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Everything posted by FALCmods4all

  1. And additionally, as counter activity, could have galactic park ranger missions. Going after poachers or transporting live fauna to repopulate areas.
  2. I was also thinking about lasers and stealth and realism recently, in relation to existing laser to beam mods. So, unless a medium scatters a laser, we should really only see the beam as a dot reflected from a target. It seems like there could be some interesting trade offs around sound detectability, visual detectability, aim ability, and weather. So, in vacuum, no sound. In mist, easy to see laserbeam and be seen using lasers. In dark, easy to be detected by ballistic muzzleflash. Not in mist, hard to see laserbeams, but hard to be traced firing them. New lasersights could also be smoke emitters for beam visibility. Maybe not easy to mod, but goals.
  3. Another weapon type that might fit well into starborn arsenals are melee weapons with ranged components, since starborn often have abilities that vary between ranged and close quarters. This would open up a lot of unique melee mechanics such as: jabbing that teleports, slashing shockwaves, bashing area of impact, unarmed gravity attack. Once VR comes out eventually, this could be augmented with specific motions to cause specific effects, such as drawing circles to create a vortex, or holding a weapon high to get struck by lightning, or rubbing weapons together to create flames or sparks, or holding very still to slow weapon atoms and form ice, or order a xenopet to spit venom onto a blade. Really embrace the space wizard, but keep a nod to physics - maybe require certain environmental conditions for certain abilities.
  4. So, I do like the general idea of more blind explorations, with cause. (As a side note, I think scan boosters increase visor scanner range?) Subsurface Blackout Say randomly generated massive subterranean areas, within low g bodies with high tectonic activity where astonishingly large scale spaces could exist composed of metals that disrupt conventional scans. Similarly, if we get underwater mods, those areas may be harder to scan before landing. Where blackout type exploration POI can truly shine is in expanded space exploration where objects can be cloaked, disguised as other objects, or in large armadas of space stations and ships to sneak past or make peace with. As far as finding POIs I think having some variety if tools and ranges used to find different things. Tuning a frequency to triangulate human structures, using infrared to spot large biomasses, using sonar/radar to spot unique geological structural structures, researching advanced scanner types to detect potentially alien or AI objects (that may often just be corporate toxic waste or other red herrings. Mods that have also started clustering POI are on the right track I think. Vast empty space with clusters of interest.
  5. Between Deadly Hazards and TN’s O2 mods (and Starvival for food), survival seems just about right. But there are still a few tweaks I hope for (mentioned jetpack fuels in another post). Suit punctures, ballistic critical hits being given the chance to cause O2 leaks and needing to be patched with duct tape. This would be distinct from the sort of battery powered default suit protection used to insulate against thermal, corrosive, airborn, radiation. New quick slots for changing outfits would be incredibly useful. I’ve also been thinking about the logic of suit protection and what could be built out from the existing logic to make more extreme exploration mods where intense research and new suit/body modifications might be needed. Thermal Presumably powered thermal protection uses internal heating and cooling and mods use temperature resistant materials. A refrigerated volcanist suit would be a good top tier hot planet suit. Extreme cold is easier to deal with, duration that power for heat can last if stranded is more of an issue, although, there are unique nebula that are colder than empty space. Additionally, I’d like to see buffs for ballistics under heat, lasers under cold and debuffs for ballistics under cold and lasers under heat. Pressure & Gravity A deep marine suit would a good top tier for high pressure and an exoskeleton would be a good top tier for high gravity. I would debuff explosives with high pressure/gravity and buff with low pressure/gravity. Airborn I think Deadky Hazards fixes airborn, no airborn damage with a suit on. Easy. I’d allow airborn if hit by a ballistic critical that causes a suit breach, though. I guess if one disease I’d add, it would be alien symbiotes: For player, occasionally causes random movements; for non essential crew, occasionally causes them to attack the player then apologize, saying they don’t feel themselves. Corrosive & Radiation I guess the reason why suits use power to combat corrosion is nanobot repair? Then more resistant materials for mods. No real active protection against Gamma Radiation damage beyond staying out of the sun. Hazmat suits under space suits seems like the ideal too tier way to protect, assuming using a mid that grants clothing bonuses if wearing a suit over. EM & Energy I think mods that make EM effective against robots are good. Bots can be buffed against everything else that tends to be more useful against everything else. I can see a top tier EM & Energy defense being some sort of placeable personal shield grenade.
  6. I also look forward to someone finding a tweak for this. Absurd that something like taking a nap on the wrong planet might fail time sensitive missions, etc. Changing default sleep/wait to UT and using a cryobed or something to change local time on slow rotation bodies or other extended sleep/wait utility. Is local weather tied to UT or LT?
  7. Ah, I see. Maybe if we pester Bethesda about Nikola 1 having an inaccurate biome map as a bug report they’ll patch it eventually. Better to be given full access to edit maps, but I’d settle for 1 scientifically accurate 3 biome tidal locked planet for now. I’d encourage anyone interested in a fix for this to check steam or bethesda net for nikola 1 tidal lock bug reports to bump up.
  8. Some of this is long term hope, some may just be hard to do for compatibility reasons unless built as a separate system. To sum up, I miss aspects of the oblivion/skyrim system, feeling like skill improvement is gradual and multiple activities can contribute to growth, and although some mods have started to improve research, it still doesn’t feel immersive either. I guess in the absolute simplest form, this would be 10x or 100x challenge requirements, simple challenges, with every tick toward challenge completion granting a permanent bonus. Skills/Lvls Leveling in starfield feels so mechanical, so start and stop. I’d like slower progression, but with more variety of intuitive ways to improve a skill. Also, if possible, I’d love to see more skills have gradual bonuses rather than only skill point locked bonuses. So I guess simple bonuses to values like accuracy, damage, tank size, etc tied to how many times a skill is used with diminishing returns. Then badge skill ups saved for unique abilities only, and much slower to acquire, but contributed to from more sources. Personally, I’d do away with levels altogether and just have skills auto level up as skills progress toward mastery. Xp and player level just doesn’t seem as immersive individual skill proficiencies that increase over time. I also like the sense of unlimited growth for skills, even if the amount of improvement starts to drop off substantially. Examples of what skill bonuses etc might look like (I should note, trying to leave accuracy and reloading out of new tweak ideas, as I’m hoping whenever VR comes out it has physical reloading, I also try not to focus too much on dmg amount increases, as I prefer low sponge gameplay where tactical options matter more). Rifles Using rifles hundreds of times may greatly improve weak spot damage, but the same extent of improvement may then take 10x as long, with decimal places of improvement becoming ever more infinitesimal. Badges could focus more on unlocking unique abilities, for rifles, breath techniques and new types of weak spots if using scopes. Lasers I’m 100% sold on realistic laser mods (lasers as beams instead of projectiles without recoil), so I’d love skills building on that. I think these mods already make their own tweaks around incineration duration etc. So in my model, things like incineration duration would gradually get longer the more lasers are used, or a laser would need to be on target for shorter duration to initiate inflammation. I see laser badges as best suited for techy tricks, like learning the skill to be able to bounce lasers off certain surfaces or liquids or being able to manually control beam density to tweak damage vs range ratios on the fly. Shotguns As used, I would gradually increase dismemberment chance/distance. For badges, I see shotguns as most useful against aliens, so perhaps skills that toggle greater recoil/knockback for mobility. Ballistics The main thing I see gradually improving as ballistics skill improves via use is recoil. For badges, I’m interested in suit damage/armor piercing as primary skills. I’m hoping for an immersive suit damage mod for player and npc, requiring patching of holes to prevent suffocation or exposure. Pistols I’d gradually increase bleed chance with use. For badges, I’d be interested in an option for dual wielding. Electromagnetic I envision this as somewhat static in how it knocks humans out, but gradual improvement against robots as weapons are used (as some mods already do). For badges, I see some ability to manual select frequencies to deal with people, aliens, robots as a desirable skill, with the ability to explode heads of sleeping enemies microwave style as the highest tier badge. Heavy Weapons I would gradually increase radius with use. For badges, I’d love a mod that has a grenade/mine only quickslot/quickswap add on. Carry weight I would increase this gradually by being over or near capacity. Badges I imagine here would contribute to inventory management once we get more mods related to that. Really, I’d like most physical skills to have interactive work out stations. Similarly, I’d let all conversations very slowly build convo skills, with specific types just being more rapid. Piloting I would gradually improve handling just from steering the ship. I would quest lock badges for this as specific licensing exams going up to class M ship unlocking. Class A test, asteroid racing. Class B test, manual docking (I’m hoping for a mod where autopilot can get damaged, forcing hazardous landing and docking minigames until repaired), Class C test, combat, Class M test, naval fleet combat. Alternatively, bribe your sim proctor. I would consider most other ship skills best unlocked via research instead of combat. Main thing I want for ships is the ability to free bind thrusters so hosas don’t have to toggle between flight modes to achieve 6dof. (For ship combat, I’d like more ftl style encounters as ship sizes increase, longer battles, having to stop or hide and do manual system repairs, more complex rock paper scissors dynamics between weapon and defense strengths and weaknesses, having to physically travel in system more, but that’s all ship part modification stuff). Research/Ship Type Skills I’d like to see a system that uses personnel and not just materials as well as research points of interest, where interacting with experiments logically contributes to gradual related research progress. From merely scanning, to using science in combat, from flying a ship into a strange object, to delving into a living chasm. Research also increasing slowly, passively from scientists running experiments in one’s outposts, increasing rates with biome diversity and danger of experiments. Research as a slow, tedious, but occasionally thrilling process. Throw in occasional ethical dilemmas for forking research, potentially risking crew sanity or safety to increase the chance of rare research being unlocked. Books Mundane activities like reading books could also gradually contribute to research and skill growth. (I’d love for each book to trigger an audiotape of actual books being read that can save their place, actually listening to guliver’s travels and having that slowly increase persuasion chance, understandably can likely only do this for older, public domain books.) I think this describes the general nature of tweaks I’d hope to see for intuitive immersion.
  9. How is decoding hidden planet data going? I know a lot of us are particularly interested in exploring and developing exotic worlds. As Nikola 1 is a rare tidal locked planet in vanilla, this makes it an ideal candidate for playing out what features the most interesting tidal locked planets might have. Is there a way to start reworking the biome and weather maps yet? If not, any way we might build pressure for Bethesda or their 3rd parties to make features more accessible? Certainly bethesda is invested in mods taking off. It’d be a shame if modding remains slow just due to technical proprietary blocks. Currently, the planet does not have a hot side and a cold side as it should. So, as modding tools start to allow, correcting that would be the first step. The next, and most interesting step would be to create a twilight habitable band vertically spanning the planet between hot and cold with custom vegetation and creatures. This band could be as thin as 1 tile if it must created manually, 1 tile at a time, still a crazy amount of biome edits to circle an entire planet, but maybe feasible, and definitely interesting to be able to physically drive from the cold boundary to the hot boundary in like 1 horizon length. Since twilight there is mostly reddish, leaves should be any other other color than red or white, absorbing red rather than reflecting red. My hope is that once this becomes achievable, we can build twin cities, loosely spanning a twilight jungle by train where the enlightened are attempting to build a fully automated luxury communist utopia under threat from corporations. I’ve outlined more details for the idea in another post. Here, I’d like to explore current progress on planet modding, options or tips for how to make Nikola 1 true to the tidal locked status it occupies, and I’m also interested to hear of any other tidal lock mod ideas so that if my idea for a city comes about it can acknowledge activities that may be taking place on Nikola 1 from other mods or even collaborate in building out Nikola 1. So, what is getting better in terms of planet editing and what tools do Bethesda or modders still need? What is the current status for custom npcs and followers in starfield, as in, are things major questmod ready yet, or still a bit too janky? Do you have thoughts about Nikola 1? Does making this planet a hub for enlightened mods in particular sound like a good idea, or do you think there are other locations more suited to the science and ethics faction of starfield? On a side note, I’d like to try to start building a nomadic spacestation consisting of a flotilla of random ships and ship modules. At first, I was thinking this could be for Sanctum Universum, but perhaps better suited as colonies of great serpent zealots, friendly or hostile depending on dlc decisions. If anyone thinks that sounds interesting, I’d like to collaborate. I supose Sanctum Universum are the most care free faction. I guess they would be most interested in just trying to party with aliens or sentient robots. So either a location under water, trying to befriend fish/rock/etc people or on a planet where AI is making strange art and completely ignoring them? Curious what others envision as a main project for them. Any other technically exotic planets not yet displaying exotic features that also need overhauling at some point? I’ve mentioned before, but also looking forward to rogue planets and upper gas giant atmosphere vacuum airships. Getting stranded out in the dark or looking over the edge into bottomless churning clouds. A planetary nebula would also be great. I’m new to making mods, but very invested in helping with sciencey immersion to the best of my ability.
  10. Ah, yeah, that’s a nuisance. I definitely prefer being only limited by by reactor power, reactor weight type mechanics. I’d also like to be able to add functional turret types without assigning them to a group. As we experiment more with class m ships or spacestations, better automated defenses make sense. And even for a small ship, I’d like to occasionally need to run around during battle patching the hull from inside while turrets are still going.
  11. I can see clearly how this could look over existing quickslots whenever we get better access to those. When hovering over a quickslot an infinite row or column from that slot can then be scrolled through based on what item type is in the primary quickslot. So functionally, I guess this would be dependent on separating favorites and quickslots doubling, tripling up on a quickslot. Favorites pop up based on a quickslot. Or could be that only a category type itself could be applied to a quickslot, no default item as primary for the slot. I guess functionally this would be like sorting inventory into containers to be favorited, with each container giving a drop down of contents. So use the quickslot with favorite spacesuits container assigned to swap spacesuits, etc. Perhaps this is the most feasible at present, similar to the starvival lunchbox?
  12. Still looking for the perfect pack mod. I think the only thing I'm still hoping for as far as packs is a survival type fuel mechanic, to pair with O2 mods. Essentially I'm talking about a 2nd layer to boost bar, like a max boost cap due to fuel sources. I love needing unique situational loadouts. Maybe: Cold Thrust Compressed CO2 - Basic packs store up boost from one's exhaustion. Ideal for brief combat or low g. Basically nerfed vanilla pack mechanic. If O2 is depleted, boosting still cannot save one from CO2 buildup. Optionally, Can consume reactive guage crafted item. Slow biomechanical recharge as CO2 is built up and recompressed. So max boost = O2 amount depleted. Battery Turbine - Skip packs run on solar for range, but limited in darkness. Turbines are atmosphere dependent, so useless in vacuum. Optionally, existing positron battery crafted item can be automatically consumed at 0 voltage. Ideal in sunny dense atmosphere. Fast recharge. So max boost = battery voltage level. Exothermic Hydrogen Peroxide - Power packs use air supply, biomechanical hydrolysis, and the Anthraquinone Riedl-Pfleiderer process to synthesize hydrogen peroxide. Optionally, can consume mag pressure tank crafted item. Ideal in breathable atmosphere to avoid O2 supply depletion. Medium boost recharge as H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) is resynthasized. So max boost = H2 + O2 remaining. Combustion - Balanced packs have the most airtime, but are hardest to upkeep. Biomechanical hydrolysis gradually produces H2. Ideal in Methane atmosphere or vacuum relative to others. No recharge. So max boost = H2 or CnH2n+2 (Hydrocarbons) + O2 or Halogen (F2, Cl2, Br2, I2) remaining, directly depleting fuel. Optionally, could also just use monopropellant crafted item. O2 used if halogen oxidizers depleted. Regeneratable H2 used before CnH2n+2. Nuclear - A legendary mod for near infinite boost. Occasionally needing nuclear material. Optionally nuclear fuel rod crafted item can be consumed. Overheating causes radiation damage. Boostbar inverted to represent overheating. Slow build up and fast cooling. So max boost = Nuclear Strength (Never falls below 50% once depleted if no other nuclear resource in inventory). Glider - A legendary mod (or new pack type) for gliding almost horizontally indefinitely, but without any upward thrust. So max boost = full, cannot be reduced. Balloon - A legendary mod (or new pack type) for rising almost vertically indefinitely, but without any horizontal thrust. So max boost = full, cannot be reduced. I supose all fuel types could be interchangeable as mods. Might be simpler than linking fuel to pack type. I’m guessing that there are ways to script resources as ammo on boost press. Damage to max boost seems like it might be harder to get worker I like the gravity packs mod values if a fuel mod has to pick one to be compatible with. I also think this would work well with TN's O2 tanks in addition to raw O2 for fuel. Additionally, maybe an anti grav hoverboard in the pack slot. Similar to death stranding hover sledding. Probably just solar battery powered. Think how fun it will be when each pack type looks, flies, sounds, and functions in unique science based ways that each are adapted for specific environments. I look forward to having more quickslots and unique suit pack combos for each biome. Imagine, too, a successor of the deadly hazards mod where realistic elements need to be kept in stock as fuel for coolant refrigeration systems, or burnables for staying warm during spacewalks far from a star, or lead plating that slows one down but aids against solar storms, or full body spray foam as a sacrificial layer to protect against corrosion. Most of all, I want to have to use vacuum tape when shot by ballistics, particularly whenever VR version is released. For fuel reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jet_pack https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxidizing_agent
  13. Still looking for the perfect pack mod. I think the only thing I'm still hoping for as far as packs is a survival type fuel mechanic, to pair with O2 mods. Essentially I'm talking about a 2nd layer to boost bar, like a max boost cap due to fuel sources. I love needing unique situational loadouts. Maybe: Cold Thrust Compressed CO2 - Basic packs store up boost from one's exhaustion. Ideal for brief combat or low g. Gradual biomechanical recharge. So max boost = O2 amount depleted. Battery Turbine - Skip packs run on solar for range, but limited in darkness. Turbines are atmosphere dependent, so useless in vacuum. Ideal in sunny dense atmosphere. Fast recharge. So max boost = battery voltage level. Exothermic Hydrogen Peroxide - Power packs use air supply and hydrolysis to synthesize hydrogen peroxide. Ideal in breathable atmosphere. Super slow biomechanical recharge. So max boost = H2 + O2 remaining. Combustion Hydrogen or Methane - Balanced packs are the most powerful, but hardest to upkeep. Hydrolysis gradually produces H2. Ideal in Methane atmosphere or vacuum relative to others. No recharge. So max boost = CH4 or H2 + O2 remaining, directly depleting fuel. Nuclear - A legendary mod for near infinite boost. Occasionally needing nuclear material. Overheating causes minor radiation damage. Boostbar inverted to represent overheating. Slow build up and fast cooling. So max boost = Nuclear Strength (Never falls below 50% once depleted if no other nuclear resource in inventory). Glider - A legendary mod (or new pack type) for gliding almost horizontally indefinitely, but without any upward thrust. So max boost = full, cannot be reduced. Balloon - A legendary mod (or new pack type) for rising almost vertically indefinitely, but without any horizontal thrust. So max boost = full, cannot be reduced. I supose all fuel types could be interchangeable as mods. Might be simpler than linking fuel to pack type. I’m guessing that there are ways to script resources as ammo on boost press. Damage to max boost seems like it might be harder to get worker I like the gravity packs mod values if a fuel mod has to pick one to be compatible with. I also think this would work well with TN's O2 tanks in addition to raw O2 for fuel. For fuel reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jet_pack
  14. I like the elite dangerous mechanics of drones to collect loot and auto docking, but if missing or damaged ship computer, manual docking required.
  15. A modifier to allow multiple fav menus could also be a nice solution/addition.
  16. Glider - I’d be happy with just a glider pack mechanic for planets with atmospheres. Like pack that only has horizontal thrust, but wings to tilt trajectory up or down. I guess in terms of ‘nasa punk’ vehicles Vacuum Airship - For high pressure planets this would be pretty efficient. There are serious proposals for use exploring Venus, for example. Module rocket propelled - Would be great if someone could design a detachable flying hab for low grav bodies, like the cockpit idea kicking off this thread. (I guess functionally this would be like the game swapping out home ship models depending on whether detachable vehicle is in use or not?) Heavy gravity but low atmosphere is interesting. Not sure what the best aerial vehicle would be. Not really anything efficient I can think of. Just jets that use like more x fuel per g. Maybe anti grav based? Like just inverts gravitational forces so functions better on heavier worlds?
  17. Ooh. If someone manages this, it could be the basis for hab trains or hab hover trains I hope to see.
  18. Feasibility if DLC finally gives ck2 ability to properly create planets, stations without planets, etc? Using Lagrange points and ship speed mods for randomly generated POI: L1 - Moving planet jump points farther from planets to L1. Placing ambushes or ion mines between jump point and planet to add hazards to navgation that require stealth, combat, or longer routes. L1 is located between planet and sun. L2 - Adding planetary security communication stations to L2 for use in future faction planet control mods. L2 is located beyond planet. L3 - Adding random peculiar occurrences or rogue junk space stations at this distant Lagrange point, pirates or spacers operating opposite side of the sun from a planet being targeted, etc. Also potentially useful for future faction planet control mods. L3 is located opposite side of sun from planet. L4/L5 - Adding supermassive space stations or large asteroid clusters at L4 or L5. L4 and L5 lead and lag the planet’s orbit. Note - Different points may be far mire stable or less stable depending on distances and masses of bodies involved.
  19. There are other ship stealth mechanics it might be interesting to see expanded: Radio jammer to prevent a ship from alerting for help. This could be really vital if ships could call reinforcements to jump in. Much larger asteroids and ship debris to hide around or be ambushed from behind. Advanced scanning devices needed to better detect ship power signatures hidden behind objects or under cloak that adversaries may also utilize. And maybe some transport or bounty radiant missions with an undetected bonus. I guess the most important thing needed is more reason to actually manually travel by ship. Like having to fly much closer to the atmosphere before getting the option to land and visa versa when leaving orbit. Perhaps we say that and try to remodel that jump points are always the lagrange point between planet and star due to gravitational or navigational technical needs and then use in system speed mods to close the distance. So, threat of encounter upon system entry, per usual, but further out, then must decide to navigate to destination using more speed, more stealth, or more round about course less likely to be intercepted. I guess something like ion minefields to avoid to prevent engines possibly being disabled, more common along the direct route.
  20. I’m hoping for a system security type mechanic, where having more local outposts and fleets on patrol impacts shipping lanes and hostile encounters in that system. So lets say each system has a few factions present including ones the player has joined or created. Each outpost or controlled facility could increase control by some % with different values based on system population. If the player faction gains half control, new system policies/governance models or space station construction can begin. If neglected and under resourced control could be lost again. One could add to this faction hostility ratings necessitating bribes or alliances to prevent all out war. Outpost defense should probably be a larger consideration if a system power play model gets built. Like wealthy or populous outposts get attacked more fiercely and more often. What would be particularly interesting is a small chance for inessential crew to be spies and sabotage outposts or ships if the player has made powerful enemies.
  21. Would be good for someone to establish a common suit battery framework that could be compatible with future gear mods and recharge from buggies, ships, robots, or powered buildings. Preferably, manual charging docks that could get a vr update when we get vr ages from now, but wireless charging is also reasonable. Batteries and/or other components could also be required to revive robot companions.
  22. I know some mods are starting to cluster POI. Hopefully this will continue to advance to the point that groups of mod POI amount to sprawling randomly generated settlements. Mods adding dynamic surprising radiant quests or collectibles should help make places feel more alive, too. And if we eventually get Sim Settlements style faction dynamics and modular construction that’ll take things to the next level of immersion. And of course, no limit to the weird sandboxing activities npcs could get up to. Maybe some robot or alien boxing matches, pokemon style?
  23. I’m sure current spacewalk mods will improve as the modding tools improve along with utility for them. I know repairs and mining have been played with. Additionally, might be interesting to see how stealth mechanics could play in, both in terms of making sure ship is powered down or next to an asteroid and in terms of eva sneaking into an idle ship’s airlock. Maybe couple this with a few systems with such thick planetary nebulae that hiding in the clouds becomes feasible for enemies or allies. Since there are many universes, no reason why some can’t have thicker or closer nebulae to earth than we happen to have irl, right?
  24. There were some old threads on here with some good ideas. Having trouble spotting some, so may have lacked tags. A bit early to tell potential under the hood of the rover for mods, but what I’m most hoping we’ll be able to squeeze out of them: Hovertrains - using ship modules Boats/Hovercrafts Submarines - prolly have to wait for future dlc to be done well or have purpose (I love subnautica) Gliders Excavators/Harvesters - mines/farms Alien Mounts - maybe a stretch
  25. So, It is possible to get 2 sticks working in Starfield with 6DoF, but it takes some 3rd party tweaking via world of joysticks, and in my case the vkb configurator as well. It’d be awesome if Bethesda or modders could figure out bypasses to simplify the following. Also, whenever we get VR support, please allow enough simultaneous device inputs and priority configs that it is possible to switch seamlessly between HOSAS/HOTAS, Lucidgloves, VR controllers, etc. I used WoJ (World of Joysticks) setting both sticks to emulate as a single controller. They couldn’t seem to have any command conflicts between the 2 sticks and still function quite as expected so kept all outputs unique to one stick or the other combining into the single emulated control pad, and sometimes had to restart binding wizard for an axis to be recognized correctly for binding. I put l stick right, right stick right, and right stick down all on my right stick axis. In Starfield I also had to fuss around with controls (yaw dominance etc and stick swap etc) to eventually get all 3 rotational axis on one stick and only throttle on the other stick, so far 4DoF. Final step, in VKB configurator (have to have dev mode activated - tutorials on lines to add for this online, I forget them) I had to use the Axis2Button feature so that throttle stick enters 2 keyboard presses such as shift w, shift a, shift s, shift d to get automatic thrusters - I set shift to alt flight in starfield. To set Axis2Button - first backup configs so as not to mess up bindings for elite or other space sims, under profile global, turn on keyboard, under profile buttons logical (not physical tab) buttons use 4 unused consecutive button slots. Set to keyboard button and respective wasd keys plus right shift (I used right shift as starfield uses left shift for more stuff by default) checkboxes I think my order was d, a, w, s maybe. Lastly under profile axis logical (after using test to find the thruster axis you want to convert to wasd), enable edge 2, num 1, hyp 5%, and select the first if each pair of buttons for each axis - so if d and a are set to vbuttons 76, 77 set axis last column to 76 (automatically should include next digit of 77) so each of the 2 edges within 5% of the end of the axis activates a button press, plus shift. Same for other axis being changed, like 78 for vbuttons 78 and 79. Save a starfield config and hit get to transfer onto stick. Should now have 6DoF. Lastly, in vkb config I set my left ministick (under profile pov) to wasd vbuttons without shift, my right ministick to relmouse (same section with mouse set rel under global), and my 2nd stage r trigger to include 1st stage and outer trigger (since woj doesn’t like the default dual press). Sorry, not sure what the non vkb fixes are or if vkb config can work on other sticks. I’m sure other powerful config apps, but definitely glad to have gone with vkb space sticks if only for the software tweaking. Can do lots of other great fixes, like setting modifiers to have the same motion control an additional axis with keypress, via alt axis switch. I use this in elite dangerous so that a light left trigger press switches my forward back thrusters to forward back throttle. In any case, although both HOSAS and VR gamers are an extreme minority, I hope starfield eventually opens up more capability for these devices. So much potential. Maybe VKB should think about making a starfield mod, as they might sell more sticks if starfield modding and HOSAS implementation pick up. Just as an aside, I know the term is 6 degrees of freedom, but 6 degrees of force would sound so much better and more scientific. Engineers, what gives?
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