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Everything posted by Alcrin

  1. These videos are reuploads: It was just the reuploader. Anyway, there's not much really to note in either of these videos... except for that first bandit fought in the second video. I swear, if Bethesda gives the same horrible selection of female hairs that were in Fallout 3 (consisting almost entirely of buzzcuts and mohawks), so help me...
  2. It's not patching any single behavior that's the problem, it's patching *all of them*. You can't possibly hard-code every interaction to iron out the NPC stupidities and behavioral exploits. You just arbitrarily choose one point and stop patching there. Bethesda just chose their point way, way too early.
  3. Actually no: The video that was just released was re-recorded. A few things go differently like the fight with the bosmer bandit on the road. Presumably the new video uses the latest build of the game, but who knows.
  4. Eh, being surprised by enemies often is something that's simply not going to happen for a while. 1. The sneak skill determines how visible the player is (or another NPC is) to an NPC. But whether the player can see someone or not depends on whether they can actually see them: The only way to make this work would be to hide the character model entirely from the player according to the same detection rules NPCs use. Which means you'll suddenly have invisible baddies appearing out of nowhere. 2. So the alternative would be to make the AI smart enough to actually sneak around and get behind the player without them noticing. And if enemies are still blaming arrows to the face on the wind... Yeah I wouldn't expect that any time soon.
  5. There'd be plenty reason: The Xbox 360 would still be the console everyone has to develop for.
  6. Fear paralysis is a very real thing: You can become so overwhelmed by what's going on that you lose your ability to react. Especially if the instigating event comes when you're least expecting it. Still, that's probably not what they were going for: If freezing in terror was intentional, they could have given the bandit a reaction of fear and terror instead of just pulling out his weapon and standing there.
  7. Well, Steam can preload a game so you can immediately begin playing when it releases instead of having to wait for it to download first... Maybe that's what he meant?
  8. Nope: The game's being delayed until 2019 in order to satisfy the demands of PC gamers who want higher-poly rock models.
  9. Precisely. I say "possibly" because we have no idea how they're going to handle the Akatosh/Alduin relationship: For all we know they could have just outright retconned them to be completely different entities.
  10. Maybe it's because I played Oblivion first but am I the only one who prefers the Oblivion Dunmer voice to the Morrowind one? I mean, in Morrowind they sound like they all have throat cancer.
  11. Wait wait wait: You're telling me they made a placeholder for every voice in the game for the demos? That sounds like a horrendous amount of wasted work.
  12. If is wasn't designed with console hardware in mind the shadows might actually look good. :whistling: If it wasn't designed with console hardware in mind, I'd never be able to afford to play it! By the way: Yes there is dynamic snow, but it's only in textures. You won't actually see snow pile up higher, it just controls whether the ground is covered or not. There is dynamic fire, but it doesn't spread: Again, it's just textures. If you use fire on some grass it'll cause that patch of grass to become charred and blackened.
  13. First, to simplify a gameplay mechanic is not necessarily to remove the depth that mechanic provides. Ask yourself, did your acrobatics skill ever actually matter in Oblivion or Morrowind? The Oblivion perk of being able to attack in midair is basically all the entire skill had to offer that was ever even conceivably of any use. And as Jedi commented above, did you ever actually have any fun keeping track of your skill increases so you could level efficiently? I dunno about you, but I tried to do it once and got sick of it before I even got to level 2. Secondly most of the "removals" of options in Skyrim haven't been removed at all: They've just been pushed out of character generation so the player can respec.
  14. At least he didn't drop from the ceiling...
  15. I sure hope not: It was boring as hell when Oblivion did it and even if they handle it better this time it'll still bring back awful memories.
  16. If you mean the music you can very vaguely hear over all the background noise in the quakecon and pax leaks, I don't think this really compares to that.
  17. Obviously nothing really major but here's all we know so far: The King of Skyrim has been assassinated and the province has descended into civil war, with one side supporting the empire and the other wanting to break off from it. Alduin is possibly Akatosh. You're a Dragonborn, which means you're a humanoid born with the soul of a dragon. Notably, Tiber Septim was also a dragonborn. This means you have the power of the Voice and can use magic powers by speaking the language of the dragons. You don't have to be a dragonborn to use the Voice though: It's also practiced by the Greybeards who live at the Throat of the World on the highest mountain in Skyrim, at the top of 7000 steps. At some point in the main quest, you'll have to make a pilgrimage there. The opening tutorial dungeon of the game (like in Oblivion where you follow Uriel Septim as he's attacked by the Mythic Dawn) takes place at your execution. Obviously you survive, but the conditions and reasons for this survival are unknown. Not all dragons are out to kill you: There are some friendly dragons, even one who you can recruit as an ally. Nothing else is known about these friendly dragons aside from their existence, however.
  18. Estrus beat you to that one mate.
  19. The exact statistics of the Flames spell you start with, please: Damage per second, mana cost per second, and the Destruction skill your character has when you write these down. I want confirmation one way or the other on my theory of spells scaling in power with your relevant skill (to compensate for no custom spells).
  20. I was disappointed at first, but then I heard the soundtrack.
  21. For gameplay reasons: In Oblivion it takes a dozen arrows to kill anything but you'll always have 70+ arrows on you at any given time. Bows are way more powerful this time, so how many arrows you have has been scaled down to match. (Personally I don't like ammo management in RPGs. It's realistic, yes, but real life isn't fun. Nobody likes running out of resources in the middle of a dungeon so they have to leave and come back later.)
  22. Don't get too excited, it's just a re-edited version of the demo given at E3 again. The real highlight is you can hear all the music and sound effects.
  23. Aaaand a multi-million dollar game is outclassed in graphic technology by... Minecraft.
  24. Hey, I just had a thought: After you solve the golden claw puzzle, it sinks into the floor and, apparently, disappears. But according to demo impressions you're supposed to find out about the golden claw quest from hearing that it was stolen from a local shopkeeper. Does this mean you have to choose either to return it or use it to get some treasure yourself, or even worse, that you can take it to them and they'll refuse to accept it for no reason?
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