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Everything posted by Eyrika

  1. This happened to me... the Jarl of Riften sent out some guys to kill me after I stole from her. I didn't get caught stealing though, so I thought it was weird. The best part is, i'm now Thane of Riften :P Seems she forgot she tried to kill me?
  4. Some of these non-marriable/recruitable NPCs belong to a faction named "FavorExcludedFaction" (ex. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Brynjolf) - does anyone think this is preventing the addtofaction command from working? Is there any way to remove them from that?
  5. I hope they fix this, too... I didn't get bugged at this point, but at the end of the entire quest line for the guild. Seems like there are a bunch of bugs floating around with the thieves guild making it impossible to progress.
  6. I already married a character, so I murdered him to see if I could try this command and marry Brynjolf :P I'll try and report back if I managed to get it to work... so far, I haven't had any luck with these codes. I tried the addtofaction code to make someone recruitable, but it didn't seem to work.
  7. I start Skyrim/Steam in offline mode. Mine hasn't been updated.
  8. According to the Bethesda forums.... Patch Notes: Fixed angle of grass Tweaked hue of tree trunks Oh, Bethesda... just release the creation kit already and go away. Let the modders take it from here :P
  9. It's too dang cold to be just walkin around out here...
  10. Sounds like a bug to me. I'm pretty sure everything opened up for me after I got the thieves guild armor.
  11. Yes, I think this is a bug with remapping keys. One solution I stumbled upon is using an xbox controller if you have one. Press the take key on your controller and it should work. Or, as others have said, try using the default bindings.
  12. Can't give you a link here, but the name is Teheavy1.
  13. I use this 3rd person mod and I really like it http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=29942 The only problem is it doesn't retain 1st person like you were asking... Which can make it a little troublesome to talk to some npcs, as your character more often than not ends up in front of their face :P I read a few forums posts about that problem, and it seems that it is impossible for some reason to have the modified 3rd and still have a first person view. But if anyone can prove me wrong and find such a mod, I too would be grateful.
  14. Thank you for the info, and apologies to Eyrika for doubting her. One last thing: Anyone know where to find the Ghost of Uriel Septim? haha, no problem :P I missed the part about the all female npcs, so my fault. I need to learn to read before replying :)
  15. It's probably XEO. I'm not sure where to get the newest version of it, though. Edit: Actually, try **Site Not Allowed**.
  16. Still curious if anyone knows where to find that hair.. Didn't get any replies when I posted it a few days ago. Maybe it doesn't exist :P It looks a lot like one of SKS Ren hairs. Google it to find a pack of some of them. If it's an SKS hair, it must be edited because it doesn't look like any of the ones I got. :/ Yeah, I have a pack of those hairs, but the one in the picture isn't in it. Maybe there are some other ones floating around out there... the search continues.
  17. Still curious if anyone knows where to find that hair.. Didn't get any replies when I posted it a few days ago. Maybe it doesn't exist :P
  18. Hi all. I was googling for some new hairstyles earlier and came across this picture. http://www.xinavro.com/img/hdob_429.jpg Anyone have any info on the hair?
  19. 2 is called tera human armor f16 I think. Though I have never found a version without a ridiculously huge chest, so i'm guessing that version is very privately released. As for the race, looks like a lop eared elf to me, but with perhaps a different face texture or just different eyes?
  20. Hey all. I have a hopefully simple request... I was really hoping to find a specific hairstyle here on TesNexus that I liked using in Dragon Age, but it seems no one has made it yet (or I just haven't found it). It's contained in this mod at DANexus. Specifically, this hair: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/images/555-1-1263745376.jpg The hair is originally from the sims, but was hoping since someone already made it for Dragon Age, it wouldn't be too hard to convert to Oblivion. Thank you in advance if anyone accepts :) It was a pretty popular hair among the Dragon Age community, so I'm sure it would get a lot of use from Oblivion players.
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