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Everything posted by Alcrin

  1. Really? Well, it's not a change I'd be too upset about. Doesn't really make much sense to have a chemistry lab in your pocket anyway, and unless you can enchant and smith while in a dungeon as well...
  2. Sounds like a lot of work to make every race and gender have completely different animations.
  3. No, there has not. Though I don't really see any reason for them to change it.
  4. That sounded too good to be true, so I went to the information thread and found this:
  5. You know, I've been thinking... do different races different animations too? I wanna see these new Argonians with a Morrowind-style walk.
  6. It'll probably still be possible to make elves who don't look like vampires... these are just the default base faces after all. Plus, custom races.
  7. I'll wait until November to see if you can turn down the cheekbones slider on those elves. I think that's the reason for the death glare.
  8. Yeah, but Elves are all different (if terrifying) now... I guess that's pretty good.
  9. Should you be able to? Aren't they basically the same, but with different stats or whatever? Have to forgive me if I don't understand lore behind the two. A development goal of Skyrim was to more strongly differentiate the races from each other. e.g. in Oblivion, elves were indistinguishable from humans except for the ears and skin color + eyes in the case of dunmer. With that in mind it's a bit disappointing to see that bretons, imperials, and nords are practically identical. (You could tell Nords apart from the others in Oblivion only because they were by far the most deformed, really.)
  10. ...I still can't tell the difference between the Imperials and Bretons...
  11. I brushed the noses off as just being due to JPEG compression. I'll reserve judgement until I can see the bitmaps.
  12. I too, want more options within the same city. You know those giant Leyawiin mansions? Well too bad! You can't have one! You want a house in Leyawiin it has to be a tiny shack that's somehow just expensive as the middle class options. But I'm not holding my breath. We'll probably have one house per city, same as before. Maybe one of the quest lines will end with a house as a reward too like Oblivion's thieves' guild line. Any more options will have to be added through mods. (You know what I'd really like to see though? I can get at least 5 houses and I sure as hell won't be living in all of them at once. Why can't I rent the spares out and get a lovely weekly paycheck for it? God knows there are enough beggars who could use the living space...)
  13. They're on everyone, actually. Just easier to notice on females because they have smoother skin in general and no facial hair to cover it up.
  14. Another detail I noticed while looking through the shots: Orcs have adjustable tusks, with each tusk apparently being independent. You can have one bigger than the other.
  15. I would say Oblivion had the opposite problem: Everyone looks deformed and misshapen.
  16. Good news: It appears there are a lot more options for eye colors. I'm counting at least 4 options in every compilation, except for High Elves who have only Green and Orange for some reason.
  17. Is it just me or does anyone else find the elves... terrifying? They bring back awful memories of vanilla Oblivion's vampire face deformation...
  18. I liked the process of learning by heart where you can quickly get to from where, so you can learn all the shortcuts. Seyda Neen to Sadrith Mora? Silt Strider to Balmora, Mage's Guild teleport. What I did NOT like, and which totally sold the concept of fast travel for me, was walking back and forth between areas which didn't have any travel options nearby. What stands out in my mind in particular is the House Telvanni stronghold quest... "Go to Tel Uvirith and check on the construction of your stronghold." *spend 20 minutes walking aaaaaaaall the way out to Tel Uvirith because it's out in the middle of f***ing nowhere* "What? Everything's fine." *walk aaaaaaaall the way back because I forgot to re-set my mark location* "Go to a ruin near your stronghold, also out in the middle of nowhere." *walk aaaaaaall the way back out there because I haven't been anywhere near there in the past few hours of gameplay* *walk aaaaaaall the way back because I forgot to set my mark location again* (Yes this actually happened twice. I'm ashamed.) "Now go to a vampire lair also near your stronghold to get a book." *stab that *censored* to death* THAT is not fun. Just being able to instantly teleport anywhere destroys the meaning of having a big game world (even if you don't use it, it still ruins the experience of exploring by making it feel totally pointless). The proper solution is to disperse the travel locations so you can get from anywhere to anywhere within a reasonable time period. Aaahhh, my bad. Had scripts disabled.
  19. "All races?" Where's the high elves?
  20. Then... what's the purpose of the morrowind-style fast travel again?
  21. Well, if you can still challenge anyone to a western-style duel in the streets...
  22. Plus, purple eyes are awesome. Yeah they don't actually exist but this is a fantasy world.
  23. A stealth-mage/nightblade thing. Sneak up behind someone, then, BAM! They're now on fire.
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