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Nexus Mods Profile

About Denimjo

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  1. Evidently patch 1.2 decided that being able to take pictures of V with Johnny to make it look like they're doing selfies is somehow a bad thing. Would there be an enterprising modder out there that would be willing to revert this change back to what it was? I don't want him to stay on the scene forever, I'd just like my V to be able to stand next to him and pose like we used to, that's all.
  2. A mod like this would be ideal to hide the absolutely atrocious looking clothing clash that my Vs have to wear in the early game. Even if it's just one of the low level ones you can find early game I would greatly appreciate having the option to use an outfit that is not bandages or Arasaka suits.
  3. I happened to stumble across this mod on google while I was trying to find a mod that removes the warpaint from the Avvar armor completely (which this mod apparently was supposed to do). However, when I finally managed to track it down I discovered that it was hidden on this site (reason: probably broken). Does anyone know if it's ever going to be completed/fixed, or if anyone else is interested in tackling it? I would love to use that unpainted armor for my inquisits.
  4. Where might I find a mod that will allow me to plant my own crimson nirnroot?
  5. Does anyone know if there is a mod that allows you to improve regular clothing (i.e. the miner's outfit, party clothes, etc.) so you can wear and upgrade it like armor?
  6. ETA: Never mind this thread, I managed to finally locate it here. I'm sorry to bother you all with this but I'm hoping someone can help me fine a mod. I recently had to replace my hard drive because it melted, giving me no opportunity to back up any of my files. I'mn looking for a mod that skimpifies the mage robes in the game without being overtly sexy. Example: the non-chasind robes had their long sleeves removed, leggings shortened and maybe added a bit of skin to the midsection and that was it. No tits hanging out, no ass overflowing. Everything I've seen on the Nexus has been too smutty or sexualized. ETA: If it helps any, this mod did not add any new robes to the game, only modified the model of existing ones.
  7. I read on the Bioware forums that a fix has been made available to enable a player to actually report the lyrium smuggling that Rogek partakes in with Godwin from the Circle. Does anyone happen to know where I might find this fix?
  8. They're worth it for the amusement alone, if not for the ability to capture videos of certain situations that you might not be able to otherwise (i.e. it takes a lot to get a character to really hate you; you can use one of the bad gifts to get to -100 approval rather quickly). However, I am rather annoyed that the combo link doesn't work but the two individual ones do.
  9. Wait, when did you get that option? All I get is a cut scene where he says, 'Maker spit on you. I deserved more.'
  10. I'd love to see that too, considering that there are even some voice files that could be used for dialogue and battle scenes.
  11. I have learned that if you love someone, chances are better than average that it'll only end in tragedy or heartbreak very soon (for either of you or someone else). I have learned that if there's an aspect of a game that most people love, it needs to be removed entirely for the first EP. :verymad: :down: I have also learned that Riordan does not like being referred to as an 'old man'.
  12. I would totally let Isolde have it for how she treated (and continues to treat) Alistair. Isolde: "Please don't hurt my boy. It's not his fault!" Warden: "It also wasn't Alistair's fault that you were so resentful of him (a 10-year-old boy!) that you felt the need to ship him off to the chantry solely to make his life miserable, you spiteful bitca! And need I remind you that despite all of the abuse that you heaped upon him, he is still here now risking his life to save your miserable hide because of your idiocy! You ungrateful wretch." ----- I would also tell off Wynne for her attempts to break up me and Alistair. Nosy old biddy, mind your own business. I would also confront Eamon about his potential real reasons for wanting Anora off the throne. Warden: "You know, Arl Eamon, I found these letters you wrote to Cailan back in Ostagar..."
  13. I think you mean Alistair, not Zevran. :thumbsup: My favorite moment was one I just discovered the other night, actually. Sister Theohild's food-filled recitation of The Chant and Alistair's reaction to it. Sister Theohild: The Veal holds no uncertainty for her, and she will know no fear of death for the Maker shall be her bacon and shield, her foundation and her... Mother Perpetua: There's no Veal in the Chant! ... you're doing this on purpose, aren't you? Warden: I liked her version of The Chant better. Alistair: Me too. I wonder why nobody ever taught me her version of the Chant when I was a templar.
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