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  1. Hi there :) Would anyone be able to tell me in what location this shot was taken?
  2. Wheee, Sims2 alert :smile: I remember having that particular hair/accessory combo for the sims2. That in the screenshot is not SKS Chinese. Ren released the hair named "SkS Chinese" back then, but it was not this hair. The one in the screenshot is a hair/accessory combination by Rose (rosesims) which she released a lot later as part of a special pack on a Chinese Holiday. The long , straight hair is an actual hair, all the rest (the braids, pearls, hairpins and the bun) are an accessory. As far as I know Ren never released this port publicly. ...althooooough... porting this, at least as a wig shouldn't be a problem....*ponders* :ninja: :ninja:
  3. That's Theryon, I'd recognize that bathtub anywhere XD Here you go: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/32699/?
  4. *Post edited because REASONS* Eh, no. Forget it, not worth it.
  5. Morroblivion was stopped in it's gears because of copyright issues. Which is sad, it was and is an awesome project. I have no idea how the copyright situation is for Skyrim/Oblivion ports.
  6. Several versions of Saber's hairstyle should be part of MBP as far as I know. There is at least one version of Modular Beautiful People here on the Nexus. Although it's a bit much to download that HUGE mod for one hairstyle <.<
  7. dungeon_master's Dungeon of Chaos - Grave of Thanatos mod can still be found floating around the net. Goggle it, there should be links left. The animations are a custom version of DMC SSS, which elysees made for himself. The "normal" version was released here on the Nexus, but later edited to "version 2" to circumvent any legal issues.
  8. jamochawoke: The eyepatch is from "Lera and Pizz Hiyoko Store". It might also be available in Apachii Goddess Store, I don't really remember. Hiyoko has it for sure. The arms are part of the outfit, which is from Hentai Mania 2.
  9. I had the same problem and ran OBMM and BOSS over it so that the load order was as close to working as possible. Still I got occasional crashes on fast travel, even outside of Valenwood. So I uninstalled it. :/
  10. Err... open the Goddess Store esp, find the bows in the weapon list, check the enchantment in the weapon window and set it to "none"? XD No other mods or programs required.
  11. Whaaat? XD I was going to recommend scouter, but you said explicitly in your request that you wanted a mod to show the damage numbers, NOT simply the remaining health points XDD Damn. But I am glad you now have what you wanted. Have been using scouter myself for months now, it's great :)
  12. Adding AA to the game can also be done using FXAA Injector so you don't need to enforce it via graphics drivers. And... >.< Excuse me for being a forum nazi, but is there a particular reason for posting this topic twice?
  13. QFT. Oblivion does not really make use of or acknoledge dual or quad cores. There are certain ini tweaks you can try to edit the way it handles RAM/memory, but bottom line is that it does not matter to Oblivion if you have a dual core processor or not. The stutter remover should help, you can also edit the cell buffer etc in the Ini.
  14. Mhm, I have lop ears attached to the chocolate elves and it does not happen. Maybe it's due to that old ear mesh they use in the OMOD? Also: Xenogenesis used accessory ears in the first screenshot you posted :P
  15. Eh? Face transplant from NPC to player character does not require Wrye Bash at all. You can use Oblivion Face Exchange Light from here: http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=7808. Start it (NOT as administrator, just let it do it's thing), choose a save file, go to "edit save", choose "NPC", find the esp the NPC face is in, type the name of the NPC in and the program does the rest. Then choose the save you want to edit again, overwrite, done. Only face transplant player charater to NPC requires Wrye Bash.
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