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Everything posted by Alcrin

  1. On flavor alone, definitely Vampire. Vampires are intelligent; Werewolves are mindless. But what I'll actually do will have to depend on their in-game implementation: If Vampirism in Skyrim gives you no bonuses or extra powers and makes you take 30 points of damage per second in sunlight, then I'm not going to cripple myself that way just to be one. As for Twilight... stupid crap like that doesn't deserve any attention or respect. Is hating vampires because of Twilight's popularity any better than loving vampires because of it? If you do whatever the crowd does then the crowd controls you, but if you do the opposite of whatever the crowd does, then they STILL control you.
  2. http://images.uesp.net/5/59/OB-npc-Vampire_Crusader_Male.jpg
  3. All I know is, if they were trying to make Argonians friggin SCARY this time around, they succeeded. I'm probably going to have to kill every one I meet to stop myself from going insane.
  4. Here's an obvious one: A house mod made out of the Dwemer tileset, with someone taking out the time to make new textures and meshes of a "restored" Dwemer set like all the Ayleid homes for Oblivion. I haven't looked through the source of these mods, but it felt to me like naive weighting: One type of "sunny" weather and 20 different variations of cloudy and rainy weather, except all the different weather types have an equal probability of appearing at any given time. So you'll only get sunny weather about 4-5% of the time.
  5. Don't you know, Elves (and thus Orcs) don't have mammalian genitalia. Both genders just have a singular cloaca.
  6. I think this entire conversation is missing a critical detail: Exactly what are these first two pieces of DLC? If they're the Skyrim equivalent of horse armor then I think I can safely say I don't give a s***.
  7. Ooh, new idea. I wanna be able to cast Dancing Knights.
  8. Well, there has to be a reason they don't want to talk about vampirism. One possible reason is players can't become vampires in Skyrim, and Bethesda knows this will cause a backlash from the TES fanbase, which they don't want ruining the pre-release hype. But to avoid being overly cynical, another possibility I'd say has about equal likelihood is that they've done something really special with Vampirism this time (like, say, brought back clans and bloodlines...) and want to keep it as surprise.
  9. Important note: Vampires are only confirmed to appear as enemies. It is not confirmed whether you can still become one, or even if they're still full NPCs like in previous games.
  10. How about just have climbing? Even if you can't jump up high enough for your feet to clear it, you can pull yourself up and over it. It's make a heck of a lot more sense, but it'd probably break a few dungeon designs. EDIT: Bah, ignore this. What I get for not reading the whole thread first.
  11. The thing about fictional creatures is they're often redefined to meet the needs of the narrative or even just the author's aesthetic whims. For example, Bram Stoker's original Dracula could survive perfectly well in daylight.
  12. CrzyFool's preview posted today had a glowing impression of the 3rd person camera, but personally I'm not expecting much. I still get the feeling it'll be better for watching fights than for actually playing them.
  13. I wonder... will there be an option for freckles? I just had the random desire to give my skyrim character freckles.
  14. Oh! I forgot to mention this earlier, but Daedric quests are basically confirmed: They've released information that Lani Minella is going to be the voice of Nocturnal (as well as female Dunmer and the Night Mother) in Skyrim. So unless Nocturnal has dialogue outside of her daedric quest... Actually, now that I think about it, Nocturnal having involvement in the game outside of the token artifact quest sounds a lot more interesting...
  15. Actually, there is a benefit to sleeping now: You get a bonus for being "rested." Exactly how big the bonus is and how long it lasts is unknown, but it does more than pass the time.
  16. A lot of time honored traditions have been broken in Skyrim: Class system is gone, all the melee weapons are merged into just 2 skills, Custom spellmaking is out, etc. What's one more?
  17. I can think of a bigger reason: Developers are a scarce resource. Resources put into one thing means less to put into other things. Judging by how vampirism is dealt with in Oblivion it's clear Bethesda did not, at the time, consider it something worth putting much effort into. If player vampirism is absent from Skyrim it will be because they chose to put the effort into something else instead. And honestly unless they're going to do it right this time it's a decision I would agree with. I would much rather have it completely absent and leave a proper implementation to mods than the modding community having to make a proper vampirism implementation from the ground up anyway and in addition have to work around the totally broken system present in the vanilla game.
  18. Daedric quests have been in every game since at least Daggerfall (not sure about Arena). This time I just hope there's more to the "shrines" than a statue sitting out in the middle of the wilderness.
  19. Ehhh, you sure about that? I'd chalk that up to lighting.
  20. I'm not so sure: You can fight Liches in TES but no game yet has let you become one. It would be a bit of a disappointment but it's not impossible.
  21. Vampires confirmed! As enemies, at least. Still unknown if you can become one or not.
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