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Everything posted by kayinv

  1. It's from a wig mod, look up the various "Store" mods and you'll find it. Pretty sure that the Goddess Store has those wigs now, amongst many others. As for my question, I've had an issue that's been bothering me for a long time. I've already used this mod for a very long time, and Deadly Reflex. But what I've never been able to find is how the character in the beginning of the video has her two weapons on her back. It's not a part of Sword Dancer, and the video includes a sexy walk mod along with Deadly Reflex. So what additional mod is being used for the weapons being on the back AND how the off hand sword is being held in reverse (this is also not a part of Sword Dancer). I was thinking it was one of the shield on back mods, but in my experience that's only worked with shields and not every shield at that. I've also seen some one hand weapon on back mods, but never one with both on the back. Is this something that's unique to a specific weapon the character is using in the video?
  2. Well I wouldn't mind seeing a vampire mod that doesn't treat it like a disease, but a demon possession. I would guess this has been avoided since the cure quest treats it this way, and there is no "ritual" performed to turn your character into a vampire. I always found the undead demon side of Vampires to be much darker and evil - mostly because your human self is dead and replaced with a blood-sucking demon. There is no cure, no questioning of what you have become, because the human soul is gone. That being said, the whole cure quest would have to be re-written as a means for the character to get their human soul back, rather then taking a potion to cure a disease.
  3. http://gamerinvestments.com/video-game-stocks/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/dragon-age-2-concept-art.jpg This is Flemeth. IGN got a preview of the game and this chick IS FLEMETH. Also, her voice narrates the trailer. Bioware didn't reveal this trailer without information, you just need to go out and look for it. It was pretty obvious it was her in the concept art, but still, its cool to see her in the game again (and not ugly). Ironically, it seems she saves you AGAIN early on in the story. No details on her joining you of course, namely since the mage role seems to be taken by Hawke's sister. Now all these "Flemeth in her younger years" needs to be redone. No black hair, just white. Aw screw it, I'll make up a character to look like this version of Flemeth right now.
  4. http://www.elitepvpers.de/forum/aion-guides-strategies/180377-how-open-pak-files.html Anyone here think they could extract weapon models from Aion for Dragon Age? Granted, Aion is a big grind-fest, but you can't argue that their weapon designs are gorgeous. I would love to see some of the bow designs brought into DA, mostly because there is so few original bow models in the mod community.
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