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Everything posted by SunnySummers

  1. Flan,Cake and Pie- 2 votes each, Boys and Girls we've got a tie here...we need more votes ....We still don't have a winner. Flan Flan Flan :yes: @ Burnagirl- I liked your 'a bunch of malnourished bunny huggin, whale saving vegan housemates ', I guess its about PETA activists.Isn't it?..and I'm glad you elaborated what a size 34 is, because after reading your yesterday's post I was wondering what a size 34 is , since I've never heard of a size over 20 (US Size chart)...so it is size 6, well good luck for your size 34 erm size 6. :thumbsup:
  2. We're discussing food,again? guess I'll have to start visiting the debates forum more often :laugh: Anyway, I voted for flan, though it was a tough choice to make, since I like all three :blush: but somehow flan gets an edge over the other two .I just love flan especially if it is a cream cheese variant with a silky texture and a smooth caramel sauce. :thumbsup: I like cakes with rich over the top icings, also Banana-cheese and Butterscotch cakes, Plum cakes,Chocolate and walnut brownies, peanut-butter and white chocolate Blondies are my favorite. :happy: Regarding Pies,well I really miss the meat-mushroom-jalapeno pies that my dad used to make :sad: Those were my favorites. Since he's gone, I've come up with my own version of turkey-cheese-Jalapeno pie ,my current favorite..Spicy!.......Gonna dart off to the refrigerator.... :biggrin: ...what :ohmy: ...no turkey inside..Grrr :verymad: :verymad:
  3. You're just plain evil tempting me like that ... " ... apricot jam,clotted cream and a generous drizzle of honey ... ", have you no mercy ??? That kind of food means extra hours on my treadmill ... My mantra for today ... I'm a size 34, I'm a size 34, I'm a size 34, I'm a size 34, I'm a size 34, I'm a size 34 ....... Hey Burnagirl , I just fell off my chair laughing at your comment..plain evil? no mercy? I guess you're right. Well,with regards to food , I dont have mercy for myself either. LOL
  4. WOW we are discussing food on Nexus !.... where was I all this time..LoL I voted for Waffles, . I like waffles for the same reasons that Lisnpuppy mentioned, especially those 'syrup holding cells'. I enjoy my waffles with a topping of apricot jam,clotted cream and a generous drizzle of honey..and yeah some toasted pine nuts as an accompaniment ...OMG my mouth is watering ,gotta run to the kitchen!
  5. B could always stand for brown but Moira couldn't be related to Tenpenny, now could she? The note is signed B, but not to forget,it does mention Tenpenny
  6. The term 'evil' is as subjective as it is elusive, it is purely dependent on a person perspective hence it is difficult to make a generalised statement regarding what qualifies as evil.As human beings , we are born with the virtue of rational/irrational thought and the ability to recognize (if not feel) emotion therefore the attributes such as planning, plotting, sabotage, pride, jealousy, egotism mercy, persuasion, coercion and the likes are peculiar to human civilizations.The ability to think combined with our socio-economic structure lays down our moral code which in turn determines our perception of an event, person or circumstance and thus opinions differ. What may be an act of kindness for one person could be evil for another person.Say for an example, A man (x) steals some money from another man (y) . The act would be considered as a crime against law and labelled as an evil deed. simple. But what if This evil deed would earn him some money to feed his children who would have died of hunger otherwise, since he had no other way to feed them.Now would that be an evil deed .There could be a lot of other variables involved but the point here is that evil cannot be defined . But aside from existential debates ,abstract theories and literal definitions, when we look at the general understanding of the term evil, even then, I don't think that evil is an inborn trait of mankind.A newborn can be compared to soft clay which could be moulded into any form.When a person is born, he is ignorant of any codes of moral conduct, all he is aware of is his physiological needs -hunger,thirst,sleep-that too, not consciously.He is neither good nor evil (common understanding of the words implied) As he grows, he starts absorbing and learning from what he sees around himself (whether good or evil) and builds up his essential character and psycho-intellectual platform.A child's up-bringing, his socio-economic structure, his cultural background and circumstantial obligations gradually determine his moral code ,conduct and his definition of good and evil. That is why evil is not an inborn trait of mankind but a by-product of his interactions with the socio-economic structure.
  7. Thanks a whole lot for answering this question.I really appreciate it.There is no way I could have figured it out on my own.I believe it should work. Thanks again.
  8. Moira is not evil.Actually I think she is too sweet..lol..If you go through her details in the Geck her karma level is good and you lose karma if you kill her...about the Hitmen/mercs Moira doesn't send them for sure. I think its Burke who deploys them coz in the very first encounter with these hitmen , you'll find a letter on them that says something in the context of revenge being exacted in case of failure in pleasing Tenpenny...or something like that (can't recall the exact words) and this letter is signed with a B (probably Burke's initials) at the bottom. Or in another case it could be the guy (can't remember the name) with the contract killer perk who wants the ears of people with good karma in exchange for caps.
  9. I've faced a similar issue earlier not during the tranquility lane quest but in a worldspace that I created.I guess this has something to do with the geck autowater bug. Have you installed a mod that adds placeable water to that particular cell? if you do , I guess you need to adjust the water setting in the worldspace window. I don't have an idea about FLAK coz I haven't tried it but I was able to solve the same exact problem without disabling the mod, by just adjusting the water settings. This is what i did-: 1-I deleted the placeable water. 2-checked the box for no lod water in the worldspace window. 3-Dropped the default water height to -10000..you could try either one or all of these. ....I hope it helps
  10. The Stanzas are simply Awesome! I did type the lines in google but had no success with deciphering what MWstands for, anyway the poems are great. are you the poet? If yes- You've done a marvelous job , if not- You still got a good taste in poetry. :thumbsup:
  11. If you're interested in the above mod, here is the link -http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7879
  12. You may even need to install FOSE coz a lot of mods do require fose.
  13. Thanks a whole lot HugePinball for this awesome resource. I've always wanted this Grand piano for a player home mod I'm working on.I've just downloaded it and its really awesome. Thanks again.
  14. Thanks TRfinck and Pronam for clarifying the concept of 'port' Thanks HugePinball. I see that you're actually in the process of converting the piano for Fallout3. And from the pictures you posted, its evident that its gonna look as good as it looked in Oblivion.About the length of the piano legs, I agree they can do with a bit of more length.That being done The piano is gonna look perfect. Thanks Guys. Thanks a lot for trying to help me. :smile: This piano is really important in my mod.
  15. Thanks. Any help in this regard is really appreciated. I didn't quite understand the concept of 'port' could you please elaborate.
  16. Crazy Wolfgang is permanently dead (except when you're using a mod that sets the status of merchants to essential) and you cannot recruit his guards because their follower AI package is linked to Crazy Wolfgang. The special key is the key to Crazy Wolfgang's inventory at Uncle Roe's place in Canterbury Commons
  17. I just wanted to ask , if someone can make a Grand piano for use in Fallout3 . I have been using an Awesome Grand Piano Mod for oblivion, but I know nothing about converting stuff from Oblivion and I haven't been able to find a similar mod for Fallout3. I was wondering if someone here could make a static Grand piano that I can place in the player home (Victorian Manor) mod that I'm currently working on. Thanks
  18. I used to face the same problem earlier when I had just started to install mods (especially clothing mods) and even I thought that my video card is the culprit.Lol. No your video card is not to be blamed. Its just how you install the mods. This is what i do to install mods correctly. I hope it helps.- 1- After downloading the file I copy it from the downloads folder and paste it on the desktop. Here I extract it with winRar 2- On extracting you'll mostly find 3 items (there could be more though) an esp and 2 folders named Meshes and textures. 3- you need to copy all 3 and paste them in your data folder -example - paste the contents of the meshes folder in Local Drive D\programfiles\bethesdasoftworks\fallout3\data\meshes and those of the textures folder in Local Drive D\programfiles\bethesdasoftworks\fallout3\data\textures. The color change\flicker problem usually occurs when the texture paths are not observed. I hope this method helps else there is yet another thing ( that I know of ) which can be done to rectify this problem.
  19. While previewing an NPC in G E C K you can use the mouse wheel to move it backwards and forwards (IE. zoom or unzoom )In order to rotate it , you need to click on the face and move it in the direction of your liking while still holding the LMB. I dont think there are any special settings to do so. I'm using windows 7 32bit and I haven't come across any problems ( with respect to rotating npc heads in geck) so far .
  20. Official lore says cats died. IDK why but they did apparently. I thought about cats because of one of the jokes that Wadsworth,the Robotic Butler narrates " its common knowledge that irradiated cats have 18 half lives". So I guess there is some scope for irradiated cats in the world of Fallout.
  21. RadCats, Wow ! can't wait to see what they look like .
  22. Hi there ! In my opinion Dragon Age is a fantastic game and I believe you should play it through without any mods if you are playing this game for the first time. This will give you the feeling of the original game , something that the creators of the game want you to experience. Obviously you can add mods later on to maximize gaming pleasure. The level of difficulty is a matter of personal choice.I don't think that playing on an easy difficulty level will make the game less enjoyable. when I'm playing a game for the first time, I usually start at medium difficulty so that I don't get stuck anywhere because having to repeat a single quest multiple times is what actually lessens the degree of enjoyment (at least in my case).Once I gain experience with the first play through, I go on increasing the difficulty level for subsequent play-throughs.
  23. Hi There ! I've got a few ideas that I think can be added to the game-: 1- Quest/Perk- In the side quest 'Those' after resolving the Grayditch Fire-ant problem, you have the option of either letting Bryan Wilks stay in Grayditch or taking him to Vera in Rivet City. When I first played this quest, I thought there should be an option for the lone wanderer to adopt this kid. This could be an alternative way of getting the 'Child at Heart' perk. Poor Bryan has lost his parents, who better than the lone wanderer to be his guardian. 2-Vehicles- Sick and tired of seeing the same vehicles scattered around the wasteland. Maybe a few more could be added. Not the likes of military vehicles but vehicles in general For instance- Convertibles,Scooters,Tramcars,Bicycles,Tractors or maybe some Construction machinery- Bulldozers, excavators, road rollers etc 3-Clutter- Appliances like Air conditioners, Music systems,Washing Machines,Food processors or a buy-able grand piano, maybe.Not all houses need to look alike.Right? 4-Armor- School uniforms for male kids ( there is already a mod that adds school uniforms for female kids). A prom dress or better still , a ball gown could be added to a wardrobe in one of the old mansions in point lookout( there can be a quest in the background where someone would send the lone wanderer to recover The Duchess' Ball gown which could be somebody's family heirloom and offer a reward in return) 5-Creatures- Where have all the cats vanished? unlikely they did not survive the Armageddon. If dogs could survive , so can the cats. There could be 2 kinds - Cute and Cuddly domestic cats and the ferocious wild cats. Also if brahmin could have only one head.
  24. Check this out- http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4116
  25. Hi all I'm no modder and its been less than a month that I've learned to fire up the geck. So far I've managed to do everything I wanted to but I've been facing some trouble (or a lot ) with placeable water, on a consistent basis. Some of the problems are as follows- 1- I'm trying to create a lake (in a new world space) and I'm using purified water ( 0 rads 30 hp ).My character stands at the side of the lake and drinks the water with no rad poisoning however when he enters the water , he starts getting irradiated. the geiger counter shows +1 rad/per sec.In the worldspace window, under the water data tab I have selected d1purifiedwater0r30h and the placeable water I'm using is WaterOasisClean1x1.It is irradiated but I have changed its attributes under the water type tab.Now it is 'd1purifiedwater0r30h' instead of 'watertypeoasisclean'. I believe I'm doing everything correctly but perhaps I'm not. Also with the same settings there is no problem with interior water (Swimming pool). 2- All of a sudden there is water all over and my entire city is submerged (reminding me of Bioshock). Everything looks okay in the geck but in-game my player is neck-deep in water. I guess the lake got flooded . But how? In an attempt to solve this problem, I deleted the placeable water, checked the box for no lod water (in the worldspace window) and dropped the default water height to -10000. With these settings ,ideally there shouldn't be any water but there is !I've done everything I could to make that water disappear but in vain. Looks like I'm about to lose 3 weeks of hard work . Any suggestions or advice with regards to the aforementioned issues will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Sunny .A.Summers
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