@demidekidasu Re your 2nd script, by all accounts, it should work. I've read a number of posts about how scripts tied to ObjectReference don't always perform consistently, with alleged causes ranging from CK glitches to how a mod gets packaged (BSA vs. loose PEX for scripts) to NMM failing to install properly. I don't believe there's any definitive causal "proof", but after reading so many posts on this, I ended up taking a "workaround" approach for stuff I needed to do (and, fortunately, no glitches reported yet from these particular scripts). What I ended up doing was creating a quest wrapper for the objects, with the associated scripts not doing anything besides setting quest stages to track progress (e.g., player has read the book). The consequences of reading the book (e.g., giving the player an item) get handled in the quest framework instead of directly by reading the book. This approach requires a bit more work up-front, but may be a bit more reliable. It also gives you/your users a secondary option if the book doesn't work as intended (e.g., you can do a simple quest setstage to get to the point you need).