Thank you for your help alt3rn1ty I did try that game path you advised but it says "Game Not Found" ... the NMS.exe is actually inside the Binaries folder .... And it says the game is managed but I get that error message saying "Failed to set Game Mode". It was then that I spotted that the file path it was looking for wasn't correct. Inside the No Mans Sky folder there are 2 folders ... one called Binaries and the other called GAMEDATA. Yet Vortex is looking for the GAMEDATA folder inside the Binaries folder ... and it doesn't reside there. I have created the "mods" folder inside GAMDATA/PCBANKS/ ... and deleted the Disablemods.txt file I've removed the mods from the "mods" folder (there was only 5 of them) but I'm still stuck with that error message. (BTW ... the missing colon is just lazy typing ... as is using a forward slash instead of a backward slash because my backward slash key produces a hashtag symbol and I can't be bothered to hit every key to find the correct one ... but your attention to detail is welcome ... that's how I spotted the wrong file path being used) I think I'll just stick with manual modding as it's only a couple of mods but I was hoping to use this game as my intro into Vortex modding ... I use MO2 for Skyrim/F4 ... (sorry) I started a thread on Steam about the problem but people there said to stick with manual modding so I don't think they're using Vortex ... google search didn't help and I don't really have the skills or understanding to fix this myself. One last thing ... if I go to "Dashboard" then NMS ... i can double click on "open Game Folder" and I can see the NMS exe in the binaries folder ... double click on "open Mod folder" and nothing happens. Ah well .... But, alt3rn1ty ... once again ... thank you so much for attempting to help ... I do appreciate you taking the time to try to fix my problem. It's just not to be for now ... maybe I'll try Vortex for XCom2 at some point in the future. I've tried to fix this little problem via Vortex forums and Steam forum ... and google. My last resort would be to try and contact Hellogames ... but I'm sure they're far too busy actually writing lots of new code for the other game problems they have ... rather than looking at my little problem ... which I can fix by just installing mods manually. Equally ... I'm sure you've better things to do than help an idiot mod a game you don't play yourself ... My very best wishes to you, sir ... onwards and upwards I