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Everything posted by lightswornknight

  1. In response to post #64222811. #64223906, #64234061 are all replies on the same post. Just pay the 2$ donation and be a supporter with no ads for life. You support them and they support you with no ads.
  2. The new design is a complete disaster on the latest Firefox for me..a fix would be permanently being able to access the old format or for users having trouble in general. It was simple, faster loading and I can locate everything I need to locate & do. On top of slow and sluggish loading time, I still appreciate the work that went into the site overhaul but it's not for everyone especially me. I personally rather have the old aesthetic with better functionality then this new design and a hell hole of funtionality, I don't really care about the "modern look" I'm just here in and out for mods.
  3. I had the same issue just now after installing a follower my s#*! just broke, everything was clear on tes5edit, loot and cleaned my save still had CTD on save.. followed this and it worked lmao, I can now save again. Thnx again. :D
  4. You're going to have to do a completely clean new reinstall and I mean every file on your computer that involves FO4 should be deleted and try again.
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