of Morrigan. (Most likely because she possessed youth and beauty which Flem wasn't able to take for herself yet, but that was not stated in the interview). So I guess that would go a little bit of a ways to give the reason for why mora would hate her mother. Besides, two women living together in solitude for so long are going to end up getting catty with each other. Its just the nature of the female hormone system, then combine it with the personalities involved. Bratty. Yes, that, and sometimes more. Sorry, yeah, I guess I did. Sorry bout that. Oh! Ok, yeah, when they met the warden recruits, and Flemeth sent her off with them. She did protest it then. But it had to be an act then. I mean, Flemeth taught her the sex ritual magic, before she left. She had to have been informed of why she was being sent. Some of her other dialogs (and attitudes, if there's an active relationship) suggest that she was part of that plan from the start. And well.... when she leaves to show you out, don't you think that she was awfully quick to say "Well then, I suppose that I shall lead you out of the woods then" ? Or whatever it was. I noticed that the VERY first time I played it. I was sitting here going "What the hell??? Was that just bad acting or progamming??" You've just summed up some of the reasons why the actors (voice actors) that were involved with this character love her so much. a lot of it, because of the massive complexity involved with her personality. And to some degree, you do actually make an impact on her. Like I said, you can have a positive or negative influence on pretty much all the party members. But if you are playing the "nice guy" character in your dialogs with her, you'll notice that by the end of the game, she b**ches a LOT less about most of the decisions that you make (except for the forge, she REALLY wanted to use that!) Granted, thats not any of the decisions based on your *ahem* personal... decisions with her. Thats a battle all in itself. hahaha. Obviously, she's not ever gonna be the "June Cleaver" of DragonAge. But yeah, her outlook on things improves. Now, I guess we will just have to see (IF they bring her back again) how her time away will affect that. Will she contemplate the new things she's learned, and better herself from it? Or will she revert back to her former ways? Or, will her feelings make her even more bitter, as they did with Flemeth? I am actually glad that you COULDNT have the kind of relationship that you could have had with Leliana, or Alistaire. Because of the fact that this IS a character that they are Taking Away. (At least for now) My feeling on this, is that yes...there ARE going to be younger minds playing this game, and establishing the relationship with this character. Players that aren't as mentally and EMOTINALLY developed as say, a more mature player. Some of these types have a penchant for getting WAY too involved in games, and have unhealthy reactions when bad things happen from these games. What I mean is, we've all seen it on the news or in the papers about kids in their early teens that have had violent reactions to things that have happened involving games. The most recent that I can think of is a kid that went postal at school and shot up some of his fellow students because his parents took WoW away from him. Basically individuals that are outcasts, and have emotional problems, that develop the games as part of their actual lives, because, well...their lives SUCK in their perception. I think that the limits on the relationship with Mora does have the potential for disaster, with these types, but because it isn't as in depth as it can be with other characters, that it lessens that potential. Ok, nuff of sounding like a parent, it's making me ill, LOL.
  17. Or maybe those conversations will occur in the expansion if you import a savegame with the ending in it?
  18. 1) I definitely think that we havent seen the last of Flemeth. As I said before, she's had some form of influence in everything that Gaider has had, involving DA up to this point. 2) I'm still not completely convinced of it being inadvertent. 3) Still up in the air. Dunno if it will be "connected" but I definitely feel as though she will reappear at some point or another. 4) lol who knows! 5) Most definitely! 6) This has been a fun conversation and brought a lot of ideas to the table. I can't effin wait for March 16th to get here!
  19. Suilebhain- Ok, I see what you're saying about some older civilizations calling monsters, gods. While not COMPLETELY true, about the Archdemon being an abomination because of the taint infesting it, it has possibilities. The taint itself is not so much a thinking creature. Not in any more sense than a disease is. Disease is actually a pretty good anology for the Taint. It's infectious, it's partially symbiotic/parasitic, and highly contagious, as well as reproducing. So yeah, I think that disease is a good analogy. But unlike spirits or demons, it doesnt actively choose where it's going to go. Its spread by it's carriers, the darkspawn. Wherever they go, they spread it. In the books even the moss, lichen and whatnot that were growing in the Deep Roads were infected and mutated with it from where the DS had traveled, habitated. Humans, who survive an infection of the taint, without the added lyrium and ritual of the Joining become Ghouls. Thats explained in the second book. Genlocks, perhaps, could have been captured dwarves. They are about the same stature. But the DS dont rely on corruption as a breeding method. Such cases as that are pretty much accidents. They breed like an insect hive. To the best of my knowledge, a "queen" hasnt ever been revealed, but they do hatch from eggs/eggsacks much like the Urik-hai in Lord of the Rings movies. The spoiler of the fight against the larval Children reveals them emerging from egg pods a lot like the face huggers did from the Aliens series. The pods I mean, not the actual emerging. The emerging is a lot more like the baby vamps in Van Helsing, they just kinda rip their way out. Its an interesting correlation tho. Thinking about it. Blood magic, for mortal mages makes them much more susceptible to possession. What if the Wardens are wrong, and the taint makes the Old Gods much more susceptible to possession. Thats an interesting idea Suilebhain. There is the counterpoint tho, of what Warrior said about demons being even more highly damaged by the taint than mortals are. Hmmmm. so what if they arent just corrupted powerful monsters, but also corrupted demons, inside of corrupted monsters. Hmmmmm. I'll have to think on that one some more. Agreed, the chantry, and the circle of magi arent nearly as knowledgable of the taint and the archdemons as the Wardens are. The Wardens actually have records of where the old gods are buried. Their actual locations. They just can't get to them, nor have the manpower to invest in trying to reach them, in order to take them out pre-emptively. Flemeth didnt actually "rule" the wilds. She never claimed it as domain, she never made an effort to take control of anybody that had been living there (as in sayin, I'm the new queen, you now serve me, where are your taxes?). She simply made it known that there were powerful dangers in there, made the surrounding neighbors afraid of her, and killed anybody who got too close to her. For the most part, she dug a den, hid in that den, and killed anything that got too close to her den. Pretty much like a badger. or, she moved in, let it be known that there was a creepy old lady living in the creepy old haunted house down the street. dont go play in her yard, or you'll end up in her stewpot. When did morrigan say "I never agreed to this"? I havent seen that dialog. I HAVE seen dialog (last night when I was breaking up with her, actually) where she said that flemeth forced her to come along with the warden tho.
  20. Well, it turns out that my skill at juggling lovers requires some practice, lol. Didnt get a whole lot of new dialogs out of it. About all I really managed to do was drop her approval from 100 to about 53, and get demoted back down to being "Friends". hahahaha. anyway, back on topic. Energy- I know you're not saying that Mora is an albino. I wasnt either. sorry if what I said, gave that impression :) I guess the debate on her eyes, I'll just chalk up to the basic rule of gaming. It's fantasy, dont try to explain it with science, lol. They wanted her to have yellow eyes, so she has yellow eyes :) Interesting. I didnt know that there was a mythology for a goddess named "Morrigan". I didnt get much into the celtic stuff when I was in school. But very interesting what the mythology is there about her. It would lead me to believe that if they followed along with the mythology that at some point in time Mora will take over flem's role as Energy sees her role. As a psuedo protector. Whether demon infested or not. Which would conform even more to the mythology if she attained the power of the old god. I was just reading an interview with the actress that played Flemeth. From the sounds of it, she's definitely going to be reappearing sometime, and playing an active (if behind the scenes) part in future storylines.
  21. I never was able to get the console to work, so I've always used a couple of mods that achieve the same things. Beguiler has the most options, IMO, and doesnt take up any slots in your inventory. It does however take up a skill point for any of the toons that will be using it. http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/search.php beguiler has some really nice cheats. you can systematically add skill, attribute, talent, approval, gold, and tactics slots to the toon that is using it. can even respec using it. You can also use it to add xp to a toon, or make them jump straight up to the next level. A very powerful cheat mod! its fairly easy to use also. you just spend one talent point to buy the "On" skill. whenever you want to use it, you activate the ON talent, then open up the toon's talents tree. choose the option you want, close the talent tree and then viola! Metagame Items is another mod that I use- this one adds items into your inventory that you can use to gain points, gifts that you can give to activate their romance, or harden a character, change gender, background, change party members anywhere, (tho the genderring and background and class rings cause my game to crash...don't recommend using THOSE). http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13 Both of them have abilities to do some of the same things, just through different methods. I use both of them. The metagame items mod is really, really nice for when you want to change party members, on the fly. And having the option to harden a romanced character whenever you want is also nice. the only thing I dont like about beguiler is having to spend the point on each character. But with the metagame items mod you get books that you can use to buy that point with. have fun!
  22. thats why I take manual control of the mages and take out the ranged fighters first :P Besides my fighters don't like having arrows sticking out of them ;) and why do you have it set for if their health is at less than 10% health? Try setting it for greater than (<) 50% or whatever. so she fireballs them first.
  23. have you updated your ms.net to version 3.5? http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en
  24. Johnny- glad to hear that you got it fixed. I'll keep that in mind if I see others using win7 thanks for sharing your fix :)
  25. Sorry so long, had a lot of catching up to do :( well, to be honest, nothing is all powerful. And Flemeth made a couple of mistakes. Ones that came back to bite her in the butt. 1) She didnt realize that Morrigan could become attached to the Warden. Whether by friendship, or romantically. 2) IF this part is true, she didnt count on Morrigan getting hold of the truth, and deciding to make a pre-emptive strike. This part I doubt tho, because Flemeth knew pretty much exactly what we were there for, when we showed up to take her book and/or take her out. VERY good point about Flemeth not being able to a future that is beyond her own "death". (ie- the kid's birth) thats something that I'd never even thought about. Have to disagree tho on the part about the mage having to have a certain amount of power to contain the spirit. 1) After reading the 1st grimoire, Mora tells you that it simply makes it easier for Flemeth to take the body if the body is more powerful. Which is why she would prefer to have mora buffed up, so to speak. Plus it means a more powerful body for her to inhabit, once she's in there. 2) Morrigan never says that it "has" to be a mage/witch. She's read that book, and knows what she knows about that trasfer rite. And like has been said, demons can inhabit anything that has once held life. Dead bodies, trees, even CATS! (Shale's recruitment quest). So if flem was capable of resisting the Taint... what if she came after the warden? She'd have revenge on the Warden, she'd have revenge on Mora (taking her friend, or lover) possibly put mora into the situation of killing her friend/lover or being killed BY her friend/lover. And do whatever she wants with the kid. (Btw, Mora is an abbreviation that the game has for some of Morrigan's filenames, and it's a lot shorter, so I'm just typing it out as that.) Doesnt that sound like something an evil character might be capable of? Or, what if mora is following along with the plan, and the plan is to use the kid for a host for flem. She lets/helps flem inhabit the child, then kills them both? The helpless childbody with flemeth's demon in it. Or twists the rite to where the power of the child kills flemeth when she tries to move in? only one thing I can think of that wouldnt make sense. Tho, it really is a common "bad guy" mistake. I wouldn't bring along something with that kind of power, because it can always turn on you. What you thought to use as a tool can become the instrument of your own undoing. HAHAHA tho the idea of the two of them getting cranky with each other and destroying a city while duking it out would be kinda funny! On the point of Mora replacing sadness with hate and anger. I'm not disagreeing with you here, because it's a valid point. But perhaps it's not so much "replacing" as it is a combination of that, and "hiding behind". The biggest example I can think of, is when you tell her "You're a heartless shrew, you know that?" And she comes back with "And you are a fool!" Reminds me of one little kid calling another kid "stupid" and the second comes back "And I hate you!" LOL. Furthered by some of her return snips when the party banter is going and she ends the conversation with things like "I hate you all". and IF she is to be believed, I think she's got reasons that I can think of for doing it during the PC interaction. 1) She's ticked off at herself for what she feels. 2) She really is getting messed up in the head, and it's pissing her off. 3) She's trying to drive the Warden back, to try to ease the difficulty of when she will leave. Now either of those could be selfish, selfless, or a combination of both. a fourth reason could be that she's pissed cause she realizes you're right, and she's wrong. Had an ex gf that was like that. She was miss "I'm ALWAYS right, and it's never MY fault". Got TOTALLY pissed off whenever that was proven not to be true. The jealousy that you mentioned is EXTREMELY valid. From my own personal experiences, and experiences of people I've known... continuous casual sex doesnt stay "just casual". Unless both people involved have got multiple involvements. (Which to the best of my knowledge, Mora wasnt) One or the other usually starts getting attached, or ends up getting possessive/jealous. Or both. I started romancing Leliana waaay too late in the game, because it took me too long to decide to try out the polygamey mod. But I've heard that there's some good snipes (party banter) that go on between the two femmes if you are bouncing between the two of them. I can honestly relate to what Mora said at me, when she found out that my femme character took Zev for a test drive. She basically put it as You can do what you want, but if you want somebody else, then I'm not sticking around for it. I don't share. had a similar relationship, post-breakup with Ms I'm always right, that was like that. If she wanted to have sex with somebody else, thats ok, but if so, I'm moving on. Cause I don't share. That, and I know just how bad triangles can get. hahaha tho when I made the offer the the chick who teaches the duelist spec, mora's jealous comments gave me a pretty good chuckle. Especially since she swore by "flemeth's beard" that really got me laughing. I'd recommend the books. Brokenenergy got me interested in them in this thread, and they were a pretty good read. They don't have a whole lot to do with the current GAME storyline, but definitely have a bit of good info in them. And like I said, they're a good read. Plus they're written by the Lead Writer of the game, so it gives you some insight as to how his mind works, for when you're thinking about some of the stuff that happens in the game. Get Stolen Crown first, then The Calling. Dunno if there's any after Calling, havent found them if there are. Calling wasnt as good IMO, just because the accomplishment at the end wasnt as grandoise as taking back a kingdom. Energy- yeah, but the people with those colored eyes, are albinos. Its a genetic defect. And tho she does have the pale skin, mora doesnt have the pale hair that also accompanies albinism (is that the word, or does the "o" go in there too?) The losers are always the ones in the wrong, as far as the Old God's being "false gods". IE- the Maker and its Chantry are gonna write the history to suit themselves. I agree tho. About the only thing I can agree with the Chantry on, is that mages can present a threat. By not learning how to resist becoming abominations, or not learning to control their magical abilities. I think that the way that they go about that tho, actually breeds more of a lust for power into their mages than it does to curb it. I've gotta go back and get leliana to finish up that quest after all. I havent gotten far enough into it on my replay game to get zev yet, and I'm playing a warrior, so I cant pickpocket. Dummy me, my save game from before the tower...I'd forgotten to get leliana out of Lothering. Gotta go back with the alternate lothering mod to recruit her. Warrior- well, all I can say about the Emissaries and their summoning is that in Calling it says that the darkspawn magic works much different than mortal magic does. Beyond that, I'm afraid that I don't have a clue. Hmmm. So the taint blood powers that you get in the DLC could be more effective against demons? Has anybody gameplayed that? (I can't, I got the the dlc after I finished the game :( ) no demons left to fight :( Tho that changes things from my perspective. If demons are more affected by the taint, then Flemeth's plans may not be to inhabit the child, since it already possess the taint too. Ok, now I'm gonna go uninstall the polygamey mod and see what kinda trouble I can get into with our favorite witch :D
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