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Everything posted by DarkeWolf

  1. right now, you've got a few options. Use a mod like polygamy or the other one. use a mod like da beguiler http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=205 that lets you systematically increase their approval ratings, but improves ALL their approval ratings meta game items- http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13 which gives you gifts you can give them that will turn romance on/off and hardening on/off but May or may NOT remove the breakup flags from the game. I havent tried it with a character that I broke up with, to see how that would go. or- use the da toolset to go in and edit your savedgames. which, you can edit the individual npc's approval rating, and IF you know what to look for, can edit out the flag where they broke up with you. THAT takes a lot of hunting thru their scripts tho, to find out which flags are the ones that are set for event. so even tho I mentioned it, I DONT advise it, but advise that if try it, to backup your savegames first. But, because you said that you dont really want to use mods..... then, well, you're pretty much STUCK with the vanilla game mechanics. And running vanilla, they dont like sharing. The vanilla game's gameplay is BASED on making choices. and taking the consequences of your actions. This falls into that category. Choose which one you want.
  2. Ok, so I went out and got the first book. You definitely piqued my interest, so I had to go out and get it. I'm halfway through it already, and it's not a bad read. I'll definitely say that if it hadn't been a prequel, and would have been a bit longer, then David Gaider could have had a novelist career for himself. Tho, I'm really glad that he did go into the gaming industry, lol. Also, yeah...this is in the spoilers section of the boards. So if somebody reads your post, and gains information that they didnt particularly want to have, and it spoils their gameplay...it's their OWN fault, for not reading the rules about this particular section of the boards. Because if they had, they'd know that this section contains threads that could have spoilers in it. Pretty much the whole reason for this section of the boards, so that peeps that Don't want spoilers, won't read here. Hmmm....how did you get the admission that Flemmeth isnt her mother? was it dialog from her FIRST personal quest (the first grimoir)? I Know it's not in the second set of dialogs for the second book, is it? That presents a query, if Morrigan is Maric's kid. If the player chose to have Alistaire do the siring, who is ALSO Maric's kid..... Now we have an INBRED demon-child, in the hands of one, if not two, power-hungry women. How much worse can this can the possibilities for this freakin' thing get??? Another thing that dawned on me. Have you guys/gals also noticed this? In just about EVERY long-term character that Claudia Black plays, the character ends up PREGNANT? First on Farscape, then on Stargate SG-1, now in DA:O! I gotta ask.... WTF? Hmmm, I havent seen Wynn's nightmare yet. Didnt know that her's went badly, also. That does kinda blow a hole in my theory. I DO agree that having the ability to fully destroy Flemmeth is a goal of Morrigan's. However, I don't believe that it's her sole motivation. Yeah, self-preservation IS one heck of an incentive. But lets face it, Morrigan is one very power-hungry woman. A trait that she displays in several different areas of the game. Her argument against destroying the Forge is the predominant one in my (notably very tired) mind at the moment. Also, every instint IN me, told me not to trust or believe this, while I was playing it. I dont believe hardly a word of this stuff about her wanting to raise this kid "free from the taint" etc etc crapetc. Odd thought. I was just remembering that scene at the Forge, where Morrigan threw her fit about destroying it. I'd threatened to put her into a golem body, to cut down on the amount of disaproval. But...what if, the forge hadn't been destroyed. What if Flemmeth's soul could have been trapped inside a golem. Throw a control rod on her......
  3. I was just teasing. ;) I'm actually interested in reading the books. I didnt even know that there were books for this game, and now that I've finished it, I wouldnt mind checking out some more of the background.
  4. there are definitely people that know how to make new meshes. there's no lack of that. the problem...is exporting the meshes into a form that the game can understand. there's an export tool for a program called Blender, but from what I've read, it's not reliable. (not that I myself know how to make meshes). its basically BioWare's fault, for making the game mechanics the way that they did. It's taking the modding community quite a while to figure out how to get stuff to work with it, much less try to figure out how to get stuff into the game files to make them work.
  5. quitters never win, only whine. go back and play some more. The start of the game is rather slow, but once you start getting into more of the plot, it picks up. also, this game is NOTHING like Morrowind or Oblivion. Trying to make mods for this game has proven to be very difficult, do the fact that the toolset is a piece of garbage, there are very very few aftermarket tools made to help compensate (YET), and for me.... it's just a completely alien environment as far as modding and scripting goes, and the types of files that it uses.
  6. actually, what polygamey does, is block the cutscenes where they confront you about messing around on them and making you choose them or the other. so yeah...they're still aware of it, they just dont have the option of breaking up with you over it anymore. case in point, I had a relationship with Morrigan, Alistaire, and Leliana in my main game. At the end, Morrigan mentioned both relationships with Al and Leliana in her ritual cutscenes, depending on which dialogs I picked. polygamey does work tho, if you want multiple romances. thats the only mod that I know of that allows it. however, using the "free love" mod did allow me to have romances with both Al and Morrigan, without any hitches.
  7. The demon that assumed the role of Flemeth didn't do a good impression of her and that's how Morrigan knew that she was in the fade. I have a little thought, if Morrigan is not related to Flemeth, could she be related somehow to Maric's promise to Flemeth in novel The Stolen Throne? If so she could be a lost bloodline if you think about Flemeth's darker nature or somebody's lost kid. We never got to discover Morrigan's dad so the question is still out there. And as for the kid; maybe it could end up Naruto like where the kid doesn't know anything and eventually find the truth and use the power to it's own ends. Personally it is only a wait and see approach. You really are gonna make me go out and get these books, just to know what you're talking about, aren't you? ;) To be honest, my perception is that Morrigan didnt have the "happy happy joy joy" life with flemmeth, that the demon was trying to give the NPC's. That could have been a big tip off right there. (yeah, I did do some more thinking about the subject). havent figured out how she was able to resist it tho, other than my first conclusion about her being partially demonic. After finishing the game, yeah.... morrigan admits that it was the plan all along, to sire the kid. so that kinda changes some of my earlier postulations. I still wanna track them down tho. If I have to kill Flemmeth again, it's good. Considering the plan, I don't feel that bad about killing somebody who saved my life, in her case. Tho I still have to wonder if she didnt set up the events that lead to her actually "saving me". I myself wouldnt have issues killing Morrigan, tho the character that I played definitely would. As for the kid....I dunno. The possibility of the potential harm that it presents..... I think the world would be a better place without it.
  8. I too would like to see this. Seeing as how I already completed all the current DLC's prior to finishing the game. I think a big part of making this happen is going to be tracking down the cause of it. But if you really wanted to do it RIGHT, there would be a LOT of work involved in correcting what the npc's are saying and stuff. Also- return to ostagar is a no-no. it was pulled back and Bioware hasn't re-released it yet. So for the most part, the only copies of that DLC are ILLEGAL copies, which discussion will get you banned from the boards pretty fast. There were a very, very few folks that managed to download it before it got pulled, but yeah... for the most part, don't even bring it up, the mods are fast with the ban-stick when that particular subject is concerned.
  9. an interesting request. While I can't make a full contribution to the request of the mod, I DID go ahead and extract all the mabari files, and uploaded them so that anybody that wants to help out with this, can edit them then pack them up as a mod (which is the parts that I don't know how to do). But I thought that this would at least be a start to getting this mod on it's way :) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=464USCUM (btw, sorry for the the filename that megaupload saved it as in the link. that really WAS NOT my doing, and I had NO control over it). edit- keep in mind tho, that different warpaints that you apply to the character, are going to change it's appearance. so they Could make the dog look like it's defaults with the warpaints added to their inventory.
  10. Yorick beat me to it. The Sycophant summoner in the mod that was linked to, will achieve the goal of allowing you to change your party members anytime that you want.
  11. Ok, so the title and description may not be very accurate. what I'm trying to do, is edit and existing cutscene. However there are so many arrow pointers in the scene that they are completely covering up the actors that I want to edit. How do I go about rotating the scene, so that I can get a click on the actor? In other words, try to come around so that I can try clicking on them from a side view, bottom view, or whatever.... a direction where all those arrow pointers arent in my way? Also, my game isnt very stable, it crashes a lot. (Windows vista... a lot of svchost running that I'm not sure are safe to shut down, so they are taking up a huge amount of cpu resources) and when I try to view the mod in-game it crashes. is there any way to send a mod file to another person, so that they can view the files? thanks in advance! -DW
  12. I dont know about a ring. there's a mod called "meta game items" that has items in it that you can use to change your character's class. you click it once, it turns you into rogue, click it again, wizard, etc. cant remember if it has an item in there for changing background, dont think it has one for race. however, on all my attempts to use it to change class, It caused my game to crash. there's also a method to change it via the toolset, to alter your saved game. afraid I dont have links to a tutorial for that tho :( basically what you'd do is make a new character(S) with the class/history/race that you want, play it until you can save the game. then open that saved game up in the toolset to get the settings that you would need for the class/background/race. then open up the saved game for the character you're wanting to use them in, and add them in where they go. edit- I STRONGLY recommend you backup your saved games to another area of your harddrive before you start messing with the editing tho, if you take that method. the location of those saves varies by operating system. but if you dont know where they are, just have windoze do a search for your character's name. and it should find the folder that they are stored in.
  13. I'm not 100% sure, but didnt the coupon codes have an expiration date on them? have you tried doing a search of your C: (or whatever) drive thru windows? Meaning type .dazip in the search, and have it scan for the files?
  14. I cant remember if there's a console command to enable the party menu or not. If so, and you have the console activated, if you start adding members to your party.... (NOT the add to party command, a command that opens up the party choice screen), it will bump you on along. If there isnt a command to open that screen, you may have to resort to using a mod. there is a mod called "meta game items" which contains an item called the "sycophant summoner" which will allow you to access the party screen anytime. Once you form your party, you'll miss just a tad bit of dialog, pretty much just riordan explaining about the darkspawn generals, and you'll be given the map to go after the generals before heading into the tower.
  15. I could definitely be wrong here...... but to the best of my knowledge, there aren't any "official" (as in, released from BioWare) mods, other than the DLC. There are a lot of 3rd party mods floating around, but as far as I know, not any that were released by BioWare.
  16. wow.... yeah, you're right. Awakenings IS the expansion. Ashes is just a trailor. Wow, I got that REALLY messed up. But definitely thanks for the correction. Definitely try to remember that from now on, hahaha.
  17. have you tried moving to another zone? IE moving to an area that causes the "loading" screen to play? Have you gone to camp? That sometimes removes "affects" that your char is under. Very odd situation, hope that you get it resolved!
  18. Apparently if the char is dead the main character has a new Orlesian Grey Warden background story. edit: oh you said DA2, my bad nvm actually, yeah....I was talking about the expansion, not the sequal, for the part that you quoted me on. Not the sequel. I was using it as an example of how they are letting you import characters from DA:O Here's a link to the interview that I've read aboout the Expansion. I havent found anything concrete yet, about anything on DA2. http://uk.pc.ign.com/articles/105/1058656p1.html Actually, I got to re-reading that article and if you've got a savegame from before the ending, you can bring that in to Ashes, if the character died at the end. But, that savegame cant be used in Origins again. What I mean is, if you import a savegame from Origins, into Ashes, and then play that character in Ashes, THAT savegame from Ashes, cant be used in Origins. They say that it's because of the leveling cap being higher in Ashes. But, I bet that it also has to do with journal entries, game flags, and other stuff that is written into your savegames, that Origins wouldnt contain. Wishlist for the squel- better meshes for the female heavy plate armors. Honestly.... the ones in DAO are barely distinguishable from the male version :( Edit- if anybody has some reliable resources (not just a bunch of conjecture) about the sequal, Please post links :)
  19. just to clarify for other readers.... using this console command doesn't fully remove the party limit. say that you use this command, you wouldnt be able to use 5, 6, 7, etc members in your party, from then on. Nym- as ajyl2k mentioned, there's times where this cheat can have bad results. Also, once your characters start to become more developed, you're gonna find out that your increased party size is overwhelming the opposition too easily. Unless you start putting your game into harder modes.
  20. False, the game spawns ash spirits as temporal companions if you don't bring a full team. True, but it won't amount to way too much, particularly since with most you can do the quest and then boot them from the team. My solo rogue disagrees, fighting with her in that room is the hardest fight of the game, i'll give you that; still, entirely doable. The munchkin way is to kill her and leave one archer, then let it kill you, THEN escape the prison, THEN beat her again. Dog is TEH awesome at the rescue. Not false. But not accurate. Its not false, because that puzzle DOES require 4 characters present to work the puzzle, and get across. I however, did NOT know the game would supply extra toons if you didnt have them. Thats pretty cool, and very surprising! Thanks Much for the correction there TGB! I really appreciate the info. I never said that Cauthrien wasn't doable. Only that she's a really rough fight, especially solo. Howe should have been tougher. I'd have liked killing him More, if he'd made me sweat. I actually had a MUCH harder time killing her, and then letting the archers pick me off. Had to totally unequip my mages, set my other warrior to a blank tactic and just stand there. It still took them a bit to take us down. Probly woulda been faster if cauthrien's mage wasnt already dead tho. IF you want to make the fight with Cauthrien easier, so that you arent getting pincushioned while you fight her... just lead your party back to hall leading to the cell where Anora was being held. The archers dont move, and cant shoot around corners. only Cauthrien and one warrior follow you out of the exit room. That always made me wonder tho...who the heck lets a prisoner stay in a really nice, plush room wearing a full suit of armor? Can you smell the setup coming? Hmmm... too bad that magical lock was broken. Woulda been funny to lock Cauthrien in that room. She's one of the few characters I regret killing. I'd have loved to have had her with me for the fight against the arch-demon. (not that the game allows that, as far as I know.) Or as My second, when I play an ending where I take the throne with Anora. The dog is TOO COOL during the rescue!!! "Hahaha good dog!" Vagrant- ah, I never thought of trying for worst game ever scenario. Meh, I guess I'm just having too much fun trying to play all the different scenarios to see how things turn out. Floydian- how did you do that?
  21. I could go either way on if she is, or if she isn't Flemmeth's true daughter. To be honest, I hadn't noticed the similarity between them, and also be honest, had forgotten about the Alistair "Nose" comment from the party banter. For me, what supports it that they are blood related, is Morrigan's Nightmare in the Fade. Morrigan is the ONLY one of the team that isn't under the spell. (Well, unless you count dog, but that nightmare is WEAK.) She's able to see through it, right from the get-go. I attribute that to the fact that Flemmeth is inhabited by a creature of the fade, and a part of that essence was passed by blood to Morrigan. (I actually consider Morrigan to be a psueod-demon, rather than human. Just my opinion). I've got several theories about the child. None of which take what Morrigan said for truth. First and foremost, I think that she intends to raise it as a future host. Her own obsession with power, the fact that she now knows Flemmeth's secrets of transferring (Especially if you gave her the second tome), would make such a being a PERFECT candidate for her. I also agree that it could have been part of the original plan with Morrigan and Flemmeth. It would help to explain just where the HECK that Morrigan would have come up with such a crazy ritual. I think tho, that Morrigan changed the plan, and backstabbed Flemmeth (or rather....conned the Warden into doing it for her). But considering that Flemmeth's dialogs when I got there to kill her, I dont know for sure. (thats part of what I love about this particular character. The way that they made you sit here and wonder and conjecture over so much about her, and some of the other characters is what makes this such a great game to me!) But yeah, I think Morrigan changed the plan, and is now solely in it for herself. IF it's Flemmeth's design for the kid, think on this.... she's possessed by a demon. IS she hoping that the taint in its genetics would give her some ability to rid herself of the demon she made the pact with, and instead take the (more powerful) power of the arch-demon? Or is it simply trying to harness the power of the arch-demon? I agree with wanting to go hunt down that kid. I want to, also. Tho....that raises a moral delimma in itself. Could you kill a baby? One that is your own blood, or the blood of your best friend? (Tho if it was loghains that would actually work against it's favor with me. I sympathize for him that he had regrets about some of the choices he made, but bottom line is... he kept making them. He deserves the consequences for his actions. And with some of the issues I have with Anora, I'd END his bloodline! ) Bottom line... Could you kill a baby? One who is completely innocent, and who's only sin, is being born? A conception that You helped to instrument? I'd rationalize it out that it's what's the best for the world. That it has to be done. That it poses too much of a threat, to be able to live. But I dont know if I could deliver the deathblow.
  22. LOL @ Rayman, that's a great, funny post man! As for DA2. In the expansion (Sacred Ashes) that is coming out in march, you're able to import a saved game, and play as an old character, or take the choice of starting a new one. (Now how they plan to explain playing that char if the toon DIED at the end, I dunno! But according to the interviews, the option IS there). Whether they plan to continue that in the sequal, I do not know. I personally think that it could overbalance the game tho, taking an established character into an ALL NEW game. I mean, if you take a new character into Sacred Ashes, they'll start out at level 17-20 just to be able to survive. But a new game, I dont think that they'd put the option in for that in a New character. I mean, how many games really allow you to start out with a brand new character that is say... level 20? (And dont argue with me about the expansion. The expansion is just that...an expansion. You can't play it without already owning DA:O. A sequal is a stand-alone game, meaning that you dont have to own the first game.) Tho yeah, I would also like to take my character into new adventures, into new lands, meeting new people, and then killing them :D Considering the overwhelming player response to Morrigan.... The fact that practically everybody gets attached to her, either loving her, or hating her; I'd say that they would be complete fools not to include her in sequel. Just on sheer marketability. Considering the vast amount of players who are clamoring to see her again in the expansion, think of the sales that would be generated by including her in the sequel. And Honestly, at least 1/8 of their sales were generated by having her splashed all over ALL the adverts, with the word of mouth that you can have sex with her in game. :dry: Sex and sexiness sells. And with Bioware being under EAgames now... sales is what matters. Money money money. Hmmm. Playing a god child character. Interesting possibilities there, to be a living GOD. I think I'll overthrow the Chantry, and force them to worship me now. Being half demon, I think I'll infect the Circle, and turn them all into demonically possessed servants, to help me conquer any army that stands against me. I'll steal my grandmother's tomes from my mother to find a way to cheat death, (ewwwwwwww! Flemmeth!! my grandmother!!!) while continuing to let my manipulative mother still think that she has me under her thumb for her own reasons, till it's too late for her and turn around and use her to breed with my infected mages to create a stronger army. Which I'll send into the fade, to conquer there, once the mortal world is under my heel. No sarcasm, that could be very interesting indeed!
  23. yeah, unfortunately for what you are trying to accomplish, Al is too tied into the plot for you to be able to get rid of him before landsmeet. And while I havent played out all the possibilities for some of the course of actions yet...I dont think you could complete the game with only a two member party. You HAVE to have a 4 man party, in order to get to Andraste's ashes. It REQUIRES 4 characters to get to them, due to a puzzle that is involved, where you need 3 toons to work the puzzle, and one to move across the screen. Keep in mind tho that with this course of action, you're denying yourself some sidequests that can help you level up. By not having those characters there, to give the quests to you. As well as some of the other content in the game. For instance, some of the party banters are really, really good. One particular situation comes to mind. The area where you have to rescue queen anora. You are left with two options. Fight your way out or be captured. I've done both, but have yet to try to free MYSELF from the prison. Fighting your way out is Very Hard. Even with the use of good tactics, taking out Ser Cauthrien is ROUGH. Especially if you have no magic to assist you that can help to lock her down. The only other option is for other members of yoru group to rescue you. If you have Al with you when youre captured...well....he's sitting there in the cell With you. Dog would get away, but he can't speak, so I dont know if he'd be able to activate teh dialogs. Interesting. May have to go back and try that, LOL. Edit- Mentioned those sidequests. If you get rid of Morrigan you'd be denying yourself the chance to take on Flemmeth. I think she's rated as the 2nd or 3rd hardest boss in the game. Its definitely a fun fight, that is worth a lot of xp.
  24. 1) The game doesnt really make it clear whether Morrigan is REALLY her daughter. Not by birth. And they hinted at it being possible that some of the Witches of the Wilds could have been kidnapped children. So here's the first topic: Do you think that Flemmeth is Morrigan's paternal mother, meaning that she gave birth to Morrigan, or do you think that Morrigan may have been kidnapped as a small child, and raised by Flemmeth to be her next surrogate host? 2) By the end of the game, Morrigan knows for sure, how Flemmeth has attained her immortality. And at the end, it says that she may be with child (regardless if it's the Warden's, Loghaines's, or Alistaire's or not). Do you think that she intends to carry on Flemmeth's method of extending her lifespan using the baby? OR do you think that Flemmeth is inside of Morrigan already, and plans to use the child? 3) What were Morrigan's REAL motivations for coming along with the Warden? We're not all gonna agree here, so please remember that everybody has their own interpretations and opinions, which may or may not agree with yours. Please dont get out of hand, if they don't.
  25. sometimes the console is completely invisible. nothing at all to indicate that it's even active. About the only indication that you have, is that the game doesnt respond to your mouse, while it's open.
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